4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2304: Dangerous creature

"I have come to this world again... I want to destroy everything I see!"

"Ah... that shadow, is that creature resurrected? Come over! We have to fight it back!"


This is a fierce war. Countless creatures are wearing a variety of weapons, rushing to their targets without fear of death... a huge black shadow.

And no matter how they attack, they can't effectively damage this black shadow. The shadows only need to be lightly moved... they can kill a lot of sick creatures.

"I will destroy all of you, start here!"

When the corpses of the cockroaches piled up into a hill, the shadow climbed up the mountain and said such a sentence in the language of the cockroach.

This creature... seems quite interesting.


Lin's two pompons are floating in the air, and there is a large group of creatures ten meters in front of the pompons.

This group of creatures is purely colored. It is like a group of soft mud and has no fixed shape... it was the case at the time of the drill.

Now part of its body forms a sphere with a diameter of more than one meter. This sphere can be said to be a display screen.

Because it is demonstrating... the pictures of the creatures being slaughtered.

Just like a movie, there are more than just pictures, and... narration.

"This horrible creature is released, it will destroy the world, destroy all creatures and its gods."

"Who can stop it? Who can avoid this horrible destruction?"

The ball keeps humming in the middle of the screen. This is the language of the scorpion creature. It is probably translated like this.

Then... the picture disappeared, and the creature slowly returned to the mud-like shape and crawled on the ground.

"Do you want to destroy them?" After it climbed for a while, Lynn asked a pompom to ask it in a slang language.

"..." The color mud did not speak, but stopped. Lin found that its body bulged the shape of a ball.

After a while, the bulging part cracked and climbed out of it... almost the same ball as the pompom.

Both the size and the diameter are more than one meter. The only difference that seems to be that the pompoms it squeezes out are colored.

However, at the moment when the colored pom-poms came out, they unfolded the fluff of the whole body and stabbed them to Lin's pompom.

Lin’s pompom also unfolded the fluff of the whole body and stabbed it.

Then a lot of fluff collided in the air, because Lin and it... hardened the end of the hair, so the air continued to make a squeaking sound while hitting.

Lin feels like this...Ish people are fighting swords,

Every fluff is a sword, and when a lot of fluff is colliding in the air, it seems that many small sparks are produced.

And Lynn found that the color and the pompoms are almost as fast, so it's hard to tell.

So, Lin let the captain-type pompon next to it send some command instructions to the pompoms and ooze.

But Lynn found that they didn't react at all. It seems that they are not creatures that the captain can command.

And, Lin found that... the soft mud seemed to have noticed Lin’s captain’s pompom after receiving the information.

Then his body bulged a spherical structure. After a while, another colored pompom was drilled out of the ooze.

This new colored pom-pom does not fight with tentacle, but will send out a lot of signals like Lin's captain.

These signals are very...heteraneous, not the mandatory command signals of the captain class.

What is hard to say is like noise. Although it can't control the creature, it can interfere with the biological nervous system.

It seems that this ooze... is really interesting, it will imitate the creatures encountered, and create a similar 'arms' in a short time.

"It... escaped... put it..."

At this time, Lin noticed that a statue of a beggar next to it moved.

Its bladed forelimb suddenly became extremely dazzling and looked like a 'light sword'.

It rushed over and slashed to the colored ooze with the shiny forelimbs, but the colored ooze escaped at a faster rate.

At the same time, Lin found that a colored pompom made a large number of 'noise' signals, which made it squatting.

The body of the slime was swelled again. After a dozen seconds, Lin found out from the ooze... and drilled an individual who was exactly the same as the cockroach.

Of course, it is also colored.

"Do not……"

The scorpion creature recovered at this time. After seeing the scene in front of it, it said something that contained despair.

Then, it was pierced by the colored cockroaches.

Then, the colored squats and the other two pompons attacked Lin's pompom.


So, Lin let the pompom blow up.

In the colored ball and the soft mud behind Lin, the bomb exploded and flew out... The colored pompom was blown up under the explosion, but the soft mud seemed to be fine, it After a while, I crawled again.

The captain's pompoms took advantage of this opportunity to escape to the distance and entered a state of invisibility to continue to observe the situation.

Although Lynn didn't know if stealth was useful for this creature, it didn't try to chase Lin's captain.

Lin looked at it and started to move around with colored pompons and colored enamels that could send signals.

Lin found it... first went to find a statue of another ‘caretaker’ around.

After the colored ooze is close to the statues, it will quickly create a color plaque with the same shape.

At the same time, this will quickly kill the ... body.

So long after, it created... ten colored enamels, plus a colored pom-pom, which began to move outside the room.

On the way to its manufacture, Lynn is also trying to detect it.

This slime itself has a mechanism that can be said to be 'transport protection'.

That is, if Lin uses the miniature arms to approach and touch it, it will be transmitted to an unknown place where it will die instantly.

However, the color that it made is detachable.

They are actually made up of a solidified substance, including Lin's colored pompoms.

And the internal structure is quite similar... like a pompom, it can stretch all the fluff, but it can't fly.

But it should have been colorless, and color was also caused by comet pollution.

Lynn is very curious as to how it is made. It seems that a method is needed to grasp the color mud itself.

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