4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2332: Sailing

"Get off, go to that place!"

In the vast expanse of darkness... the ancient warships are flying.

Its current speed is almost 110,000 kilometers a second, still a lot of speed to catch up with the speed of light.

However, it should be able to catch up with the colorful comet.

There are a lot of pompons, as well as Novo and some ‘genius creatures’, which are the passengers that the battleship Zhong Lin can currently recognize.

Connaught seems to be the main driver, it seems that it is controlling the movement of the battleship.

And those genius creatures... seem to be providing the 'power source'.

The creatures that are still alive are almost awakened. They have a total of ten... Each of them wakes up and reacts like the original ‘scales’.

It is to calmly observe everything around you and judge the current situation.

Because neither Lin nor Novo explained anything to them, they can only think for themselves.

As genius individuals, they think a lot about the situation and figure out the possibilities. These geniuses are currently at a stage of mutual suspicion.

Because they also thought about this is a conspiracy of other civilizations, so they are always chatting, and they are constantly trying to put out the other party's information.

Although these biological communication methods are different, they all carry items that can be called 'general translators'.

This is also the most common carry-on item in these civilizations.

Of course, they are all really good, after all, their civilization has been extinct for a long time.

Although they all know it, they are not completely convinced... and according to this 'extinction intelligence' to calculate various possibilities, for example, if the information is false, then what is the benefit of spreading false information, etc. .

These geniuses are doing complex thinking every second, but...

What they think is not important at all, the important thing is... they are thinking.

Lin has been exploring the various parts of the battleship in the pompom, and now finds a special room in some locations.

Some 'thinking responses' can be detected in these rooms with the captain's pompom.

To put it simply, when the species are thinking about the day, the room will react and then it will send energy to the entire battleship.

So these rooms can also be said to be the 'energy pool' of the warships, and they must be activated by the thinking of these species.

Their thinking has no energy, but it is the key to unlocking the 'energy pool'.

This setting is quite fun.

And Lynn also noticed that the more species that wake up and participate in thinking, the more functions there are in the battleship.

During the inspection process of Lin, it was found that many areas in the battleship were still closed, that is, they were solidified.

But when the species wakes up a few more, these areas are also starting to open one after another.

But in general, it is still too little to open.

Lin found that only 5% of the area of ​​the warship was open, and most of the area was still solidified.

This may be related to too few species to wake up.

Because there are more than a thousand ‘geniuses’ here.

There will be so much because many civilizations have begun to take place... ‘production genius plan’.

Because every time the geniuses were shackled, many civilizations began to panic, and some civilizations believe that ancient warships may directly ... steal the roots of their storage.

This incident did happen. Once, a civilized brain-rooted reservoir was almost sucked away, and it was better to rescue it in time... It was to send the aircraft to drag it back to be fine.

So after this time, many civilizations decided to use all their brains and produce a large number of geniuses.

In general, they will give the entire brain root to a culture object.

In the mass production plan, these civilizations divide their brains into many objects.

Of course, it also works, but it is not as concentrated as the effect.

So many geniuses were created later, and the civilizations also believed that the ancient warships could not take so many geniuses at once.

But the result... was all taken away.

And only ten of them woke up, others have already... can't wake up anymore.

This may mean that most areas of the warship can no longer be opened.

But Lynn can try to make a copy of these ‘genius’...

But Lynn is not sure if it is useful.

Mainly because these species are not geniuses or major relationships, mainly because they have eaten 'brains' before, this is the point.

Therefore, Lin’s thinking with a pompom here will not let the battleship react.

It is necessary to have the roots of the species before. The species that have eaten the brain will have some special 'energy', which is the key to their use of thinking to start the battleship.

So Lin felt that it would be necessary to build some arms and eat all the genius bodies here, and might be able to 'inherit' the energy in these creatures.

When Lin wanted to do this, the ten geniuses had decided to start exploring the battleship.

Although they did not trust each other, they decided to form a team action. After all, it was not a way to stay in one place.

Lynn also let a pompom... move with them.

Because Lynn had discovered before, these geniuses can move unimpeded in the battleship.

When they go to the position where they are solidified, this place will temporarily de-solidify, and as they move, you can see... What are the open areas of many unopened areas?

So Lynn let a captain's pompom follow them and give them some hints.

These signals will make them want to go where Lin wants to see, but they are not aware of them. Of course, this pompom is invisible.

"What is this place doing?"

These ten geniuses quickly went to the place where the first Lin wanted to see.

That is... a place like a museum.

This is a small room that is not empty. There are many columns with a diameter of more than ten meters on the ground, and the columns are filled with various shapes, much like the museum's booth.

When the group of geniuses entered the room, Lin could see that the objects on the 'stands' began to move.

These objects are varied... mostly like slime.

When they were active, they climbed down from the 'stands' like a group of mud, and moved closer to the genius.

“Is this a solidified creature?”

These genius species see

When they were active, they climbed down from the 'stands' like a group of mud, and moved closer to the genius.

“Is this a solidified creature?”

These genius species see

When they were active, they climbed down from the 'stands' like a group of mud, and moved closer to the genius.

“Is this a solidified creature?”

These genius species see

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