4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 73: Landing on the island

With the slow collapse of the Styx cannon under the lysate and hyphae, the West Coast battle of the island of fungi has come to an end.

The plague dragon stepped on the wreckage of the cannon and made a roar of noise to the sky, seemingly proclaiming its victory. Under its roar, more plague heads showed their heads from the sea level, accompanied by Earthquake-like footsteps, they landed on land one by one, gathered around the plague dragon.

Sure enough, all of those turrets have been destroyed.

Lin did not feel any surprise about this result. The Styx cannons have been consumed because of the previous battles. Not only are there many reasons for the bombs, but some of the guns’ muscles are also very damaged, and the reaction is obviously slow. Some of them turned around and they were too hard to launch a high-speed bomb.

Although it is all damage that can be repaired, Lin has not repaired it because it has to be recycled, and the underground bombs have not been added at all, because the rest is enough...

Lin did think of the finished product that was discovered in the brain memory at that time, that is, the dragon of the plague would attack this place, but I did not expect it to bring so many plagues.

In fact, the number of the first plague should not be so much. It exceeds Lin's expectations. Perhaps the first of these plagues is not only for defense, but also for participating in the extinction of the Yate population.

However, there is another possibility. The fungus geeks that I saw before have combined themselves into the first act of the plague. Lin suspects that after the brain and the brain of the Yate population are stuck together and cannot guide the fungus, the fungus will synthesize the plague itself. The first.

This may explain why the capital of the plague now appears to be more suitable for combat on land. After the ‘curse’. The brain also began to be unable to continue to command. The plague fungi still act on their own, they may transform the original plague head, adapt them to the land environment, such as sealing the whole body so that it does not enter the water, but they have not changed their body shape, it may be because the intelligence is not enough The relationship, like the 'perfect' form of the plague dragon, can only be made by the brain.

Then the plague fungus synthesized some new plagues. Why are they doing this? Is the remnant of the brain making them feel that they want to make it? I don't know about it...

Anyway, this seems very interesting. Is this the so-called final counterattack?

Now the dragon of the plague embarks on the island of fungi with the first of these plagues. The pilots observe their actions at high altitude. These monsters pass through the mycelium and the mushrooms rise. They are like reviving the entire island. Usually go deep into the island, and each of their footprints leaves a lot of fungi.

There are no bodies on the island, and the original fungus has been swallowed up by Lin. Most of the energy has been transported by Lin to the center of the island. It was continuously transported away by a new type of transporter with a length of about seven meters and a huge body.

The plague dragon may be able to sniff out the location of the nutrients. It is now heading in the direction of the island, followed by a total of 30 plagues. The first plague synthesis takes a long time, a lot of nutrients and a variety of things, so No amount can be too much.

Lin has no troops on the island to deal with the first plague, because after the victory, Lin did not create any troops. Originally, Lin believes that even if the plague dragon strikes, the coast turret is enough to cope, but it can still Summon a group of plagues, which makes things a bit turning.

But Behemoth is coming from the plague to the island, and there are a lot of floating **** for bombing. The army of Behemoth is also the last unit of Lin here. The battle is over.

The dragon of the plague stepped on the land of the island of fungi, watching the land that had been swallowed up, and it constantly uttered a low roar. Lin felt that its emotions were very rich, and it did not seem like other plagues. The first is controlled by the brain scattered throughout the body. It has a main brain and does not know how it is constructed.

The plague dragons wandered on the ground, and they were close to the 'distribution area' in the center of the island. There are many tower-like structures of up to ten meters, and at the tip of it, a nutrient combination of nutrients is secreted, and the transporter Then they ate the glue on these towers, and when they had enough reserves, they flew their wings and transported the nutrients back to the mainland.

‘Hey! Suddenly, a very strong water column hit a tower. The tower suddenly fell to the ground under the impact. The strong dissolved liquid was constantly breaking down its outer shell, and a huge amount of dust began on its wreckage. increase.

When they were close, Lin had closed the transport structure inside the tower, and the transporters all left. However, there are still some muscle structures in the tower that will be corroded by fungi. Even if there are phage, it is more difficult to resist these dependencies. The fungus that bursts with the jet of liquid at the head of the plague.

"Call--" The dragon's back emits a special kind of squeaking sound, and a large amount of mist is ejected from the small holes arranged in the back, shielding the vision of the Liner.

‘Boom...’ Next, there were sounds from the island, and the towers were smashing one after another.

Lin estimates that the main thing they do is to get nutrients. This huge thing is estimated to be inefficient when it is inactive, but it is very expensive when it is moved, but there is really no nutrients on the island to get them, most of them are not It’s hidden under the ground, unless the plague dragon digs holes, otherwise it can’t be found...

When Lin was thinking about it, the sound of the ploughing was heard from below, and the flying man flew into the fog. The fog was not very strong. When I was close, I could still see it clearly. I saw that the plague dragon was using The sharp claws dig on the ground, and there is just a nutrient compartment that reserves nutrients.

It seems that it is useless to cover up the smell, and the dragon of the plague may have a special sense of smell.

Lin didn't want it to move to the nutrients in the reserve. If so, it must be solved quickly.

'boom--! ! ! ’

Under the strong air waves, the dense fog around them instantly dispersed, and the dragon of the plague stopped digging into the sky. Under the scorching sun, there were countless floating spheres, and they shot a large number of incendiary bombs. The earth was turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the galloping flame stopped the spreading hyphae. Among the floating balls, Behemoths had already targeted the plague monsters below. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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