4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2340: Extinguished

They seem to be here...have been in a daze for a long time.

Whether it is these two ancient battleships, this colorful comet.

In the past, three multi-pocket **** stayed up late, and they all remained motionless in place.

Of course, they are not completely in a daze, but they are constantly exchanging information.

When they first met, they exchanged the general situation with each other. The next step was to exchange more detailed information.

These 'detailed information' are what happened in the exchange from the last time it was awakened to the present.

It includes what happens within each second, including how much dust is in the ship, what changes have occurred during the time, and so on, no matter how subtle information, they are continuously exchanged.

It can take a long time to exchange so much complicated information.

But I don't know how long it will take, so Lin looks at them like they are here in a daze.

The colorful comets that have been moving all the time are now accompanying them here, as if they would not move any more.

So, when they exchanged information, Lin noticed somewhere else.

For example, Lynn’s death battleship.

In fact, not long ago, Lynn found that the database of the death warships has updated a lot of content... like the information of many creatures, but these creatures are not the 'extinction list', just the content of the data.

Mainly Lin found them... many are not solidified creatures, which is quite interesting.

At the same time, it also gave a new task, this task is ... to besiege the color comet.

But not immediately to the siege, but to wait for the comet to go out and then launch the total attack.

Lynn feels that other dead warships will have the same mission.

And now, the quenching seems to be just beginning...

The two ancient warships were parked at a distance of more than 10,000 kilometers from the comet, so the situation of the comet could be clearly seen.

This colorful object has been expanding from the beginning, like a bubble that is constantly bulging.

Along with its expansion, all the colored things around it are attracted to it in the direction of it, as if it absorbed the colors and swelled.

The colorful comet has become twice as large as before, and it is still growing.

The growth of the comet made the two ancient warships no longer stay in place, but retreated in a far direction.

Lin feels that something may explode next... they are afraid of being affected.

When the comet swells to three times the size, the surrounding colored things have almost been absorbed and turned back into a dark landscape.

At this time, Lynn also discovered that the exploding comet... began to smash in an instant.

Like a leaky balloon, it shrinks into a small point at an extremely fast speed.

This point is only a few meters in size, but it has sprinkled a very strong light.

This light spreads rapidly in the solidified void, which illuminates the vast surrounding area and dispels all solidification.

It feels a bit like the last time I saw a comet.

Probably around the tens of millions of kilometers of the environment, the solidification state is eliminated, and at the same time it is illuminated by the violent light.

It’s just that there is no light in this glory, just pure... light.

At the same time, Lin can still feel a lot of thinking in this light.

It contains a variety of creatures... thinking, like the idea of ​​a solidified creature preparing to hunt, the pain of a creature at the time of tragic death, the excitement of an Ersh people in the success of the exam.

Lin's arms on the outer shell of the ancient warship... can feel countless thoughts.

This feeling... very interesting.

But for a long time, the brain will not be able to withstand it, so Lin feels while repairing the arms of the arms.

These thinking messages should have been collected by the comet for a long time.

This lasted for more than ten seconds, and Lin found that the surrounding light slowly dimmed, and then the surrounding area also returned to...

A dark view.

But it is not purely dark, and a ball can be found in the original comet.

The ball is more than a thousand kilometers in diameter and looks like an ordinary rock tumbling person from the outside. This should be the ‘Yu 烬’ left after the comet went out.

It is much smaller than the **** of the ball. When this ember appears, the cat-claw-type ancient warship will move.

It flew over to Yu Yuqiu, and Lin’s ancient warship did not move in place.

'boom! ’

However, in the process of flying over, Lin found that the body of the cat claw ship stunned because there was a beam of light... hit it.

It seems... they are starting to act.

In the void not far away, Lin found a large number of dead warships.

The number of them... there are thousands of ships.

It contains a variety of creatures... thinking, like the idea of ​​a solidified creature preparing to hunt, the pain of a creature at the time of tragic death, the excitement of an Ersh people in the success of the exam.

Lin's arms on the outer shell of the ancient warship... can feel countless thoughts.

This feeling... very interesting.

But for a long time, the brain will not be able to withstand it, so Lin feels while repairing the arms of the arms.

These thinking messages should have been collected by the comet for a long time.

This lasted for more than ten seconds, and Lin found that the surrounding light slowly dimmed, and then the surrounding area also returned to...

A dark view.

But it is not purely dark, and a ball can be found in the original comet.

The ball is more than a thousand kilometers in diameter and looks like an ordinary rock tumbling person from the outside. This should be the ‘Yu 烬’ left after the comet went out.

It is much smaller than the **** of the ball. When this ember appears, the cat-claw-type ancient warship will move.

It flew over to Yu Yuqiu, and Lin’s ancient warship did not move in place.

'boom! ’

However, in the process of flying over, Lin found that the body of the cat claw ship stunned because there was a beam of light... hit it.

It seems... they are starting to act.

In the void not far away, Lin found a large number of dead warships.

The number of them... there are thousands of ships.

Appeared in the original comet position.

The ball is more than a thousand kilometers in diameter and looks like an ordinary rock tumbling person from the outside. This should be the ‘Yu 烬’ left after the comet went out.

It is much smaller than the **** of the ball. When this ember appears, the cat-claw-type ancient warship will move.

It flew over to Yu Yuqiu, and Lin’s ancient warship did not move in place.

'boom! ’

However, in the process of flying over, Lin found that the body of the cat claw ship stunned because there was a beam of light... hit it.

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