4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2353: Feeling of disgust


When a factory hundreds of meters wide collapsed in a violent impact, the huge sphere trembled as the entire factory and all the structures inside collapsed.

It seems... this is quite effective.

A large number of buildings roared and slammed into the void, colliding with the huge creatures that Lin called the 'bud ball', and each time the impact could squash a large number of 'soybeans' on their surface, although There is no harm to its outer casing, but it does make them feel painful.

They are like the people who are called to cry, and every time they are attacked, they will send out some signals to express the pain.

And they can't burn the buildings that Lynn fired up.

The reason is simple, because the buildings that are launched do not contain solidified matter, they are pure, normal void materials.

So under Lin’s continued bombing, these bud **** did not move forward and began to retreat.

Although Lynn only licked the top of the ten bud balls, the first pain that seemed to be felt clearly passed to the companions. When the first one started to retreat, the latter ones followed the distance. Fly away.

Then... they just left.

It seems that there is no need to carry out too complicated battles.

"No way... get saved... no way... save..."

After the buds left, Lin found that the anti-mycorrhizal sent out a lot of sad information... It seems that it feels that the bud ball is here to destroy it is to save it?

However, Lin has no way to ask more things about it. In fact, it does not respond to the command signals of the captain class.

Soon, the anti-myxobacteria slowly shrank in time and finally evaporated completely.

But... Lin found that it didn't seem so simple.

Because then Lin found that there are other huge coagulating creatures coming here, this time the solidified creature is the species that Lynn has seen.

That is the group of creatures that Lin called ‘coagulation,’ but only three of them came here.

Like the previous bud ball, they attacked the ball **** after coming here, but Lin also used the buildings to bombard them and ran these creatures.

However, Lin did not simply drive away them, but instead tracked them. Soon Lin found that they were not far from the ball god...about a coagulation gap of 500 million kilometers away.

This solidification gap does not know how it is produced, but it is quite large and can pass many large creatures.

Moreover, I don't know why those big creatures like to pass this gap.

After a few pompons stayed up late after swallowing back, Lin saw another large solidified creature coming from the gap.

However, these creatures did not attack the ball gods. When they came out, they flew to the ball, but they flew back for a while.

It seems... they can't adapt to the normal void environment.

But then there are other solidified creatures appearing... Lin found that the solidified creature inside is like being attracted, and is trying to keep coming to the ball.

In addition to the large ones, there are many small ones, but the small ones generally don't go too far back.

Large ones will try to fly to the ball god, as soon as they arrive, they will try to attack the ball god.

Although all the anti-myxobacteria have died, Lin feels that there is a connection with them.

So Lynn went to the other side of the gap and did some research.

The other side of the gap is somewhere in the solidified void, and there are many solidified creatures moving around this position.

The creatures here don't usually know the gaps, but they will notice the solidification gap occasionally... and then through the gap.

Lynn grabbed some of the smaller solidified creatures and made them... ask.

Lin found that most of the solidified organisms came mainly because of a feeling.

This feeling is mainly an uncomfortable feeling.

They feel that the ball **** has something else they hate, and occasionally makes them feel uncomfortable, mainly because they intend to come here.

This is mainly due to the relationship between the signals of the anti-myxobacteria.

Although they are dead, the signals they send are still echoing in the solid air, because this signal contains some special information that will make the solidified creature feel that the ball is an object that makes them disgust.

But to be precise, they are not disgusted with the whole world of the ball, but they are disgusted with certain things inside.

According to their feelings of disgust, Lin began to look for the substance that made them disgusted on the pompon.

Soon, Lynn discovered the source of disgust.

This is actually... bus anemones.

It is still in the process of growing, and it is constantly mixing a large amount of coagulating material around it as it grows.

Finally it creates a body structure that is mixed with the solidified material.

But it has not been growing underground, and Lin found that the bus anemone spreads part of it to the ground at a rapid rate.

Although it has not directly touched the ground, the extended part has already been felt by many creatures.

These creatures refer to those space creatures.

Also includes the kind of anti-myxobacteria.

They will feel that the fusion of bus creatures and coagulum is a phenomenon that makes them disgusted.

It feels like...the smell smells stinky, and when it feels the bus structure, it will cause aversion in their thinking.

It turns out that... Now Lin knows what it means to be rescued by antibacterial bacteria.

It doesn't mean to save anything else, but to think of something else to destroy this other disgusting place.

So it sent a signal to send out his disgust and share it with other solidified creatures.

Although the general solidified creatures do not go to dislike the ball god, but because of this signal also causes them to feel the ball **** ... very uncomfortable.

Some cowardly solidified creatures will come here and attack the world of the ball god.

But they are not fighting to fight, so they will immediately escape after a little attack.

Generally no creature will be injured in order to ruin something that is disgusting.

So far so good, no creatures will really threaten the world of the ball god.

However, Lynn noticed that some of the more dangerous creatures... may appear and attack the ball god.

That is the group of creatures that Lynn calls ‘balloon creatures’.

Lin found that many balloon creatures also appeared around the gap.

Although I don't know why they are here, they obviously feel a sense of disgust... and seem to want to come over.

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