4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2362: The last pine cone

A lot of black matter... is growing fast.

After some of the beams of the dead battleship hit the surface, Lynn discovered that this fungus-like substance proliferated everywhere.

They climbed to the surrounding buildings, covering the earth, and during the process of growing them, they swallowed all the coagulating substances that were originally on the ground at an extremely fast rate.

It feels like a fungus, a fungus that eats coagulation.

But they can't eat the normal void material, but because many objects in the world are a mixture of solidified and normal matter, they can easily bite the surface.

So you have to deal with them... just use this method.

When Lin’s thoughts appeared, there were countless dusts on the surrounding ground.

Large pieces of dust form huge dust explosions, quickly rolling the black material and wrapping them completely.

These dusts are all normal void materials, and they are loaded with ‘micro-propellers’.

They completely block the black matter, so that they have no access to any solidified matter, and they stop growing, just as they are solidified.

It's easy to solve, but the battleships in the sky are certainly not so easy to stop attacking, and what they are going to do.

So Lin first launched an attack on them, and between the buildings of the high bridges, the sound of the bang sounded.

Thousands of fusion bombs rushed to the sky with flashing light, flying like a raindrop to the battleship.

These fusion bombs were created by Lin temporarily, and they also contain some powerful annihilation bombs.

In the face of a storm-like attack, the death warship also made an action.

They illuminate the black beams again, but this time they are not illuminating somewhere, but irregularly using the beam to sweep around the world.

In an instant, the sky is dyed into a dull night by the beam. Every place that is swept by the beam, whether it is an air building or a missile, has a layer... crystallized.

The black crystal, as the beam sweeps through the sky, the fluttering missiles lose their flying ability and fall heavily on the high bridge.

These huge bridges and buildings on the bridge also lost their ability to float because of the appearance of a layer of black crystals, and they fell to the ground. They cut off other bridges and stirred up another piece of smog.

This effect... It feels really interesting.

Death warships can arbitrarily distort the surrounding environment through the beam, creating a variety of strange things, making it difficult for attacks to get close to them.



There was a huge sound in the void... Lin’s simulated sound.

A ten-kilometer-long death warship opened a large hole from the middle, just like what was pierced by it... With the appearance of this hole, the entire warship slowly cracked.

However, it is not just this one, but other warships have also heard the same sound.

Several warships were pierced one after another, and each of them was pierced with a central part.

Until the five warships were pierced, the remaining warships reacted, and they dispersed and scattered the light beam into the void.

The weapon that pierces them is the 'transparent spear' made by Lynn.

Mainly made by Lin based on the detection system of the dead warships, they are completely invisible to the dead warships.

And at the moment they pierce the dead warships, they send a lot of signals around.

Because the death warships use signal exchanges every moment, and express their status to their neighbors. Once they are attacked, they will send their own injuries to the surroundings. Usually, they will use normal signals to indicate that they are okay.

When transparent spears pierce them, they will immediately send a ‘normal signal’ to the surrounding warships.

This will make the surrounding warships not react, so Lin can pierce several ships in succession.

However, after all, they finally reacted. After the beam of light, a large number of huge... lances appeared in the void.

They still have dozens of them, but now they are all covered by black crystals as before.

Lynn thinks... this is really interesting.

Because I have been traveling all over the place, Lynn is not just observing it. Seeing any interesting things, Lin wants to learn to make a similar one.

And this battle allows Lin to test the various weapons that were created.

Compared to Lin, these dead battleships may not be interesting.

Because they are actually in a hurry, they need to bring the embers back a little faster and start the final work.

Of course, even if they don't attack at the outset, they use a variety of weapons to conduct attack tests.

They now seem to have become more and more anxious.

Because Lynn noticed that the remaining 90 dead warships intended to use a ... powerful weapon.

However, after all, they finally reacted. After the beam of light, a large number of huge... lances appeared in the void.

They still have dozens of them, but now they are all covered by black crystals as before.

Lynn thinks... this is really interesting.

Because I have been traveling all over the place, Lynn is not just observing it. Seeing any interesting things, Lin wants to learn to make a similar one.

And this battle allows Lin to test the various weapons that were created.

Compared to Lin, these dead battleships may not be interesting.

Because they are actually in a hurry, they need to bring the embers back a little faster and start the final work.

Of course, even if they don't attack at the outset, they use a variety of weapons to conduct attack tests.

They now seem to have become more and more anxious.

Because Lynn noticed that the remaining 90 dead warships intended to use a ... powerful weapon.

However, after all, they finally reacted. After the beam of light, a large number of huge... lances appeared in the void.

They still have dozens of them, but now they are all covered by black crystals as before.

Lynn thinks... this is really interesting.

Because I have been traveling all over the place, Lynn is not just observing it. Seeing any interesting things, Lin wants to learn to make a similar one.

And this battle allows Lin to test the various weapons that were created.

Compared to Lin, these dead battleships may not be interesting.

Because they are actually in a hurry, they need to bring the embers back a little faster and start the final work.

Of course, even if they don't attack at the outset, they use a variety of weapons to conduct attack tests.

They now seem to have become more and more anxious.

Because Lynn noticed that the remaining 90 dead warships intended to use a ... powerful weapon.

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