4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 76: Ultimate art

At the moment when the plague dragon pulled to the ground, Behemoth immediately inflated his body and inflated each empty capsule in the body to the maximum to slow down the damage.

Even so, at the moment when Behemism fell to the ground, it echoed a strong pain in the whole body. In many areas, the muscles broke, the blood vessels exploded, all kinds of bags were damaged, and a large amount of gas stored in the body was removed. Excited in the muzzle of each place, Lin finally felt the feeling of the fall of this type of creature in the head of the plague.

But Behemoth's skin has no hard shell, but a tough soft skin, so there is no damage. All the cells and creatures in Behemoth are moving quickly, trying to repair all the damage.

But the plague dragon is not waiting there, accompanied by a huge roar, it swayed and rushed over, and its wide-mouthed teeth proved that it wanted to tear the creature in front of it.

As the plague's mouth approached, Behemoth's back suddenly extended an uninjured tentacle, which gently touched the plague of the plague dragon.

'boom! ’

The shock of the sudden impact of the tentacle instantly brought the big cockroaches of the plague dragon together, and its mouthful of fangs seemed to plunged into the softer structure of the mouth, and the whole mouth was inlaid together. Open, the dragon of the plague continually made a low voice and rubbed his head, trying to open his mouth.

At this time, Behem Moss once again reached the forefoot of the plague dragon.

There are three tentacles of Behemoth's critical strike ability, two of which are on either side of the head and the third on the back. This third tentacle is also the only tentacle that has not been injured.

'boom! ’

The sound of the impact sounded again. The plague dragon was hit by a heavy blow. Its body also tilted to the side and fell heavily on the ground.


The earth seems unable to bear so many giant creatures on the top, and countless cracks appear around the land where the plague dragon fell. At this time, the plague dragon still wants to stand up. It uses the forelegs to support the ground and strongly re-supports it. Skewed body...

At the moment when it was hard, the ground suddenly crashed, and Behemoth and the Plague Dragon fell along with countless cracked rocks and mud. The pain of falling again came again, and both Behemoth and the Plague Dragon fell into a huge cave.

There are many underground cavities under the surface of the island of fungi. Now the pits that Behemoth falls into are about a dozen meters away from the ground. Because there is a lot of soft soil underneath as a buffer, the damage is not greater than before.

However, this is the same for the plague dragon...

The dragon of the plague struggled to lift its head from the mud. It was much heavier than Behemoth. Now its body is completely trapped in the mud. It tries hard to crawl out of the mud, the whole cave. It is shaking with its movements.

At this time. A tentacle gently pressed again on the side of the plague dragon...

'boom! ’

The momentary blow caused the faucet to go to the side, and the plague dragon made a deep scream. It jerked back and stared at Behemoth, but its upper and lower jaws were still set together and it couldn't do anything.

'boom! ’

Behemoths then hit a heavy blow on the side of the plague dragon, hitting the dragon's head to the other side, and the strong anger and low-pitched sound echoed on the island under the storm...

'boom! 'Useless roar can't stop the critical blow of Behemoth. The tentacle hits the face on both sides of the plague dragon continuously, once, twice, three times, the speed of the blow is increasing, and the pressure hammer inside the tentacles is crazy. The inside has oozing blood, but Behem Moss does not stop, the plague dragon's anger is getting higher and higher, but as the number of strikes increases, Lin can feel its anger is still mixed with a trace of panic.

The sturdy carapace of the dragon's face of the Plague has cracked under continuous heavy blows and is constantly expanding.

'boom! The tenth heavy blow, the pressure in the tentacles hit the dragon's left face, and with the cracking of the carapace, some blood of different colors also flowed out of it.

"呜-!!!" The dragon of the plague suddenly gave a thunderous roar. Under the anger and horror of the emotions, it hardened to open the twins, the high-pressure water column instantly The blood of the dragon's mouth rushed out, and a large amount of dissolved liquid instantly disintegrated half of Behemoth's body, including the tentacle that was carried in the air.

Originally, the structure of the body has been shattered, and the disintegration of the dissolved liquid has caused a large amount of broken internal organs to flow out from the body side of Behemoth.

The life of this giant unit may have reached the end, but this is not over yet.

As long as there is still an organ in operation, it is not over!

The plague dragon sprayed the mouth of the water column slowly, and Behemoths had not suddenly reached a muzzle by the tail of the dissolved liquid...

‘Hey! ’

Along with the roar of the shelling, a huge bomb exploded and rushed into the mouth of the plague dragon that had not yet closed.

"Hey?!" The plague dragon suddenly seemed to perceive that he had swallowed a foreign object. It immediately squeezed the neck muscles and tried to spit out this inexplicable entry.

But this is too late.

The bomb exploded rapidly in the neck of the Plague Dragon, and the energy in it was ready to be released.

Incarnate as art!

‘Hey! ’

Under a burst of smog, Lin clearly saw that the neck of the plague dragon swelled like a ball, and a large amount of gas exploded in the dragon's neck, trying to squeeze the neck of the dragon. Erupted out.

But more than that, in this art creator, Lin also mixed in a lot of powerful liquid, at the moment of the shock wave explosion, a small bomb inside also detonated, instantly ignited inside The liquid.

'boom--! ! ! ’

The fierce detonation, Lin only saw the field of vision instantly become a fiery red, a strong heat wave instantly covered everything, Behemoth's body was stabbed by a lot of splashing pieces, but when the eye contact is still in the future, see the situation clearly. It was hit by a piece of flying debris, and suddenly it became dark in front.

Behemoth squeezed the eyeball that had been bruised at the top of the tentacles and replaced it with a new eyeball for observation. There were more than a dozen spare eyeballs in each eyeball tentacles.

When the vision resumed again, the huge body of the plague dragon appeared in the vision of Lin, but its head and neck were completely gone, and there was a burnt trace of burnt black in the section...

This new type of burning art creator feels good. Sure enough, the plague dragon is like Lin thinks. Although its carapace can resist external pressure, the pressure from inside can not resist, but it seems that the dragon's neck is plague. The connection between the body and the body has a structure similar to the 'gate', which may be closed when the bomb is swallowed, so that the shock wave does not affect its body.

But the head has already been blown up, and this monster can be said to have been completely solved...

Behemoth is too close to it, and it is also affected by the erupted fragments and impacts. In addition to the damage he suffered before, the organs of Behemoth’s body are almost destroyed, and almost all the blood vessels in the body are Breaking, Behemoths can be said to be in a state of near death. This body can't move anymore except for some fragmentary parts. It seems that it is necessary to reshape a Behemoth.

The surrounding mud has become a quagmire because of the torrential rain. Lin will gather together a large number of cells in the **** soil of Behemoth, and let them form a new individual...


Lynn suddenly heard a sound, the eye tentacles saw, and Behemoth's blood was not only under Behemoth's body, but some strangely colored liquids were also mixed into the muddy water.

Is this the solution of the plague dragon?

No, it doesn't seem to be just a solution, they are slowly gathering, just like the blood of Behemoth, as if they are planning to grow...

There may be mixed dust, and there are a lot of hyphae around these liquids, and these hyphae do not spread around as usual, but are reunited as if they want to form a certain form.

Lin will not be slower than them. The cells flowing out of Behemoth quickly gather in the rain. Lin first forms a spherical wrapper and then changes rapidly inside.

Thunder and the storm are still going on. The downpour caused a flood of water in the open-air hole, which turned it into a lake, slowly submerging the bodies of the two beasts, and in the water beside the bodies, their The blood is undergoing high-speed changes and structures.

A simple heart, as long as it can jump, simple blood vessels, as long as it can be transported, plus simple muscles, armor... Behemoth's blood quickly combined into a small unit.

At the same time, the hyphae of the plague dragons also gathered together, they clumped together on the water and began to look like mushrooms.

The eye tentacles are staring at the changes in the hyphae, and the hyphae of the plague dragon seem to realize that the blood of Behemoth is gathering nearby, and it is beginning to grow faster and faster.

There is also a large amount of bacteria in the mud, and both sides have to deal with these fungi at the time of synthesis.

Every second is used up, both sides are constantly synthesizing themselves, trying to complete it one step earlier than the other, the hyphae seems to be faster, it has synthesized a mushroom shape, and grow more bacteria The silk gathers on the surface of the water into a small platform, and then forms more mushroom structures on the platform. Some mushrooms grow under the bottom of the platform, and they are squeezed to spray water.

And just as it was just moving, a big mouth suddenly popped out of the water! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ small book pet ~ monthly ticket ~

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