4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2383: Quotations

"This is where it sleeps..."

This is... Lin feels like a place called ‘the temple’.

The platform is round, more than three kilometers in diameter, and ... are all made up of orange liquids.

All the liquid is constantly flowing towards the center and it looks interesting.

In the center, there is a statue of a phoenix.

It is quite large, with more than a hundred meters of wings spread out, and the liquid on the entire platform gathers under its feet.

Then stay at the bottom of the platform and return to the edge of the platform to reconverge... Lin's pompom is now floating in front of the statue in the center.

There are several small phoenixes in front of the statue. There is a phoenix to explain the origin of the statue.

This is the legendary statue of the most powerful phoenix in history.

Lin found that these phoenixes generally do not care if they speak with other languages, or let the ‘educational device’ educate the pompoms.

However, if you use the language of Phoenix, they will be happy to answer.

It seems that they care more about the language than what they care about.

And there is no phoenix strange why pompons can come here, because according to them... no other creatures have been there before.

In short, no matter how much.

Well, when it comes to this legendary phoenix, these little phoenixes say that Lin and Lin know that it has the power to push all the stars around.

But even the so powerful phoenix, in the end, has fallen...

Accurately, it is missing, because occasionally some dangerous creatures appear nearby, and Phoenix will find a way to deal with it.

Once this powerful Phoenix led the troops to deal with dangerous creatures, and as a result it disappeared in the process.

Then in order to commemorate it... these phoenixes built statues here.

This statue was actually built recently, because the phoenix recently discovered that the creatures like to use statues to commemorate those... great characters, so they also learned to build statues here.

After watching it for a while, Lin found that the statue was nothing special, just a pure ornamental, but it is not just this statue.

There is a box of more than one meter in front of the statue.

The box is filled with a lot of dust, which is said to be the quotation of this powerful phoenix.

Just like the quotations of personality creatures who like to record great characters, these phoenixes also decided to record the quotations of the mighty phoenix.

Of course, these dusts are not powerful to the phoenix itself, but other phoenixes that have 'listened' to it.

Lynn checked the contents of the dust... These quotations are quite fun, like...

"My strength shocked the world before me. I am so strong. I am so perfect... no one can compare."

"Those poor creatures are far from here because of my birth. They will be caught in the terrible permanent cold, away from the stellar light, conveying my orders, to get them back!"

It seems that the idea of ​​using a resident ball to catch a creature... is still initiated by this powerful phoenix.

The following quotations are almost all about how powerful they are to praise themselves.

However, in Lin, I found out that I was more concerned about the quotations.

"I made a dream. In the dream, I foresee the birth of a legend. It is a new void. It is... an unknown field. I want to go there. It belongs to us..."

Phoenix is ​​also a creature that can dream, and their ... thinking system will enter a state of dream-like embarrassment at rest.

And this phoenix says it meets in the dream...

It was the void of Midgarth, and Lynn also found more dust to describe in detail the situation there.

Its description is similar to the situation of the current Midgart Void.

It is now stable, although there has been an incident in which Lin took out the comet drill... but the captain class quickly repaired the loophole and now has many special areas in the void.

Interestingly, Phoenix said that when he dreamed there... Midgart Void has not yet formed.

In fact, even the battle between Midgarth and the bus has not yet begun, and there is time in the dust to explain it.

And after that, the powerful phoenix led the troops to attack the void.

It was also missing at this time.

It turned out to be...not to go missing when dealing with dangerous creatures, but to disappear when I went to find Midgart.

This powerful phoenix... seems to have a lot of strange places, but now there are no more clues about it.

Even after reading all the quotations here, there is no more detailed information.

And the phoenix didn't know the details of the disappearance. Some phoenixes said it seemed to suddenly sneak into a certain space.

But the Phoenix knows this is not very clear.

In the absence of more information, Lin had to let the pompon leave here and travel around to explore.

That's it... time is slowly flowing.

Lin lived in this place for a while, and the living platform has now been assembled into a number of small islands with unique environments to allow different creatures to live.

Among these small islands, Lin's comet bit is also floating here, and Lin has been making more pompons here.

Because the drill bit can also be assigned to 'food' like other small islands, but it is not automatically supplied, but it is to be taken from a platform somewhere nearby.

Using these resources, in addition to making more pompons, Lin also created a ... gravity detector.

It is mainly to detect where the gravitational forces of these phoenix come from.

Lin has now searched that the source of Phoenix's ability is mainly in the stars.

It feels like they are putting something in the star and using the gravitational pull of the star.

If you have the opportunity, you have to take a look.

At the same time, these foods were also used by Lin to feed...

Ersh has grown a lot now. In fact, Lin is helping the growth of the body of the bus anemone.

The main thing is to assemble various substances.

Now that Ershi’s material of consciousness... has been able to communicate with Lin a small amount, and now it is just a simple signal, like some emotional signals.

Lin feels that continuing to grow can make it have a more complicated reaction, so Lin intends to make a body for Ershi.

This body can be controlled by its conscious substances as the brain.

If you do this... it should be able to move again.

Although Lynn felt that Ershi did not want to move, because its goal should be to become the state of the eternal observer.

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