4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2386: Competition

Stellar elf.

The body consists of a solidified mixture of one to ten centimeters in size, without a fixed shape, and usually changes its shape depending on the environment.

Behind the body is a pair of 'wings' that are about twice the length of the body and a thickness of one millimeter.

Whether in the presence or absence of air, they must flap their wings at a speed of more than one hundred seconds, as long as they move, and the wings themselves can produce weak gravitation.

This allows them to move quickly in any environment.

This is the first time that Lynn saw the creature he came here.

Here the ‘Star Elves’ seem to be porters of the Phoenix, and the Phoenix commands them in a specific language.

Originally, Lin thought that they were a kind of phoenix domesticated creature, but after asking some phoenixes, the phoenix said that these creatures were not specially raised by them.

Instead, I found out that it was very useful to let them porters here.

Moreover, Lynn also found these elves... seems to have a strong ability to move.

Because they are on the side of the ball, they also appeared.

Lin still doesn't know how they appeared. It seems to be related to the ‘retransmission’ of the bus anemone.

"Do you think that inferior species will win this time?"

When Lin thought about it, the promiser next to the pompom suddenly spoke: "I think it seems to be more powerful than the common species."

"Are you interested in this kind of thing?" Lynn felt a little bit strange about the words of Novo... wonderful.

Now, Lin's pom-pom and Novo are moving fast on a street.

The streets here don't need to go by themselves, because the ground is made up of many small balls.

As long as you imagine moving in a certain direction, these **** will roll in that direction, so you can go anywhere by simply squatting on the ground.

Any place refers to the buildings around the street. There are various buildings on both sides of the street, mainly various... restaurants. Because of the different feeding habits of various creatures, Phoenix specially prepared many different kinds of them. s restaurant.

In addition to the restaurant, there are many tower-like buildings.

These ten-meter-tall towers are built between restaurants, and they are translucent on the surface, but when they are close to them, they see a lot of information.

This information is mainly the latest news of Phoenix.

Like the previous decisive battles, there are various kinds of competitions, such as various sports, and these phoenixes have been holding various competitions recently.

These towers record the time and details of the various competitions, and the creatures here are free to choose which games to watch.

At the same time in the game, you can eat all kinds of food you want to eat in the restaurant here.

Because there is no currency system in this place, all food is free. If you want to eat, you can eat it casually.

After Lin’s pompom and Novo watched the previous game, they came here to wander around to see if there were any other matches.

Lin found that...no seems to be suddenly interested in this kind of game.

The previous game was an inferior kind of win, and then it will continue to challenge until it wins the championship.

Connaught seems to be very interested in the next game of inferior species.

"Yes." Novo said: "I think... interesting."

"If that's the case, then go check out the next game." Lin's pompom said: "I have to watch another game."

In addition to fighting, there are many competitions here...

One of the more interesting things about Lin is the project called the 'Tumbler Roller Competition'.

In this game, there will be ten phoenixes, and their content will be the same as the name... The ten phoenixes will push a sphere with a diameter of 5,000 kilometers in the game.

This tumbling person was one of the stars that the phoenix recently found, which was introduced a long time ago by the gravitational fluctuations of stars.

After the discovery, Phoenix immediately made a decision... that is to use it as one of the competitions.

The way of the game is very simple, that is, these Phoenix wheels will flow out of the field, and use all efforts to see if they can push this tumbling person, and at the end, see who wins and who wins.

Regardless of whether they push or not, Lin feels that this game... very interesting, so another pompom has been taken on board the flight to the scene.

The scene is 10 billion kilometers away from the star, and it feels quite close, and the phoenix...they don’t know why it’s so close, at least Lin asked a few of them and they don’t know why it’s floating to this position. .

But the reason why they are not so close is not very simple.

That is... there is no creature on this tumbling.

They have always fired out residents' **** in places where there are creatures, and places without creatures have been ignored.

Soon after... Lin's pompom and a group of creatures who also wanted to see the game boarded a plane that looked like a truck.

The interior space of the aircraft is completely...empty, that is, there is no seat or room passage, and the passengers are allowed to float inside the aircraft.

However, the cockpit is still separated from the passenger compartment, and the passenger compartment is transparent, allowing you to see the outside situation at will.

Soon, the aircraft arrived at the target location.

This place can be found that there are already a lot of aircraft gathered here, and they all surround a tumbling person in front. This sphere looks like the more common rock world from the outside.

Without air, the surface has a complex mountain structure.

And the ten participating phoenixes... have already flown above this world.

These phoenixes... are a relatively large type. They have a wingspan of more than 100 meters, as if they are showing off, flying back and forth between the aircraft here.

These aircraft are not only shipped to the audience, it seems that there are still many small phoenixes.

After a total of more than 100 aircraft arrived, it seems that the game is finally at the beginning.

"Now! We will start the game!"

Like other games, a burning chicken floated out of an aircraft and began to explain the scene.

"Now, let the first strong...high class come on!"

Under the explanation of the burning chicken, Lin found a phoenix flying before all the aircraft.

And the creatures in the aircraft watched... and flew to the rock world.

The shape of the phoenix is ​​close to the surface... its speed is getting faster and faster.

Like a burning meteorite, the last phoenix crashed into the surface of the earth, causing a burst of...

A violent explosion.

In this explosion... this phoenix seems to have vanished.

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