4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2408: No condensation

"It turns out that...so they are all homologous?"

Under the dusty sea, the communication between Lynn and the ‘savior’ continues.

Not long ago, it showed Lin a device for detecting cyclone creatures.

This equipment, like it, is buried underground.

There are many different kinds of equipment underground in this world, mainly to help it do all sorts of things here, like research.

Just now, Lin and it discussed the source of the ‘whirlwind creature’.

The saviors say they have a record of this creature long time ago.

The essence of this kind of creature is called ‘no condensed', just like its name. It is a kind of ‘force’ that can be used to condense things out of thin air.

Simply put, there is no reason for anything... At least the rescuer's detection equipment can't find any reason for this position to produce 'cohesion'.

Even if there is no reason for this position, it will generate a certain 'force' and bring together the surrounding materials.

This is the initial stage of the cyclone.

They are often found in certain locations in the void.

This force will bring together the surrounding things to form the original 'nuclear', and then the 'nuclear' will continue to generate power and attract the surrounding matter to rotate around it, and the cyclone creature will be born.

Therefore, cyclone creatures have the name of “nothing to cohesion”, which is considered by the saviors to be the “force” born out of nothing.

They have also thought about it...may be something that they can't find to produce this kind of force, or that there is a new 'rule' in this position.

Initially, the savior regarded this phenomenon as a normal phenomenon in the void, and did not relate anything to the creature.

The savior's judgment of the creature is similar to that of Lin. Although they like to study biology, they are also doing some research because of the wonderful phenomenon of 'no condensation'.

The ‘no condensation’ that they first discovered was only applied to very subtle substances.

But at a time they suddenly found a very large ‘no condensed’.

However, it is about one meter in diameter. But the calculations they found before are quite large.

This group of 'nothing' looks like a small tornado that attracts the surrounding material to circulate.

This discovery is also the ‘no condensed creature’ that they first knew.

Initially they did not regard it as a creature, but soon noticed that this small roundabout would move on its own and react to the things around it, while it would try to maintain itself and avoid dissipating itself.

Plus... it will multiply itself.

Its way of reproduction is that its core will produce debris under the loss, and these debris will be spilled.

Then these debris can form a new whirlwind.

But it is hard to say whether this kind of reproduction is active or passive.

The debris forms a new whirlwind and seems to have a large... random ingredients in it.

Some debris will never produce any 'no cohesion', while others will produce a new whirlwind.

Initially, it should be considered passive, because the core of the cyclone itself will wear slowly and produce debris.

In general, from then on... the Savior slowly judges them as creatures.

The initial whirlwinds were single and the abilities were comparable...the original.

They can only perceive substances that enter their own eddy range.

But slowly, they have discovered many kinds of cyclone creatures, and they have become more complicated.

These creatures also have a way of communicating... it is the most common way to perceive the same kind by throwing dust out of the body.

Their reproduction has gradually become... there is initiative, it can be said that it can be regarded as a creature.

However, for some reason, they did not study the communication and thinking of this kind of creature.

But a set of techniques specifically designed to detect cyclonic organisms has been created.

So they can quickly find cyclone creatures.

Although ‘no aggregation’ is only produced in special areas, there is no limit to the activities of cyclone.

They should be able to go to most of the area in the void.

At the same time, cyclone organisms do not have a fixed material structure, usually where they are formed, and their structure is composed of local matter.

But if a cyclone tries to multiply, the material structure of its descendants must be the same.

Of course, this refers to the structure of the 'core'.

A whirlwind creature can't create a condensate out of thin air. It can only release its own debris, which has a higher cohesive force than other objects. The original whirlwind creature is so.

Each whirlwind creature resembles a small 'gravitational circle' that attracts the surrounding material to gather and circulate. The savior continues to study them, but still has not found out what the true source of their birth is.

It feels like a kind of force that comes out of thin air. In short, there are many mysteries.

And because of the...something, their research has not continued.

That is the birthplace of cyclone creatures... the event of destruction.

It was a catastrophic event, and although the savior left there, the whirlwind creatures were all affected.

They later went back to the point of disaster to investigate, but there was no more condensed formation in the wreckage of the disaster.

They thought that the cyclone creatures were extinct.

In the void roaming journey after the savior, there have never been any whirlwind creatures, and they thought it might... no longer see this creature.

Until... recently here.

After discovering the gaseous superstar, I noticed that it was full of whirlwind creatures.

It seems that the storms of the entire gaseous star are composed of them, which gives the saver new research opportunities.

The next thing Lin knows, most of the savior's group left, leaving an individual to study here.

And this individual study...

It can be said that there has been considerable progress.

But the thing that cares most about it is not the cyclone creature in the gas star, but the phoenix.

The phoenix creature also reacts in their testing equipment.

But the most important thing is that the form of the phoenix is ​​very different from the other vortex-like whirlwind creatures, they are fixed.

The phoenix's 'gravitational control ability' is also related to their being a cyclone.

Although they use the gravitational pull of stars, they must rely on their own talents to determine the size of gravity control.

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