4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2418: Extruded strip

"It actually did this."

"Why is it doing this..."

"We have to get it back! It can't let a generation of legends dissipate!"

"It went into that place, this is a good opportunity for us to get it back!"


"here is……"

The surface of this world... seems to have been completely destroyed.

On the surface of the mechanical satellite, there are some branches of the army that are wandering around.

The sky here is dark, and the surface here...

All the factories and machinery were almost completely crushed into pieces, and there are no objects above one meter on the surface.

But Lin is more concerned about where this place is.

It is also in the solid void, because it has a solidification effect.

As for the other... you have to ask the savior.

The saviors said they detected this particular place a long time ago.

They are also not clear about the specific reasons for this phenomenon, which the savior considers to be a 'natural phenomenon'.

This phenomenon often occurs in many places in the solidified void and engulfs any object it encounters.

The object that is swallowed by it... will slowly squeeze at the beginning and eventually become a powder.

So this phenomenon is also known as the 'squeezing zone'.

So the savior group has to leave here before, because they are not sure when this will come.

As for this gaseous star, they were originally intended to leave no matter what.

Yes, this saved savior... its mission is to study the whirlwind creature before the arrival of the squeezing zone and escape when it comes.

The life of the gaseous stars is... no matter what.

However, the main reason is that they can't take away the gaseous star, that is to say, if the original 'squeezing zone' comes... then the research mission of this savior will be over.

However, because the gas star has recently returned to the normal void, it will not be affected by the squeeze zone.

Therefore, it was originally intended to be studied here.

The result... I didn't expect to come back here now, and because it suddenly came in, it said that there was no way to escape.

This mechanical satellite will slowly be squeezed into powder here, and everything here will disappear.

Nothing can escape this place.

Although the savior thinks so... but Lynn finds that this is not the case.

Because those phoenixes began to act.

After the phoenix on the star saw the situation of the circular saw, Lynn noticed that they all gathered somewhere.

Although this Phoenix country is almost everywhere a platform, there are some structures that are not platforms.

Like the phoenix cultivation furnace and the place where the phoenixes are now gathering...

This is a completely dark ball with a diameter of about 300 meters.

Large groups of phoenixes rushed into the spheres directly, and their bodies were completely immersed in the darkness.

In the next second, Lynn discovered that these phoenixes appeared in the sky above the mechanical satellite, only a few hundred meters away.

In this place, Lin's arms can still use the perception system of the solidified creature to perceive the surroundings, so they can 'see' the appearance of the Phoenix group.

"Fast! Just in that place!"

A large group of phoenixes quickly landed on the surface and scattered them with a lot of dust.

It seems that the dark ball... can go directly into this squeeze zone.

"Can they actually come in?"

The rescuer was also very surprised by the large number of phoenixes.

Because the savior himself is incapable of escaping from the squeezing zone or coming in from the outside, if it is swallowed by this place, it can only be pressed here into powder.

But this group of phoenix... seems to have the technology to move around here.

The main reason why these phoenixes came here is to take back the wreckage of the legendary phoenix, and they seem to find out... where the wreckage is.

"It's just below this! Let's get it!"

Large groups of phoenixes are clustered in one place on the surface, and they have a thousand.

When they gathered together, a powerful force instantly brought the surface to ... in two.

The collapsed surface showed the sewer below, and the dusty sea had already fallen below. The phoenix did not hesitate and immediately thought about flying below.

"Wait a minute, you dare to come here!"

When the phoenix flew into the dusty sea, they suddenly stopped.

This is because...the legendary phoenix’s mechanical speech.

"Can they actually come in?"

The rescuer was also very surprised by the large number of phoenixes.

Because the savior himself is incapable of escaping from the squeezing zone or coming in from the outside, if it is swallowed by this place, it can only be pressed here into powder.

But this group of phoenix... seems to have the technology to move around here.

The main reason why these phoenixes came here is to take back the wreckage of the legendary phoenix, and they seem to find out... where the wreckage is.

"It's just below this! Let's get it!"

Large groups of phoenixes are clustered in one place on the surface, and they have a thousand.

When they gathered together, a powerful force instantly brought the surface to ... in two.

The collapsed surface showed the sewer below, and the dusty sea had already fallen below. The phoenix did not hesitate and immediately thought about flying below.

"Wait a minute, you dare to come here!"

When the phoenix flew into the dusty sea, they suddenly stopped.

This is because...the legendary phoenix’s mechanical speech.

"Can they actually come in?"

The rescuer was also very surprised by the large number of phoenixes.

Because the savior himself is incapable of escaping from the squeezing zone or coming in from the outside, if it is swallowed by this place, it can only be pressed here into powder.

But this group of phoenix... seems to have the technology to move around here.

The main reason why these phoenixes came here is to take back the wreckage of the legendary phoenix, and they seem to find out... where the wreckage is.

"It's just below this! Let's get it!"

Large groups of phoenixes are clustered in one place on the surface, and they have a thousand.

When they gathered together, a powerful force instantly brought the surface to ... in two.

The collapsed surface showed the sewer below, and the dusty sea had already fallen below. The phoenix did not hesitate and immediately thought about flying below.

"Wait a minute, you dare to come here!"

When the phoenix flew into the dusty sea, they suddenly stopped.

This is because...the legendary phoenix’s mechanical speech.

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