4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2424: Promotion

"It's so vast... so worth watching!"

Unconsciously, there are more and more whirlwinds coming here.

Here is the platform of Phoenix.

Known as the 'earliest platform', it has changed a lot since the beginning.

The earliest platform was a purely transparent object with a diameter of more than ten kilometers.

The current platform has been slowly expanded.

It was mainly built by the phoenix that lived above.

They slowly expand the size of the platform from the edge of the original transparent platform. Of course, the part of their expansion is not transparent, but consists of... Phoenix.

To be precise, there is no phoenix of ‘consciousness’.

After living on the platform for a long time, the types of phoenix began to slowly develop...differentiation.

Some of them have higher intelligence, while others have almost no intelligence, and the degree of thinking is comparable to that of microorganisms.

These can be called 'original species'.

The higher intelligence phoenix does not regard the original species of phoenix as their kind, only as a creature that can be used.

When the number of them increased, the original platform could not wait, the Phoenix assembled the original species in the platform plain and began to expand the platform size.

The way to assemble... is simple.

As long as the original body is divided into two sections, their cross-section will be very attractive.

So the phoenix put the original species into pieces and assembled them at the edge of the platform.

The original species will not die because they are diced, unless they are completely shredded into pieces that are not more than a millimeter in size, otherwise they will continue to exude ‘cohesion’.

At the same time, they do not need to eat, of course they can eat, but the main purpose of eating is to breed.

Even if they don't eat for a long time, they won't die... although the substances that make up them will always wear out, but at least... can last for a long time.

Thus, the high intelligence phoenix facilitates the rapid expansion of their dwellings with primitive species.

Phoenix does not necessarily need a platform to sustain life, but the phoenix at that time did not have the ability to fly.

They must have platforms to hold them tightly, and nothing can be done in the void without anything to catch them.

The most important reason for their expansion is because more and more cyclone creatures have come here.

It was entirely accidental that cyclone creatures came to this platform before, so the number of arrivals is very small, but recently, the number of cyclone creatures has increased.

They seem to have a purposeful purpose to fly toward this platform. When a cyclone creature falls on the platform, its body will serve as the food of the phoenixes, allowing the phoenixes to grow stronger.

At the same time, it is not just that.

A high-intelligence phoenix can gain some knowledge by eating the core of a whirlwind creature.

Because the life cycle of a whirlwind creature travels through the entire galaxy, they often approach places where creatures gather to witness the biological conditions above.

Cyclone creatures don't do anything about creatures, but they... actually have the ability to record.

They will record everything they have seen.

A giant cyclone creature usually has a radius of about a thousand kilometers around itself.

Most of the things inside are detected by it and recorded in the core.

I don't know if it is intentional or unintentional. In short, this kind of record doesn't seem to make much sense to the cyclone itself.

Because in their life cycle, they have little chance to take advantage of these 'memory'.

However, this has had a significant impact on the phoenix.

Some high-intelligence phoenixes know what they observe in the life of a whirlwind creature after eating the core.

Like pieces of gravel floating in the void, those huge tumblings, and the life that lives on them...

Phoenix has a strong interest in the content of the core and began to learn from it.

They study and think about everything that is witnessed in a whirlwind, and imagine the meaning of everything in it.

In fact, they didn't think of anything.

Even though there are many creatures on the tumbling creatures from the knowledge of the Cyclone creatures, the phoenix does not know that they are creatures.

The phoenix at that time did not distinguish between apiculture and abiotic. They just thought... very wonderful.

They think that there are so many different objects on the outside that are very interesting.

Although they are intellectually high enough, because they have always lived on a platform that has nothing but the same kind of thing, many of their concepts have not been formed.


However, this has had a significant impact on the phoenix.

Some high-intelligence phoenixes know what they observe in the life of a whirlwind creature after eating the core.

Like pieces of gravel floating in the void, those huge tumblings, and the life that lives on them...

Phoenix has a strong interest in the content of the core and began to learn from it.

They study and think about everything that is witnessed in a whirlwind, and imagine the meaning of everything in it.

In fact, they didn't think of anything.

Even though there are many creatures on the tumbling creatures from the knowledge of the Cyclone creatures, the phoenix does not know that they are creatures.

The phoenix at that time did not distinguish between apiculture and abiotic. They just thought... very wonderful.

They think that there are so many different objects on the outside that are very interesting.

Although they are intellectually high enough, because they have always lived on a platform that has nothing but the same kind of thing, many of their concepts have not been formed.


However, this has had a significant impact on the phoenix.

Some high-intelligence phoenixes know what they observe in the life of a whirlwind creature after eating the core.

Like pieces of gravel floating in the void, those huge tumblings, and the life that lives on them...

Phoenix has a strong interest in the content of the core and began to learn from it.

They study and think about everything that is witnessed in a whirlwind, and imagine the meaning of everything in it.

In fact, they didn't think of anything.

Even though there are many creatures on the tumbling creatures from the knowledge of the Cyclone creatures, the phoenix does not know that they are creatures.

The phoenix at that time did not distinguish between apiculture and abiotic. They just thought... very wonderful.

They think that there are so many different objects on the outside that are very interesting.

Although they are intellectually high enough, because they have always lived on a platform that has nothing but the same kind of thing, many of their concepts have not been formed.

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