When Phoenix built its own paradise, those green fogs... have encroached on many worlds.

All the occupied worlds are almost a stop.

There is a dense fog that covers the sky, day and night.

And the creatures there have all become the shells filled with green particles in the body, working all day long, creating one huge hollow volcano, launching the forces of green fog to the farther void.

The phoenixes did not know that there was such a thing. In fact, they were working hard to explore the void.

Making things like airplanes is hard for Phoenix. Although they can make a big platform,...the platforms made of the original species can only be fixed in one position, there is no way to generate strong thrust for them to take off. .

After the phoenix's technology was further improved, they had the technology to fly to the void.

And the reason for their huge technological advancement... mainly comes from the solidification of the void.

The phoenix where the phoenixes are located has always been only a whirlwind creature, but at some point there has been a group of... very special visitors.

This visitor is a solidified creature from the solidified void.

The phoenix called this creature a 'mentor'.

These creatures are small, only one meter in size, and they are not flying in any direction, but suddenly appear in the paradise built by these phoenixes.

They were initially like phantoms. In the space of the phoenix activity, the residences sometimes flashed and disappeared.

Phoenix does not have the concept of 'illusion', they immediately confirm that this is a novel phenomenon, and try to capture... these flashes.

At some point, a group of phoenixes succeeded in encircling a 'phantom', and this phantom did not disappear immediately.

And it also shows the 'entity', and uses the dust of the phoenix to communicate with the surrounding phoenix in the language of the phoenix.

This is the time when the phoenixes first recognized this creature.

At that time, these creatures often appeared in Phoenix's paradise, and they lived with the phoenix.

Phoenix has no opinion on these creatures because they don't know what opinions they should have. Since they are harmless, then it seems that there is nothing wrong with staying together.

And these creatures often chat with the phoenix and discuss various things with them...

Of course, in the exchange, the phoenixes have said that they now want to create a vehicle with a vanity.

After living with this group of creatures for a year, the phoenix found that these creatures began to die...

That is to say, there is no longer any activity, and of course it will not deteriorate.

These creatures did not care about the deaths of the same kind. Instead, they let the phoenix collect the bodies of their companions and teach the phoenix... the way these corpses are caused to be vehicles.

The phoenixes were amazed, but they did.

Soon, Phoenix created the first... an aircraft that could sail in the void.

And that's not all that, and then these creatures began to die on a large scale.

But there are also new species of such creatures that are constantly appearing, and they are beginning to teach the phoenix to use their bodies to make things.

There are buildings, weapons, entertainment facilities or something.

All in all, Phoenix found the bodies of these creatures... it was omnipotent and seemed to create endless props.

Later, the phoenix carefully studied it. They found that the creatures of this group have the same appearance, but each body composition is different.

In general they are a mixture of various coagulating substances and some normal void materials.

This is also the beginning of what the Phoenix called them ‘mentors’.

Under their guidance, Phoenix's technical level has also advanced by leaps and bounds.

To say that their greatest achievement is the ‘gravitational conduction furnace’.

The phoenix itself controls its own cohesive force, and through this ‘gravitational conduction furnace’ they can control gravitation from elsewhere.

For example, stars.

The extent of each phoenix is ​​different, some can only be controlled very little, but some can arbitrarily twist the gravitational force and make a strong ... force.

At the same time, Phoenix has also produced many weapons and aircraft based on gravity control.

These ‘tutors’ also showed the existence of a solidified void to the phoenix and taught the phoenix to create some “gap generators” that arrived at the solidified void.

Then they left.

From a certain day, the number of ‘tutors’ that Phoenix found to appear in their homes became less and less, and later it did not appear at all.

However, because the phoenix can enter the solidified void, they can continue to find materials that combine various things in the solidified void and continue to grow and develop.

As for the disappearance of the mentor, the phoenix has many ideas. Some people feel that it does not matter. Some people think that they may have any conspiracy, and others feel that they have to thank them.

However, in the memory of the ancient phoenix, it is remembered that a mentor who left last time said that they are in the process of dying, so they came to teach the phoenix these things.

As for the relationship between demise and teaching, it did not say anything.

In short, after this, the Phoenix began a journey of nothingness.

The goal of their first trip was the location of the creatures in their ancient memories.

It is also the world of the creatures of the whirlwind sect.

Phoenix wanted to see the place, so he built a long-distance aircraft and flew to the satellite of the third gurus of the galaxy.

And when the phoenix went there... they found a strong green fog.

And creatures that work like a cockroach in the middle of a thick fog.

This is also the first time Phoenix has encountered Green Mist Mountain.

However, they are not called Green Mist Mountain at this time. The Phoenix later gave this creature a name called ‘Green Form’.

In fact, the phoenix will also be polluted by ‘greens’.

As long as the dense fog of green phages touch their bodies, the dust particles of the phoenix's body will become abnormal.

But the phoenix itself can use the ability to control gravity to protect the body from erosion.

And at that time, the phoenix did not know what dangerous phenomena these green fogs were. They quickly found a city of sectarian creatures. After seeing the ruins of the city and the biologically active shells inside, the phoenix understood their misery. encounter.

Although it is a pity, but the Phoenix did not think about revenge, they do not know what this has to do with the green fog.

They quickly left the world and then explored other places.

However, when their aircraft took off... they were attacked by the vacant volcano.

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