4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2442: Unrecognizable birth

There are many species in that place.

But to do a simple overall classification...

The creatures can be divided into two types, at least the two that the rescuer is currently discovering.

One is a special 'energy body' that can appear in this emptiness in the form of 'energy' and is integrated into a variety of substances.

This kind of creature... is also a dream creature.

Although they are energy, they are not the same as the energy that is usually defined, but they are called first.

In addition, the savior discovered another creature called the 'empty body'.

To put it simply, it is the 'individuals that occur out of thin air', like the phoenix, because the cohesive forces in their bodies can't be investigated in any way by now, just like it happens out of thin air.

Whirlwind creatures and phoenixes are in this category. In addition, the saviors say they have seen some ‘empty creatures’ creatures elsewhere.

These creatures are mainly based on the 'power' in their bodies, while the material of normal void is used as a 'container' to accommodate this 'power'.

Because it is not certain what it is, it is called ‘force’.

When the container collapses, the creatures of the 'empty body' will also dissipate, and their power must be produced where there is material.

But they are not too picky about matter, they can adapt to a wide variety of substances.

When I saw Cyclone creatures long ago, the savior was not sure where the Cyclone creatures came from.

However, in the later period of time, the savior slowly determined their origins, and the 'energy body' and the 'empty body' came from the place called the unforeseen place.

The saviors are not so called, they just call it a distant place, or a land of borders.

So, where is it? According to the savior, it should be about the same as the solidified void... a huge space that is independent.

Somewhat different is that the solidified void and the normal void are 'snap' with each other, so it is relatively easy to travel.

The savior also said that the condensed void has recently become more and more 'close' with the normal void, and many places are like overlapping.

They are somewhat worried about this situation and don't know if there will be any accidents.

The unpredictable land itself is not tied to the normal void, so go there to use a more complicated way.

Because it takes a lot of time to go there, they all like to call it a faraway place.

Yes, in addition to the savior, there are other creatures that have ways to go to the unpredictable land.

And the savior still knows some of these creatures.

But the creatures that will go there... usually do not include the aborigines there.

Energy bodies and empty bodies come from there, but they generally don't know how to go back, even if they don't even know where they are from.

"You may also be an empty body." In the end, the savior said this to Lin: "But it is different and cannot be confirmed very well."

Indeed, according to what it says, Lin’s own characteristics are similar to those of Phoenix.

Before Lin, she thought she was quite a dream creature, but from the perspective of phoenixes and cyclone creatures, it seems to be close to them.

How did the savior know? It is mainly discovered by a device.

Such devices are referred to as 'eyes of the bus'.

... actually this is the name of Lynn.

According to the savior, they are organs taken from a dead bus.

It seems that the savior likes to get organs from various creatures, and then improve it as his own technology.

This is different from the first device used by the savior to detect Lin. This is indeed an organ of a bus creature.

And it is still the type of organ that Lynn has never seen, although it is the same as the bus creature.

This is mainly used to detect the whole...

This whole refers to the creatures from the outside to the inside, which constitutes any subtle part of the body, and also includes various internal energy, just like the dream energy can be detected.

In general, normal null species can quickly detect all results, but in the detection of creatures like the phoenix whirlwind, the 'eye of the bus' will indicate that there is an 'unknown' part of the species.

That is, there is no cohesiveness in the phoenix body. It can't detect the reason it is there...

The same is true when testing Lin.

Lin is a normal creature on the surface, but there are some unidentified parts inside.

The savior has also recently regarded such ‘unknown’ species as “empty creatures”, and they have recently confirmed that these empty bodies are from unforeseen places.

How did it come about? The savior said that some of the ‘energy’ entered the normal void, and then the whirlwind creature was born at the place where the energy stayed.

What is this energy? They also don't know, in general, what the savior observed when approaching unforeseen places... a phenomenon.

Recently they have linked this phenomenon to cyclone creatures.

As for Lin...it now has no way to confirm whether it is an empty body, although there is such a possibility.

The same is true when testing Lin.

Lin is a normal creature on the surface, but there are some unidentified parts inside.

The savior has also recently regarded such ‘unknown’ species as “empty creatures”, and they have recently confirmed that these empty bodies are from unforeseen places.

How did it come about? The savior said that some of the ‘energy’ entered the normal void, and then the whirlwind creature was born at the place where the energy stayed.

What is this energy? They also don't know, in general, what the savior observed when approaching unforeseen places... a phenomenon.

Recently they have linked this phenomenon to cyclone creatures.

As for Lin...it now has no way to confirm whether it is an empty body, although there is such a possibility.

The same is true when testing Lin.

Lin is a normal creature on the surface, but there are some unidentified parts inside.

The savior has also recently regarded such ‘unknown’ species as “empty creatures”, and they have recently confirmed that these empty bodies are from unforeseen places.

How did it come about? The savior said that some of the ‘energy’ entered the normal void, and then the whirlwind creature was born at the place where the energy stayed.

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