4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2450: Another war

More than a dozen huge tentacles are squeezing the sphere of the phoenix.

Some of the phoenixes on the periphery of the sphere have been squeezed into powder by this powerful force.

However, the commanding phoenix in the ball appeared at this time... excited mood.

"Just now, come out! Let everything be nothing, let everything end!"

The Phoenix ball, which was squeezed by a lot of tentacles, suddenly started... a sharp rise.

Although phoenixes seem to be burning, their temperatures are usually very low.

But now they are now raising the temperature at a very fast speed, then bang!

The entire Phoenix ball... has blown up.

The impact of the burst devours all the tentacles around, and completely smashes the ruins that had almost collapsed.

When the explosion subsided slowly, you could see that there were only some tiny debris left in the explosion, and... almost a hundred phoenixes were in the explosion center.

Including the phoenix of that command.

"Everyone, we have succeeded, and we have created a great battle." Commanding Phoenix to the remaining Phoenix Road: "This battle will not be circulated, but it is still very valuable."

This group of phoenixes, including the phoenix, escaped when they opened the coagulation gap as the temperature rose.

As for other phoenixes... of course, it was dead in the explosion.

Because the entire explosion is made by most of the phoenix **** in the Phoenix ball, they are not likely to escape.

"I didn't expect to complete this great battle. This plan is really quite successful. Yes, we have to record this plan, not to record the story, but to record the plan."

Lin found that the remaining phoenix began to discuss the things just happened.

It turned out that the phoenix seemed to have been disconnected from the ‘trust connection’ just before, and they were installed.

They used to feel that the tyrants wanted to block their trust connections, but they weren't actually blocked, but they were loaded... shielded so that the lord surrounded them with all the tentacles.

When the Lord refused to be victorious, the phoenix suddenly made an explosion to destroy it.

Because, Phoenix believes that if the attack continues as before, the waste master may use some methods to escape.

So to use this kind of plan to instantly kill the abolition, it has no chance to escape.

It seems that these phoenixes are still quite planned.

Although they have sacrificed a lot of similarities, they are not very common.

Then these phoenixes left the battlefield with the joy of victory and returned to the normal void...

And the final step in their plan...it didn't actually succeed.

Because the abolition is still not dead.

Although it was greatly hurt by the explosion, it did not die.

Because Lynn saw it in another place, it was accurate to see a part of it.

The location where the owner is now is...

A place of war.


‘Booming! ! ! ’

Under the gray sky, countless barrage is flying, and successive explosions make the surface tremble.

The huge war weapons were on the ground, and there were countless infantry below them... They kept pouring firepower toward the enemy.

The abolitionist is in such a battlefield.

To be precise, it is a tentacle.

This tentacle has a length of more than three hundred meters and is a tentacle that has been left behind.

Lynn doesn't know if there are any other parts of the body left, but there is only this tentacle here.

As for why it is not here, it is unclear, but most of the tentacles are buried in the ground, and only a small part is exposed to the ground, so that it is not affected by the surrounding artillery.

Because the employer's tentacles include this one and the phoenix battles have a lot of contact, so some of Lin's arms can stick to the 'skin' of the tentacle and follow it to get here.

What is the place here?

Obviously this is a normal void and is closer to the Phoenix galaxy.

But this position is still some distance away from the 'marginal edge' defined by Phoenix, about 10 billion kilometers.

And here is a tumbling man with the atmosphere, and there is also a lot of dust debris in the air.

Obviously the result of various explosives, some of Min's micro-arms have already floated into the air, watching the war from a height.

Both sides of the war... are all creatures that Lynn knows.

It is also the phoenix creature of the Phoenix Galaxy.

Because the employer's tentacles include this one and the phoenix battles have a lot of contact, so some of Lin's arms can stick to the 'skin' of the tentacle and follow it to get here.

What is the place here?

Obviously this is a normal void and is closer to the Phoenix galaxy.

But this position is still some distance away from the 'marginal edge' defined by Phoenix, about 10 billion kilometers.

And here is a tumbling man with the atmosphere, and there is also a lot of dust debris in the air.

Obviously the result of various explosives, some of Min's micro-arms have already floated into the air, watching the war from a height.

Both sides of the war... are all creatures that Lynn knows.

It is also the phoenix creature of the Phoenix Galaxy.

Because the employer's tentacles include this one and the phoenix battles have a lot of contact, so some of Lin's arms can stick to the 'skin' of the tentacle and follow it to get here.

What is the place here?

Obviously this is a normal void and is closer to the Phoenix galaxy.

But this position is still some distance away from the 'marginal edge' defined by Phoenix, about 10 billion kilometers.

And here is a tumbling man with the atmosphere, and there is also a lot of dust debris in the air.

Obviously the result of various explosives, some of Min's micro-arms have already floated into the air, watching the war from a height.

Both sides of the war... are all creatures that Lynn knows.

It is also the phoenix creature of the Phoenix Galaxy.

Because the employer's tentacles include this one and the phoenix battles have a lot of contact, so some of Lin's arms can stick to the 'skin' of the tentacle and follow it to get here.

What is the place here?

Obviously this is a normal void and is closer to the Phoenix galaxy.

But this position is still some distance away from the 'marginal edge' defined by Phoenix, about 10 billion kilometers.

And here is a tumbling man with the atmosphere, and there is also a lot of dust debris in the air.

Obviously the result of various explosives, some of Min's micro-arms have already floated into the air, watching the war from a height.

Both sides of the war... are all creatures that Lynn knows.

That is, the phoenix creature of the Phoenix Galaxy

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