4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 85: Egg and fruit

The oval thing that Tucker is holding is an egg.

"The giver is about to leave, beautiful things, give, give."

'Gifter' is the name of the dragon's pom-pom for Lin, the language vocabulary from the brain worm, the brain worm uses this name to describe something, such as the sky rain makes the plants grow faster and the like, and 骸After knowing this meaning, the dragon called it Lin's pompom.

The pompom stretched out a tentacles, rolled the egg up and looked it in front of it. The egg sparkled with silver-blue brilliance and was very beautiful in the sun.

But this is not the egg of the dragon, their eggs are white, there are rib-shaped patterns on it, this egg... Where did they get it from? Lynn has not seen it yet.

Oxyron occasionally likes to smash some shiny things to pile up together, usually some stones, to find the egg or the first time, they always like this kind of object, treat it as a precious thing, so Tucker Will give it to the pompon.

Lin thinks that these things are useless. Of course, this egg is still useful. It can be used for eating or taking it, or it can be used to train the creatures that will be hatched.

Of course, there is a creature in it in advance...

Lin's pompom sticks out a tentacle with a mouth, swallows the egg for monitoring, and Lin uses a micro-arm infiltration method to observe the egg without causing damage.

After carefully examining the inside of the egg, Lin found that it was actually... a dragon cub? And it has matured and hatched.

No, this is not Tucker's Snapdragon. It is a white dragon.

There are other Bailonglong tribes in the vicinity. The color of their eggs is actually so strange.

“The place to look for?” Lin immediately questioned Tucker.

"Southeast. East." Tucker immediately raised his forelimbs to the woods. Recently they often like to run into the woods. In this case, Lin will make the place to be made.

The pompom spit out the egg and told Tucker to tell it: "Retain." Then the pompom flew high and flew in the direction of the jungle.

The dragons usually do not have a specific breeding season. When the surrounding food is rich, they will start to multiply. When the eggs are born, they will be piled together and taken care of. So it is unlikely that it will be picked up. Can it be said that the habit of Bai Xiaolong is different?

The pompons quickly advanced in the jungle. This place has no long dragons, but was replaced by another kind of shorter trees. The ground is full of dense dead leaves and many balls.

The pompons slowly floated down and grabbed a ball with a tentacle and ate it.

This globular, also known as the 'fruit', is a newly evolved form of the plant here, which is dedicated to wrapping its own seeds with a layer of 'meat' in order to be able to spread farther. In order to attract other creatures to eat, take the seeds to a farther place.

Interestingly. Even plants that were originally highly toxic will grow very delicious fruits, and they usually attract creatures with a taste called ‘sweet’.

The fruits of some plants are also poisonous, probably related to the fact that some arthropods will go into the 'white eating' of their fruits. After all, these small insects will not transport their seeds, and sometimes they will be eaten together with the seeds in the core. The impact on plants is very bad.

Toxic fruits can resist enemies, but they usually require specific anti-virulence organisms to transport, and diffusion and reproduction is more troublesome.

The evolution of plants here is really more and more interesting.

The pompom flies and flies, and Lynn sees a wonderful thing that looks like a shack?

By the way, this is like the shacks that Tucker used to build. Now they don't take these things very much. Lin looked at the shack and found that it was empty.

"Hey!" Suddenly there was a snoring around the forest, dozens of white figures rushing out of the jungle, surrounded by Lin's pompoms.

These are... white dragons.

They rushed up insanely, and Lin’s pompoms quickly flew up into the sky to escape the attack. When Lin just looked down, a lot of wood thorns were thrown up, and these thorns were tied into the pompons. In the hair, but did not stab the meat, and Lin shattered a little and then it was all gone.

They seem to want to kill the pompoms. A group of white dragons shouted underneath, and the pompoms changed and they disappeared from the air.

The white dragons were obviously stunned. They stayed underneath for a long time. After a few hundred seconds, they all left with great loss.

They may be creatures that want to catch the eggs that take them. Depending on the ability to change color, the pompons follow this group of white dragons. They wander around the jungle and finally arrive at a relatively empty place. Dozens of shacks, this group of white dragons apparently live here.

Lin circled around their shacks and found that their lifestyle was similar to that of the dragon, but there were no cubs here, and Lynn saw some of them holding the silver-blue eggs. Into the jungle, and then taken to a far away place ... and then buried in the wild, then these white dragons no longer take the egg back to the ethnic group.

Do they want to hatch eggs in the wild? Does Bai Xiaolong still have such a strange habit?

Then Lynn has been observing the group of white dragons for the next few days and nights. There are more than 30 white dragons. They prefer to capture some smaller prey instead of hunting large prey, and they will indeed hatch. The cubs are placed in the wild, about a hundred meters away from the ethnic group. The cubs climb out and run back to the ethnic group. Only the cubs who have the ability to survive can join the ethnic group.

This kind of behavior of Bai Xiaolong must make the young children have to work hard when they are born, so it is not surprising that the eggs are taken away by other creatures. I don’t know how long they lived here. They are hundreds of meters away from Longqimu. It’s really rare to meet.

However, this strangeness did not last long. After a good night, Lin found that a dragon in the Tuck tribe appeared near the shack of the white dragon. It seemed to come here by chance. After seeing it, he panicked. I ran back in panic.

Lin also put some eyeball observations on Tucker. The dragon ran back to Longqimu and immediately notified Tucker. After Tucker heard it, there was a strong anger, which brought together all the tribal members. Caught over here...

This may be... the first war of the Tuckers. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~00121ling~ monthly ticket~

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