4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2474: Wonderful substance

"What do you think you can do? You can't do anything, you can't do anything!"

"No, yes, we can return to the source."

Phoenix and cyclone creatures... are homologous species.

The phoenix can be said to be a variant of a whirlwind creature, which occasionally occurs in some cases and has continued to maintain this form.

The cyclone creatures already know about the conditions needed to transform these two organisms.

In fact, this is what the market gathers to tell them.

It is said that there are certain special 'components' on the star of Phoenix, which is the key to transforming cyclone and phoenix.

The cyclone creature has now acquired that key and made it a weapon.

"This, this is..."

The phoenix's huge vehicle, the Seal of the Stars, is continuing to bomb the market. During the bombing, a large number of cyclone creatures also tried to sneak around it.

It has long been noted that the phoenixes of the whirlwind creatures do not care about their appearance. After all, they are not the phoenix that used to require cyclone creatures to help solve the green bud.

And there are only a few cyclone creatures here, and when they attack, the phoenix immediately mocks them with dust.

But when the phoenixes discovered the weapons that each Cyclone creature carried, they appeared... shocked.

The cyclone creatures that are close to the seal of the stars carry a large number of prismatic objects.

These objects are only a few meters in size, and the vortex around the whirlwind creature is constantly rotating, and there is nothing special about it from the outside.

But these prismatic objects are actually one of the substances that the phoenix is ​​very concerned about. It is called the 'original thing'.

That is... the earliest platform.

At the earliest time, the phoenix was born on a platform near the star. Why is this platform there, why is it floating around the stars? All this is a mystery.

However, the phoenix has studied it later and found that there are many wonderful material compositions in the platform. These substances are not coagulating substances, and they are not normal void materials.

The current Phoenix has already dismantled the original platform, and the materials are used by them to make these platforms.

So now there are some platforms inside the platform that have the original platform.

Phoenix has always thought that this substance is mysterious, because they never found similar substances, so they got some reactors.

This type of reactor reacts when a similar substance is detected.

Usually, when the phoenix explores the void and solidifies the void, it will carry these reactors, and the reactor is also installed on many aircraft, like a resident ball or something.

Of course, there are such reactors on such giant combat vehicles as the Seal of Stars.

Although many phoenixes don't know the previous things, they don't know what the reactor is for, but as long as some kind of person has told it that it is useful, they will put it on the aircraft.

These reactors have not detected any 'original things' for a long time, and it is now reacting.

That is the prismatic object in the cyclone vortex.

They... are very similar to ‘initial things’.

Perhaps this peculiar substance is the cause of the whirlwind creature mutating into a phoenix.

When the reactor signaled, all the phoenixes were shocked.

Most phoenixes don't know what this signal means, but they only see shocks of the same kind, they also think it is a thing that should be shocked.

However, in the seal of the stars, there are indeed some ancient phoenixes who know the past.

For example, the current Phoenix command is like this.

"This is impossible! They actually have that kind of thing! There are so many!"

Commanding the Phoenix sent a surprised language.

"Yeah! This is too impossible! Why is this happening! I can't believe it! It's incredible!"

And many phoenixes who didn't know what was going on immediately screamed with it.

When they screamed, the whirlwind creatures were close to the seal of the stars, and they ran directly with the body of the maneuver.

"Fast! All avoid!"

At the moment, the seal of the star stopped the bombing of the bombs under the commanding operation, but turned and flew to the distance.

It is much faster than the cyclone, and soon it opens up the cyclone creature and flies in the solid air.

But... it doesn't seem to open the market.

When the bombing stopped, the sequel God rushed out, and Lin found that it was almost twice as fast as the Star Printing.

The huge figure quickly approached the seal of the stars, and a large number of tentacles slammed out and wraped around the body of the star.

‘Hey! ’

Before the star-studded seal was entangled, a huge force hit the center of the body of the market.

The Seal of the Stars used this attack to kill the organ assembly, but the market **** is obviously not as weak as its split species.

It was marked with a cracked mark in the position where it was hit, and it looked like a circle with a diameter of 300 meters.

However, the market **** seems to be completely unconcerned, its tentacles continue to move forward, and entangled in the seal of the stars.

At this moment, a large piece of darkness began to spread on the seal of the stars.

Black obscures it like a burning fire, spreading from the position where the tentacle touches to the entire body.

"No! Launch! Launch!"

In the seal of the stars, the Phoenix command tried to control this huge vehicle, but found no response.

All the internal functions are stopping quickly...

The market is the center of the body of the gods.

The Seal of the Stars used this attack to kill the organ assembly, but the market **** is obviously not as weak as its split species.

It was marked with a cracked mark in the position where it was hit, and it looked like a circle with a diameter of 300 meters.

However, the market **** seems to be completely unconcerned, its tentacles continue to move forward, and entangled in the seal of the stars.

At this moment, a large piece of darkness began to spread on the seal of the stars.

Black obscures it like a burning fire, spreading from the position where the tentacle touches to the entire body.

"No! Launch! Launch!"

In the seal of the stars, the Phoenix command tried to control this huge vehicle, but found no response.

All the internal functions are stopping quickly...

In the seal of the stars, the Phoenix command tried to control this huge vehicle, but found no response.

All the internal functions are stopping quickly...

In the seal of the stars, the Phoenix command tried to control this huge vehicle, but found no response.

All the internal functions are stopping quickly...

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