4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2493: Fragment species

The market is a very complex creature.

Before Lin knew that it would 'split' into a waste or a collection of organs.

But now Lin knows... It doesn't seem to split into two.

There is also a special classification of the market gods, a classification called ‘fragment species’.

The reason for this classification is because a huge collection of gods has spread out for various reasons.

Although the organs collected by the sacred gods do not need to be in close contact, they can work together, but they are too far away to spread.

When a huge market of gods is hit hard, like a violent explosion that breaks it up... the various organs and objects it collects will also scatter, many organs will die, but some organs will gather Work together and continue.

This small group of organ aggregates is called a 'fragment species'.

The debris seems to be very similar to the market itself, but it does not continue to collect organs.

It also has no ability to let other organs grow into their own bodies. It will always have only a small group of organs that are initially gathered.

It will live as an independent creature... until the life of these organs is over.

Of course, this kind of debris can't be propagated. It can only be produced by the bombing of the market.

Lin is now a dead tree creature, it is a fragmented species... It has many different solidified biological organs in its body.

As for why it collects chasing creatures... The market gathers God to say that this is the innate mission of the debris.

It can also be said that they were born, and each piece of debris will try to ‘resurrect’ the gods in its own life.

Because they are produced by a bombing god, they are going to resurrect this bombing god.

The way to resurrect is to collect.

They will collect any material from the original market, whether it is organs, rocks, or anything else.

For example, if a marketplace is originally composed of one hundred biological organs, they will go to find one hundred such creatures... and put them together, and then resurrect the market.

It doesn't have to kill creatures, but obviously killing creatures is the best way to get them together, so they usually kill the collection target.

The fragments do not use themselves as materials for the resurrection of the gods, although they are the separatists of the market.

Of course, a hundred organs are just metaphors. The colonies that usually form fragments after dispersal are very large... The materials they make are also quite rich.

Therefore, the debris species are also very much collected. They usually carry the surrounding creatures constantly, excavate the surrounding rocks, and try to collect enough substances in all ways.

According to the market god, the act of fragmentation has never been successful.

In fact, they can't be resurrected or collected, but the fragments have never collected all the materials that make up the gods.

This is mainly because they have limited ability to move, and the material that gathers the whole body of God is collected from all the solidified voids... So in the end these fragments will be killed one by one in the continuous collection activities... death.

But even so, they will not stop collecting.

The same is true of what Lynn sees. It...accurately speaking, there are many kinds of these fragments.

They tried to use the chasing creatures as a material for the resurrection of the gods, so they were all transported here.

They are not mechanically moving things, the fragments are still intellectual, they will collect the best time.

That is, when all the chasing creatures are solidified.

But what's more interesting is... Lin found that it attacked Lin's spy, and also wanted to collect Lin's spy.

Although Lynn used the spy's captain's organ to send a mandatory signal to direct it to resist, but Lynn sent some ... the moment of the problem it would automatically reflect some emotional discourse.

For example, when Lin said: "What do you want to do?", it immediately responded with a sentence: "To collect you as materials."

This kind of response can be said to be 'instinctively' responding to the moment when the nerve is stimulated by the signal, so it can't say nothing.

Of course, it still has to continue to attack.

Now you can see the dead species of dead trees rushing over again.

This dead tree-like body is the outer shell that it makes for itself, while the interior has many organs.

Of course, those organs are very small, so their body size is not large... At the beginning, the debris and organ assemblies are an organ pile, but they will soon cover the organs with various substances around them. Make a body.

When Lin thought about it, the dead tree fragments had once again sent a lot of attacks on Lin. It constantly attacked the spy with a sharp part, and the spy quickly avoided the dead branches it had stabbed.

Every time she evades, Lynn will send some questions to it, mainly about collecting things.

What Lynn wants to know is which part of the spy...

Because these fragments can be collected as long as they contain a little bit of material that constitutes the **** of the market.

Most of the spies are made of coagulated matter, but at Lin's inquiry... Lin found that the target it collected was not a coagulant.

It is the part of the cell in the body of the spy.

These cells are small and similar to the head of a fly.

However, it sensed the part with cells in some way, so I wanted to collect it.

In this case, the market that it wants to resurrect also has a cell structure?

Lin is now mainly trying to figure out... who made the ‘the ball’ know the information about the world of pompons.

Maybe there is Lin’s wanted information, so Lynn lets the spy... collect it for a look.

The spy did not evade the next attack. After an instant, the debris pierced the spy's body, and the spy then shut down all the organs in the body.

Fragment species can sense the vitality of the organs in the spy, but after shutting down, it will think that it has killed the target.

So, it took the spy...and left here.

This border area is not where they place their collections. In fact, this chasing creature is also temporarily placed here.

Their true collection area is a relatively distant location...

But this fragmentary species actually flies, so it quickly reaches the real collection area.

As it flew into the collection area, Lynn saw a lot of interesting objects here.

Many of them are known to Lin...the material of normal void.

And Lynn also saw their channel of collecting normal void material.

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