The 'Puff Ball Spring' itself is a pothole with a diameter of about one kilometer.

Although it doesn't feel very big... but there are a lot of interesting things around it.

The first creature that Lynn’s dragon-shaped arms flew over came from, and it was also a kind of creature that resembled an ant.

They are like creatures called ' honey ants', which are more than a meter in size, and their front half is like a sharp spear, and three to six limbs are used for movement.

And the second half of their body swells up and looks like a balloon.

When Lin's dragon-fighting arms landed in front of them, they did not react or stayed in place, while others moved slowly toward one side.

So Lin asked a dragon dragon to approach a creature and put his hand on the part of it to test it.

It turns out that this is really... it is indeed a balloon.

Lynn decided that they were called 'air ants', and all the parts of these creatures were filled with air.

...the air from the world of pompons.

Lin detected several 'air ants' and found that they contained a lot of air from the pompons in their bodies. To be precise, they all came from the air in the jungle of the dinosaur continent.

From the inside, Lynn can discover the microbes there, and even the seeds of plants and the scum's excrement debris.

That is to say, this 'Puff Ball Spring' was once connected to the mainland of the dinosaur... But what is the connection?

In fact, Lin has a lot of arms in the world of pompoms to watch the development of the whole world, but there are no strange phenomena seen by the arms.

However, Lin's arms are not completely monitoring all places, so there may be some Lin... There are some wonderful things happening in places that have not been noticed.

Lin continued to test these gas ants, which are a kind of solidified organisms, but the solidified substances that make them are somewhat special.

They store air mainly because they react with air and substances in their bodies.

They have some special solidified substances in their bodies. They put these substances into the air storage capsules every time. These substances will quickly break into a large amount of debris in the air environment.

Then they will absorb the debris.

Simply put, they rely on the air of the pompons to help them break down the food. The effect of the pompom air is like 'gastric juice' for them. They put the special coagulation substances collected around them into the body and crack them with air. These cracked substances are then absorbed as nutrients.

In fact, it is not just a crack, but the 'property' of these substances has also changed a lot.

Lynn still doesn't know how they have become like this, but feels that they may have maintained this habit for a long time.

In the range of more than ten kilometers of the radius of the pompon spring, there are such gas ants everywhere... These creatures seem to live a very stable life, which can be seen from their lack of fear.

They don't care about the things around them.

In addition to them, there are many interesting scenes here, and Lin can see a lot of pompons on the surrounding ground.

For example, the crumbs of plants, the bones of animals, and various rock stones.

Lin can imagine the way the springs spattered around when the springs broke out.

Of course, they are all solidified, so they all still look like they have just arrived here.

Lin can figure out from the state of these substances when they came here...

Because the environment here is very interesting, Lin did not continue to fly but let the five dragons grow slowly here.

Next, these arms came to ... in a 'bone forest'.

On the ground here... a lot of bones are erected.

Most of them are leg bones, and there are also many skulls in the leg bones.

They all seem to be deliberately tied to the ground, it looks...much like a gnome.

‘Hey! When Lin thought about it, Lin’s dragon’s arms were attacked.

A large number of tiny bone needles were shot in the skulls around the ground, and they screamed in the dragon's arms.

The world is the sound that Lynn simulates because there is no air here.

Because this unit is made in accordance with the shape of the dragon, the skin is much harder than the average dragon. These tiny needles cannot be pierced.

After suffering an attack of about ten seconds or so, Lin found that the surrounding skull no longer fired the bone needle.

Obviously it is ammunition.

But at this time, Lin found that the designers of these bone needle traps appeared.

They really are... gnomes, but they are a little different from those that Lynn has seen.

These small creatures were drilled from the woods of the surrounding leg bones. The number of these small creatures was very large, and they were quickly surrounded by the dragons... there were more than one hundred.

The biggest difference between them and ordinary gnomes is that they have no meat.

They are complete gnome skeletons, without the flesh and blood of living things.

However, their character is very similar to that of ordinary gnomes. They all grab some relatively large bones as weapons and yelled at them.

Of course... there is no screaming of any sound, they just open their mouths very much.

When they collectively rushed over, Lin let the dragon dragons jump into the air.

At the same time, when the last dragon jumped up, he grabbed a weapon that was rushed to the front of the gnome.

Although it wanted to immediately let go of the weapon to escape, it was quickly caught by the dragon and was taken to the air by...

Then Lynn tested the bone gnome, and Lin found that these gnomes were actually a kind of...solidified creatures.

The bones of the gnome are not really gnome bones, but are made of bone fragments of various creatures here...

Moreover, the interior of this synthetic bone is filled with a solidified substance, and the reason why they can move is also because of this substance.

That is to say, a solidified creature uses the bone fragments everywhere here to synthesize the skeleton shape of the gnome, and drilled into it to live according to the gnome's habit...

Why are they doing this?

Lynn tried to ask about this creature.

This kind of creature can't communicate directly, but it can force it to respond...

Their reason seems to be because they like gnomes very much, and it can be said that this creature has reached a point of worship for gnomes.

But it is not the kind of worship of the gods, but the kind of worship that the Ershi people like...the "idol".

And the reason they like it so much seems to be because of the relationship between the gnome's ... excrement.

Because they have been to the world of pompoms.

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