4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2498: factory

These two worlds... are somewhat synchronized.

Lin's arms are still being researched near the 'Football Springs'.

There are a lot of pompons around this spring...

It does seem to be the case on the surface, but in reality, these are not things from pompons.

Because no detailed research has not been found before, and after Lin's detailed inspection, Lin found all the bones here... creatures, including the air in the gas ants and even the debris in the air, are actually not pompons.

Although it feels very similar on the surface.

But in fact everything in this place is... synthesized with the local matter here.

However, this 'local substance' is also a normal void material, but it is not the pompon there... but the original material here.

At the same time, the condensate creatures that the gnomes have encountered in the pompon...they are not really solidified creatures, but are produced locally for some reason.

Although Lin hasn't figured out how the cohobs produced solidified creatures, at least now I know how the ancestral land is produced.

In fact, the bottom of the entire velvet spring eye is a large 'synthesis device'.

Now there is a dragon armature that is drifting to the bottom of the spring eye... In the process of falling, you can see some creatures like pterosaurs flying around.

When the dragon fell to the bottom... it landed on a large piece of sand.

In fact, this is the debris of a variety of normal voids that are filled with the bottom of the 'spring', making it like a beach.

At the same time, Lin can also find that the surrounding sand grains occasionally ... sink into a small vortex.

This will last for tens of seconds, and the vortex will be engulfed with a lot of gravel, including Lin's mini-arms.

In fact, before the dragon fell to here, Lin sprinkled a lot of micro-arms into the spring, and also knew about the situation under the sand...

Under the gravel is a 'synthesis device'.

It is made of solidified matter itself, and the style is very similar to many factories that Linde has seen.

First of all, there are many chimney-like pipes at the top. These pipes can be opened or closed. When they are opened, they will see the phenomenon of sand vortexes just like...

That is, there is a lot of sand flowing into the chimney pipe.

After entering the pipeline, the gravel will go all the way to the inside of the 'factory'. The interior is a relatively complicated system with many structures such as small scorpions.

They disassemble and reorganize the falling grit and assemble them into the substances that Lin sees around the spring.

That is... the bones of various creatures.

The factory seems to randomly assemble the gravel into any kind of biological bone of the dinosaur continent, most of which are dinosaurs... and also get some other substances, such as plant debris, hard excrement and stone. and many more.

These substances are just like 'appearance' and can be found by careful inspection inside.

When assembled, they will send the bones out through the larger pipes.

After a long time, the gravel above will be slowly used up, and they will all be composed of various pompons.

In the end, they will be thrown by this spring, and finally become what Lin sees scattered around the spring.

Of course, only substances such as these bones will not be thrown out.

They also need...air.

Air that resembles pom-poms is also produced by this factory.

But instead of using those gravel, it uses another substance that is deeper in the ground.

There is a big place under the factory... it can be said that it is similar to a sewer.

And there are a lot of liquids flowing in the sewer.

The factory will draw liquids from the inside and react with a variety of substances to finally produce air similar to pompons.

In the end, the factory will store the air in a certain location, and then ‘explode’ at the moment when it is stored to the fullness... and it is also full of substances, throwing them all out of the pompoms.

The creatures outside of what Lin called ‘air ants’ will also quickly come over at this moment to quickly absorb the emerging air.

At the same time, there will be some other solidified creatures coming.

These creatures, Lynn thinks they can be called 'wool fans', they are also similar to the environmental creatures of the pompoms on the pompoms.

For example, those creatures that Lin saw before were dressed as gnome skeletons.

Because the pompon springs throw out is not just a variety of imitation materials, there are some ... information.

When the pompon springs are launched, you can feel the information as long as you stand on the edge of the spring. These information contain the environmental things in the pompoms.

Some solidified creatures are therefore fond of things there.

The thing that the chasing creature knows about the pompons is estimated to be that some solidified creatures tell them what they know here.

But I still don't know which kind of solidified creature.

Because most of the coagulated organisms only gathered at the moment when the springs broke out, they left when they broke out and rarely stayed here.

At the same time, there is another problem, that is... Where does the factory have information about the pompon?

For this reason, Lin investigated the factory more carefully.

The factory itself is completely automated, and it can be said that it is a creature.

It has many root-like structures that extend underground, in addition to the liquid used to extract synthetic air, and are used to absorb... a variety of coagulating substances that act as energy to maintain plant operation.

And this factory has one of the most important parts.

At least Lin thinks it is the most important thing, it is... information cabin.

The cabin itself is small and located at the edge of the factory, but it is connected to a separate chimney pipe.

In this cabin, there is a lot of information about the pompon... mainly the mainland of the dinosaur.

Mainly the inner wall of this compartment, Lin found that it is a neural structure belonging to a certain solidified organism.

Lynn doesn't know what solidified organisms are, but generally knows that this is a neural structure.

And Lin can use the captain's organs to feel the information it sends.

Although Lin's mini-arms are too small to have captain-like organs, Lin's current dragon-armed units have already reached the chimney pipes that connect to the information cabin.

Standing above the pipe, Lin can feel the information inside.

The information cabin contains constantly updated environmental information on the dinosaur continent.

But...how is it connected to the other side?

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