4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 90: Fire problems

Lin's pompom slowly placed the jungle gnome on the edge of the cliff. The gnome was as dead as it was, but at the moment when the tentacle let it go, it suddenly and quickly fled into the jungle. I have no figure...

This skill is good, you will know that it will not move like a prey to let the predator relax, although this trick will be even.

The gnome's lair should be under the cliff. It flies into the jungle and it is estimated that it will come back. Therefore, Lin will change the pompon and wait for it.

At this time, many of the eyeballs released by Lin had a group of white dragons found. The shacks from the cliffs were about three hundred meters. They were located in the jungle on the west side of the cliff. There were ten shacks, and the white dragons were among the shacks. Eat a circle in a circle.

It seems that the distance between the two white dragons is very close. I don't know what the relationship between the two communities is. So, the relationship should be better.

The usual gregarious creatures and other groups of the same species will be competitive. They often have a large territory, and the white dragons seem to be different.

Lin's eyeball found a group of white dragons two hundred meters to the north of the cliff. Their number is also ten. Because a dragon usually only lives in a shack, the number of sheds can be known.

It seems that their usual relationship is probably very good, otherwise it is impossible to be so close, but why should they not live together? This is everywhere, is it because...

Is it to avoid being killed once?

This possibility is relatively small... Anyway, record them first and observe them.

At this time, the sound of ‘stabbing thorns’ was issued in the jungle. The gnome that had run away before was back, and it looked around. After discovering that there is no danger, I will go to the edge of the cliff...

The pompon also discolors behind it. When the gnome is about to climb down the cliff. It suddenly saw a group of white dragon shacks not far away.

The gnome snorted a little, then slowly approached the group of shacks... Does it want to know what the white dragon is not going to do?

The pygmy swayed the little body and gently approached the shack. It smelled it in the air with its flat nose. After confirming the situation, it ran to the edge of the cliff and called out under the cliff. sound.

The sound of "呱-呱-呱" gave Lin a strange feeling, and the voice of the gnome seemed to be different. Along with its voice, three gnomes emerged from the cliff, they climbed up along the vines and cracks on the cliff, and the four gnomes gathered together.

Lin thinks that they may be so small in order to adapt to the life that climbs and climbs, but there are other possibilities. The pompons follow these four gnomes into the shacks of the Bailulong group, and they quickly rummaging through each A shack, they have turned over the stones placed in the white dragon, or all the sticks. These gnomes will collect the bones found. They are collected directly into their mouths.

However, it did not swallow. There is an organ called the 'cheek pouch' in the mouth of the jungle dwarf. Can be used to put things like food.

Except for the bones, the gnomes turned all over and thrown aside, but there was no food, and finally they found the shack where the fire was placed.

When the gnomes entered the shack, they were careful. The room was the biggest. It might be the room of the leader. But there was nothing special here. The gnomes noticed the skull with the seeds of the flame flower. They immediately rushed up to the skull. I took it up and dumped all the seeds inside.

The pile of leaves with the fire was turned over by them again, and the fire was wiped out by a gnome...

In this way, the four gnomes stuffed the bones with their mouths, and they quickly fled the shacks with a skull and climbed down the cliff...

Lin wants to know what kind of mood the group of white dragons will come back.

The pompom flew down the cliff with the gnome, leaving an eyeball to observe the shack.

The gnomes quickly climbed down the cliff, and they moved quite fast. On the way, they stunned a large group of small pterosaurs that climbed to the bottom of the cliff and approached the rapids. They opened a lot of branches and leaves. , revealing a cave.

It seems that this is their nest.

The gnomes went into the cave one by one, and the pompons followed behind them. The size of the cave was just enough for a metre ball of diameter of more than one meter.

The cave is quite spacious. Lin found that there are bones everywhere, most of them are leg bones. They are inserted one by one on the ground, sometimes with a skull on the leg bones.

These gnomes actually like to do these strange things... These skulls are also various, most of them are the pterosaur's skull, and some are horned dragons, but they are all small or young dinosaurs, but in them, Lin actually I found a skull of a dragon.

It may be the white faucet bones they have come from outside. What do they mean when they put these bones?

……what is that? Lin suddenly noticed that there was a skull on the roadside in front of it, and there were many shiny skulls around it.

When the pompoms were close, they found that the skull was full of larvae of a carrion beetle, and their tails glowed as if they were sucking nutrients in the bones.

The next cave passage is more and more spacious. The roads are full of bones on both sides, and there are vine plants hanging on the wall. Why do these gnomes like bones?

The cave was quite deep, and after the four gnomes walked for almost a few tens of meters, Lynn came to a very open space.

I saw here... a lot of gnomes gathered!

They should have hundreds of them, and they gather together and keep on arguing. Their voices make Lin feel that there is a kind of 'irritation' feeling. There are many glowing bones around the cave. The light here is no longer visible. They rely entirely on this illumination. In the center of the cave there is a pile of hills piled up, and on the hill, stands a special dwarf.

This gnome carries a shell that looks like the eggshell of a large dinosaur. It is estimated to be outside, with a wooden stick in his hand and a glowing faucet at the top of the stick.

This eccentric gnome is the leader. It looks around the noisy gnome group below, lifts the wooden stick with the skull, and then opens the mouth...


Under the screaming screams of the gnome's leader, they stopped the noise and looked at the leader in the middle.

The leader then waved the stick, and the gnomes immediately let the road open. The four gnomes who went out before came out from the middle. They went to the leader and spit out the bones they had acquired before, and the skull was also placed. In front of the leader.

After the leader looked at the bones, it suddenly shouted: "Wow!" Then, the gnome of the entire cave was called together! They seem to be quite excited in an instant.

They seem to have very weird habits, and Lin intends to list them as observations.

On the other side, among the shacks on the cliffs, the group of white dragons came back. They were different from the excited gnomes. This group of white dragons saw their shacks turned into such a wrath. mood.

There was a dragon who quickly rushed into the fire shack. It saw that the fire had been extinguished, and the skull with the flame flower was gone...

"嘎——!!!" This white dragon suddenly screamed, and it rushed out of the shack and smashed against a white dragon outside.

This Bai Long Long Lin remembers it, it was collecting seeds and adding fuel to the fire.

"Hey!" Other white dragons also looked at the white dragon, they surrounded it, and then grabbed its limbs...

This white dragon is constantly struggling, but there is no use at all. It can only be caught by the same kind of cliffs on the edge of the cliff, and then thrown away from the cliff.

With a scream, Bai Xiaolong slammed into the prominent stone on the cliff wall, and a large amount of blood spurted out of its mouth, and then it stopped moving again...

After seeing another white dragon that had thrown it down, he turned and walked into the jungle.

This behavior is really... too stupid.

Lin has only one comment on their approach.

Should Bai Yanlong think that the companion has destroyed the fire? This kind of thing definitely knows impossible according to their intelligence. If it is accidentally destroyed, there is absolutely no need to kill it. Lin wonders if they are the same kind.

Xiaolong also has similar behaviors, but they are just 'exiled' off the wrong companions, and they can quickly join other ethnic groups, not killing so serious, it seems that Bai Xiaolong has developed some strange behaviors... ...

At this time, the gnome leader in the cave suddenly shouted 'wow', and ten gnomes immediately rushed out along the hole. Lin followed them to observe, and saw that the gnomes climbed from the cliff to the white dragon and fell to death. The place, they surrounded the protruding rock, several gnomes seized the body and dragged hard, trying to drag the body down.

They seem to know in the cave that there is a white dragon that has died? Or do these gnomes understand the habits of the white dragon? Or are they deliberately making fires?

In this case, they are too smart, it is not very likely.

After the group of gnomes pulled the body, they stopped. It is really a problem for them to pull a two-meter-high white dragon on a cliff for only half a meter. The gnomes are surrounded by the body, as if hesitating. it is good.

After considering hundreds of seconds, they still decided - pull straight!

Five gnomes were pushed on one side, and the other five were pulled on one side, and they worked together to get the body off the protruding rock.

But the corpse is quite heavy. Ten gnomes squatted on the rock wall with their hands and feet. It took a lot of effort to bite the body with their mouths. Suddenly there were two gnomes who slipped and bite the body in the air, and the remaining eight At the same time, the gnomes also struggled to grasp the rock wall because of the sudden increase of gravity. The ten gnomes fell into the rapids under the cliff together with the body of the white dragon. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks to the monthly ticket of ~yuey~

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