It is said that there are so many creatures... they are very good at ‘taming’ factories.

The factory of the pompon springs is because they become creatures that can only be made without thinking and activity.

In fact, it is not a factory of the spring.

Most other factories have been tamed by this creature...

Lynn's light dragon is watching them in the sky.

When the weapons of the star-printed bombardment of the earth's surface caused a violent earthquake, the impact of the vibrations allowed the factories hiding underground to drill out.

These factories are not as big as the Quanyan factory. Most of them are in the range of tens of meters to 100 meters. They are similar in shape to stones with many limbs and irregular shapes.

Lin is more concerned about these creatures in the factory.

They are small in size, only one meter away, and look like protruding small mud from the outside.

They are very numerous, gathered in the factory, and they look very fragile but they can ride on the factory and get out of the shocking environment.

These are mud-like creatures, creatures that are good at taming factories, and they are native species of the world.

Lin doesn't know much about them, just knowing their existence from the factory of Pompon Springs.

There is a hidden organ in the factory-like organism. This organ is very special. It is not a 'physical', that is, a feeling similar to the energy of a dream.

Because Lin found that the captain class creatures were exposed to this energy, it would get some information from it... so Lynn regarded this energy as an organ.

In short, Lin learned about most of the history of factory-like creatures, especially the factory in the pompon spring.

The factory of the spring is quite old, so it can grow so big.

However, even if the factory-like creatures live longer, their thinking will not change, that is, they will always be maintained... constantly exploring and creating the cycle of living things.

The mud-like creatures found out how to distort the factory's manufacturing process, so Lynn felt it necessary to investigate them.

At the moment when Lin had this idea, Guanglong rushed to the factories on the surface.

Now these factories have climbed to a relatively open place, and although they are still shaking around, they are already a lot weaker.

By the time the vibrations were stable, the factories began to move... they seemed to be leaving this place to travel far away.

Lin has now flown above them.

Lin let the light dragon directly rush to a smaller factory, which is only 30 meters in size, which is considered to be a cub level.

When the light dragon flew past, all the mud pieces that were on the top jumped to other factories nearby.

At the moment they jumped, the light dragon's head slammed a lot of... thin lines.

These thin lines instantly glued each jumped mud block, and also stuck to the 30-meter-sized cub plant, and the light dragon flew into the air.

These creatures that were stuck by the line were also pulled into the sky together, and then Lin quickly retracted the thin lines, and they were also pulled into the light dragon...the body.

The light dragon's head can be unfolded, and all the sticky creatures are swallowed like flowers.

Then, Lynn began testing all the creatures that came in.

First of all... mud.

Lynn found that they did... have some ability.

These muds are actually a kind creatures.

There are many such species in the solidified organisms living in independent spaces.

In fact, they just regard space as their nest, and they still have to enter the normal void to get food.

Previously, Lin learned that the factory mainly sent investigators to the distant places by finding independent space.

It is true that some space is connected at one end and the other end may be connected quite far.

In this way, the factory can send investigators to very distant voids and through its investigations to create distant creatures.

In the normal void, most of the individual small spaces are empty.

Perhaps it is because the normal void is hard to see creatures that can use space.

And in the condensed void... many of these independent small spaces are full.

That is, there are creatures living in it.

This mud is the creature that once lived in an independent space... and the space in which they lived was discovered by the factory at some point.

The factory then put the investigators in and tried to reach the distance through their space.

Investigators are usually very rude to open the edge of the space, which will allow it to be sent further afield, at the cost of a violent 'shock'.

This will not destroy the space, but it will make the environment change dramatically.

Then these muds left the space they were waiting for and began a new life in the land of the ancestors.

At the same time, they have been paying attention to the culprits that ruined their space, that is, these factories.

Through long-term investigations and research, they slowly found ways to control the plant... and completely controlled the plant species.

Of course, it is not completely controlled, because they do not find hidden organs in space.

It seems that the mud can do this very powerfully.

But in fact it is not that they are very strong, but the strange is the factory.

The factory's manufacturing was originally to attack all local creatures around, but not to attack the mud.

This also allows the mud to approach the factory to investigate them and to change the factory's habit by drilling into the factory to remove some of their organs.

The mud itself has become a living creature that sticks to the factory, and all their resources are obtained by the factory.

It feels like the factory didn't attack the mud for some special reason, let the mud block... control them.

Of course, the mud block also encountered the factory of the pompon spring.

Like other factories, the mud removes some of its organs and leaves it in a state of inability to think.

But in the process, the mud also learned about the 'three worlds'.

As a result, the mud decided to leave the Quanyan factory there to let it continue to make the pompon material, and let other factories around it to provide it with the channel to manufacture materials.

Let it keep producing a lot of pompon material.

The whole process feels nothing special.

The only special thing is that... the mud is very concerned about the things of the three worlds.

To be precise, they care about why they care so much about the three worlds.

So they started looking around the controlled factories and found out where they were looking for.

That goal...may let them know why they...and the many creatures of the ancestral land care about the three worlds.

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