"Hey! Look at the monster! It dares to come out! Let them know that we are strong! Are the little ones ready?"


Under the broad daylight, a huge emerald dragon skeleton of up to ten meters is slowly moving on the ground.

Standing in front of this skeleton is a group of living emerald dragons, which are full of green crystal armor, and with a green crystal helmet on their heads, with green crystal-structured spears in their hands.

"We are the green team that is very famous both far and near! We will not forgive the monsters that appear on our territory!"

"Yes, forgiveness is impossible, we have to poke all the guys who are trying to make us forgive!"

"But it seems that the opposite does not want us to forgive..."

This team consists of fifteen jade dragons. The equipment they wear is newly developed. This green armor can not only resist the influence of illusion, but also the powerful spear in their hands.

"Hey! Got it!"

The leader's dragon screamed, and the spear shot out of his hand. The spear that had just been thrown slammed into the huge skeleton at an incredible speed, and perfectly... worn through the ribs of the other side.

Although the spear did not hit, the spears of other players followed, and many spears penetrated the skull of the skeleton.

But this huge skeleton is still moving on.

"Hey? Can you still move? Team members, unload it together!"


The emerald dragons yelled and jumped from the ground, and took out weapons such as swords from their hands and cut them directly to all parts of the skeleton.

In the collision between the knife light and the bone, the cracking sound echoed in succession.

"Oh!" Suddenly, the skeleton slammed its arm and instantly shot a jade dragon slashing on its thigh bone.

However, this hand also suffered from several other emerald dragon attacks. The captain cut a long knife with the arm joint, which relieved half of the hand.

... Looking at this situation... Lin felt quite surprised.

Lin is not primarily concerned with these jade dragons, but with this skeleton, which is currently in complete...not aware of the state.

The ‘isolation effect’ of the wall created by Lynn does not only work in the jungle, but Lin can also make it work on every creature that comes out of the jungle.

The same is true for including this skeleton.

Now for this skeleton, everything around it is dark, it doesn't know anything, it doesn't feel anything.

But even then it seems to retain a little subtle feeling, so it can hit an emerald dragon.

But it seems to stop here.

The reason why it is so easy to cut is not only that these jade dragons are using the latest 'dream equipment', but also that Lin has caused a lot of damage to its internal structure.

Because it was flying out of the jungle, Lynn had already let a large number of micro-arms into it.

It can now be said to be in a state of collapse at any time.

However, of course, it is not just this one to invade the pompoms.

Now in the jungle surrounded by Lin, it is already packed with bones of many boundaries.

Most of the bones of many boundaries are flower-shaped, the flowers are relatively small, and they are not in the inside.

Only the skeleton type will leave the wall to the outside.

This is because the skeleton type itself is quite special, they are the types that are generated after obtaining some information about the jade dragon.

When a multi-bone bone acquires the memory of the Jade Dragon, it will share with all the bones in the vicinity.

These skeletons themselves are based on the memory of the Jade Dragon, and they know the surroundings.

So they can ignore the isolation zone made by the wall.

In the case of flowers, it is reasonable to say that they also have the memory of the Jade Dragon, but they do not use this information, but store it in the body.

Lynn doesn't know why they are so different, because the bones of the multi-boundary are thinking about what... Lin is not yet fully detectable.

It is only in the 'management room' in their bodies that they know some of their intelligence.


When Lin thought about it, the bones of this emerald dragon skeleton had fallen to the feet of the Emerald Dragon team.

"Hurry up and move all of its bones back, which may sell for a very high price!"

These Emerald Dragons themselves are not regular troops, and they are precisely the role of ‘adventurers’.

Many emerald dragons have a high degree of achievement in their dreams, and some emerald dragons are not satisfied with taking risks only in dreams, but intending to venture into reality.

This 'professional' quickly became popular, and the adventurers' usual actions were similar in dreams. They explored areas where dragons lived, trying to find powerful creatures to gain flesh and bones, and also looking for each A rare treasure or something like a rare mineral.

Nowadays, the multi-bone bones that appear sporadically can only be dealt with by this adventurer team.

But this sporadic offense is not their main purpose, it is actually just a probe to the outside.

'boom--! ! ! ’

Suddenly, a violent roar sounded in the jungle at the center of the wall.

Many emerald dragons have a high degree of achievement in their dreams, and some emerald dragons are not satisfied with taking risks only in dreams, but intending to venture into reality.

This 'professional' quickly became popular, and the adventurers' usual actions were similar in dreams. They explored areas where dragons lived, trying to find powerful creatures to gain flesh and bones, and also looking for each A rare treasure or something like a rare mineral.

Nowadays, the multi-bone bones that appear sporadically can only be dealt with by this adventurer team.

But this sporadic offense is not their main purpose, it is actually just a probe to the outside.

'boom--! ! ! ’

Suddenly, a violent roar sounded in the jungle at the center of the wall.

Many emerald dragons have a high degree of achievement in their dreams, and some emerald dragons are not satisfied with taking risks only in dreams, but intending to venture into reality.

This 'professional' quickly became popular, and the adventurers' usual actions were similar in dreams. They explored areas where dragons lived, trying to find powerful creatures to gain flesh and bones, and also looking for each A rare treasure or something like a rare mineral.

Nowadays, the multi-bone bones that appear sporadically can only be dealt with by this adventurer team. .

Nowadays, the multi-bone bones that appear sporadically can only be dealt with by this adventurer team.

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