4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 93: Electric creature

'Ding. ’

The tentacles that protruded from the pompon and fangs knocked on the stone pillar standing on the rocky mountain, giving a crisp sound.

This feeling is wonderful. This is the same thing that Lin had found before to attract lightning. Is this thing deliberately erected to attract lightning?

Lynn also saw traces of patterns on the stone, and a long stone below the stone pillar.

What does this do? Lin found that this long stone is one piece after another, each piece has two large stones sandwiched and stretched down to the bottom of the mountain.

So, this thing... remember to use it to avoid lightning.

These stones are all electrically conductive like the one, and then they are connected one by one, and the last one is inserted under the ground, so that lightning can be introduced into the ground. This structure can actually be occasionally in the trees. I saw that some taller trees will have a similar lightning protection structure.

But the rock on the rocky mountain is obviously deliberately placed like this. This is wonderful. What creatures can find this thing? How do they know that this can bring mine into the ground?

For a biological brain, it is not easy to find so many continuous relationships.

There are obviously creatures living in the rock mountains, so they need this kind of thing to resist lightning, but now they have not found where their nest entrance is, it is estimated to be the type of hidden entrance.

This kind of stone is not very common... Lynn feels that they should be taken back to collect it, but let's see the builders first.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, the pom-poms are already soaked. It is difficult to continue flying. Lynn let it fly into the interval between two big stones. I plan to avoid this storm first...

It is estimated that it is always raining, so the jungle is so wet. The pompom uses a special method to inhale the whole body's water into the body and then discharge it from a tentacle, so that the body returns to normal state in an instant.

'boom! ’

Under the light of the thunder, Lin looked at the whole jungle and swayed in the wind, but Lin paid more attention to the things under the pompoms, among the cracks in which the pompoms were located. It is covered with a small yellow flower.

This is the second kind of 'flower creature' that Lin sees. This looks very common. Each flower has a diameter of about three centimeters. It should not set fire like a flame flower. It sways slightly in the wind and rain, then Slowly stretched out from the ground.

... stretched out?

These flowers seem to be tentacle-like, sticking out a lot from the ground, close to the pompoms, and after the pompoms are touched, they feel some sensation.

Does this flower have electricity?

The flowers that Lynn sees in her thoughts should be used to attract creatures to help them carry germ cells. It will secrete the structure of the aroma and other flavors, but the flowers that Lin sees here do not seem to arson or discharge.

A lot of small flowers stick out from the ground. It seems that he intends to besiege Lin's pompom, and the pompom also stretches out a large number of tentacles, ready to fight against these small flowers.

Come to a battle between tentacles!

The small flower suddenly accelerated and rushed up! The tentacles of the pompoms also attack! These tentacles are all like worm's mouth, and they have fangs and sharp teeth. The tentacle can only tear off a small flower and swallow it, and then move to other small flowers. The battle only lasts for a while, and a lot of small flowers are The tentacles were torn off and they had to be retracted into the ground.

Lin will devour the bitten flower and decompose it. It is found that this flower is not a flower, but a tentacle with the petals of other plants sticking on it. It may deliberately tear off other flowers and stick it on their tentacles as a camouflage. of.

This touch has a structure similar to the discharge organ, but the effect is weak, the feeling is used to hunt small worms, not used to attack the large creatures such as pompons...

There should be a creature hiding underground in this underground. Although the pompom is not suitable for excavation, it can release a small unit to enter the ground.

The pom-pom stretched the tentacles to the ground, releasing a worm-type unit to drill into the ground, tracking the traces left by the retracted ‘flowers’ and drilling down...

The worm drilled and reached an underground cave. This should have been left by the creature. It seems that this is a creature with a shape of about one meter. It has now reached a deeper place.

The worm continued to follow the tunnel left by the creature. Lin felt that the rock was becoming more and more suspicious, so he planned to let the larger troops dig up the mountain. Maybe there are many such lightning bolts. Stones, so you can do more experiments.

The pompoms will continue to explore elsewhere. Before they say it is to find those flying creatures, but don't know where to fly... What is that?

The pompon was suddenly found in the wind and rain, and there was a shadow of a creature. It fanned the wide wings and was flying towards the rocky side.

Just like the creatures that Lynn saw before, its mouth is round, maybe the flying creature that was seen before?

This biological wingspan is more than ten meters, much larger than before. Under the roaring thunder, it shows black scales.

Scales? It seems that unlike the general pterosaur, the pterosaur has no scales.

The creature flew over the pompoms, the pompons floated from the cracks of the rock and found it fell on the top of the rock mountain, staying beside the pillar of the mine...

This seems quite dangerous.

At the moment when Lin thought so, the thunder of the thunder blew in the sky. A lightning flashed straight down and hit the stone pillar next to the creature. The whole world seemed to be bright at this moment.

This creature seems to have not been affected, and it also spreads its wings and makes a roar of screaming at the sky, as if it were facing a lightning demonstration...

Therefore, the thundercloud in the sky seems to be 'angry', and a lightning strikes down again, but it is not the stone pillar, but the head of this creature.

'boom--! ’

After a burst of fire, Lin could clearly see that the creature's head was smoky, it swayed and swayed, then fell to the ground.

This is really a madman, but now Lin can study it, the pompon slowly floats on the body of this creature, and begins to check its body structure, although the sky is dark and not very clear, but Lin thinks this should not be Pterosaurs.

It is a creature similar to a dragon. Maybe it should be called ‘Yaron’?

The next step is to observe the structure of the body...

The action of the pompom suddenly stopped, and Lynn heard some sounds approaching nearby. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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