4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2549: Capture

"We have been here!"

"We want to see that!"

"We also want to see this!"

When Lin and the ... small pioneers exchanged, a large number of phoenixes finally poured into here, and began to sway everywhere in the ruins of the Imperial Territory.

However, they only came very few, just a few hundred, mainly because they are too cautious, afraid to come back after coming here.

Lynn knows about the history of the Nether Empire, so I started looking for...fragment here.

Because Lin's original purpose was mainly to use these pioneer fragments to open the entrances and exits of the white passages, to see if they could find some interesting entrances and exits, such as the road to unforeseen places.

Of course, during this period, Lin is also carrying out the rebuilding of the 'No. 3 Realm'.

In the dreamland, the manufacturing of the third world was very smooth. Lin felt that the shards of the gods gathered in the market... After a few velvet **** staying up late, they could create a third world.

Then Lynn tries to copy it in reality.

Lin is now mainly concerned with these... little pioneers.

The small pioneers are said to have thousands of them scattered throughout the ruins. They were only a few dozen at first, but until now... they have proliferated a lot, but the proliferation rate is very slow.

The small pioneer of the fish type that Lynn first caught said that it did not know where these similars were, but Lynn only found... The first few dozens were possible to synthesize them and open the passage.

So Lynn has created more arms to search here, and Phoenix is ​​almost searching with Lin.

Of course, they search mainly for the various entertainment information left by the Nether Empire.

Phoenix has almost a fanatical preference for the way in which individual creatures entertain, and even in this situation they are thinking about getting entertainment.

As for the history of the Nether Empire, they seem to have no interest.

There is a strange place in Lin... Phoenix has no interest in the pioneers.

They don't want to approach the model sand sea, although they have gone there but have not gone deep into the exploration... and they have completely ignored them after discovering the small pioneers here.

Lynn noticed that the Phoenix seemed to have a rejection of the pioneers, and I don’t know why I didn’t want to control them.

There must be something special about this.

However, Lin did not care so much. Lin made a lot of arms and quickly found a lot of small pioneers.

From these little pioneers, Lin can know the reason why most of them increase, mainly because of the biological desires here.

This place is full of microbes, and many microbes are actually barely...emperor members.

Accurately speaking, they are some divisional creatures that were developed by the empire as medical supplies.

They can enter the body and treat various diseases of the organism, but some become wild species and live in ... everywhere.

These microbes have a collective consciousness, and when they gather together, they have a holistic mindset.

But the intelligence of this overall thinking is not very high, at most the extent of the Ershi people.

They are also the only species that did not participate in the demise of the empire. When most creatures died from civil war... these microbes multiplied on a large scale.

And later some microbes encountered small pioneers wandering around.

Although these microbes have not entered the model sand sea, the small pioneers have wonderfully helped them.

They will guide some microbial groups to where food is located.

However, the number of pioneers was very small, and the microbiota often fought for the help of the pioneers and fought each other.

When they are playing, they usually think about it. If the pioneers are a little more, then they don't have to fight.

Because of this, the pioneers began to proliferate and become more numerous.

The body of the pioneer itself has a structure that can synthesize a new pioneer, but generally they will not be used, they simply... no point of reproduction.

But when microbes hope, they begin to increase.

However, there are very few resources that can be found in this place, so the pioneers have not proliferated too much.

Lynn caught a lot of small pioneers, they were born because of microbes.

These microbes are no longer being used because they have already multipended too much and are beginning to war.

Because every group of microbes in the war wanted to destroy other microbes, the pioneers intended to fulfill their wishes.

They stopped giving any help to the microbes, and they planned to watch the microbial wars die out.

This is the realization of the desire of all microorganisms to destroy other microorganisms.

Lynn thinks these pioneers are really fun.

However, Lynn caught many small pioneers and found that they were not related to the channel... there is no way to open them with them.

Only the dozens of key ones are caught.

Those dozens may not be in this battleship drifting area, but in the nearby ... space station.

There is a large space station nearby, it is more than 100 kilometers in diameter, and there are many small aircraft and things floating around, and before Lin decides to go there...

The phoenix group first flew there.


“This place seems to find a lot of interesting things!”

The outer space of the space station was blown open by a phoenix, and a large number of phoenixes flew into the space station.

Lin also has some arms... Sticking these phoenixes together.

It looks like a place in the hall. There are all kinds of debris floating in the air, and there is a statue in the center.

The statue is more than 30 meters high and looks like a creature with eight limbs and a shape like a skeleton.

"The last commander of the Nether Empire, its life is pursuing their secrets."

A phoenix flew under the statue and said after a while: "It seems to be pursuing something."

“This place seems to find a lot of interesting things!”

The outer space of the space station was blown open by a phoenix, and a large number of phoenixes flew into the space station.

Lin also has some arms... Sticking these phoenixes together.

It looks like a place in the hall. There are all kinds of debris floating in the air, and there is a statue in the center.

The statue is more than 30 meters high and looks like a creature with eight limbs and a shape like a skeleton.

"The last commander of the Nether Empire, its life is pursuing their secrets."

A phoenix flew under the statue and said after a while: "It seems to be pursuing something."

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