"You can't stop... can't stop us!"

With a strong radiance and seemingly angry ‘speaking’, these pioneers launched a fierce attack on Lin.

These pioneers are about a hundred meters in size, and they are actually much smaller than those giants.

However, their attacks are quite strong.

The glory of the road shone down and hit the aircraft of the investigation team.

The seemingly new but actually very old shell of the aircraft began to disintegrate quickly, followed by various things inside, including of course the...

Everything turned into dust in a strong radiance, and soon there was no residue.

But Lin still has some residuals, because Lin's arms are not all in the ... aircraft, there are many on the surface of the red tumbling.

These mini-arms watched the pioneers burn out the aircraft, and then most of the pioneers left, leaving only one.

This pioneer looks a bit like a bowling ball for Ershmin Entertainment. It is a ball that is more than 50 meters in diameter and has three small holes on the surface that look interesting.

The pioneer slowly landed on the red surface of the little tumbling, and then its body began to flash constantly.

This seems... very interesting.

Its flicker is mainly a few scattered words, which probably means "this can't be too bad for why".

Is similar to talking to himself

Although the 'luminous language' of the creatures of the pioneers was specifically used to deal with imperial creatures, they actually only used the language for a long time after they chose the language.

So even if they are talking to themselves, they can only use illuminating words.

A lot of restrictions are the most interesting places on them, but they can occasionally do something with this restriction.

But if you ignore the restrictions, you seem to have to pay a lot of money.

So Lynn wants to ask it... What are they going to pay?

Thinking, Lin asked a branch to be drilled from the red ground and sent a small light to the bowling-type pioneer to question it.

Suddenly, all the self-talks of the pioneers stopped at this moment.

It didn't seem to think that Lin would have a soldier hiding here, and he wanted to attack immediately, but he resisted it.

Although it has no expression, Lin can see at the moment it appears that it almost emits the light that burns Lin.

But this behavior quickly stopped... stopped.

This is what Lin has noticed before. If they forcefully lift the restrictions under certain circumstances, there may be no way to force the restrictions to be lifted for some time to come.

It was obvious to the last player.

They imprisoned the entire investigation team for a while, and the last player who survived when he was released from prison was... No way to get it, he could only be forced to tell the truth.

It is similar to this situation. If they have just burned the aircraft, it is a kind of unrestricted behavior. If they do this, they can't kill this Lin's arms.

So when Lin asks questions, she can know... things she wants to know.

Lin now makes this unit show a very strong idea, and strongly wants to know that it has a series of things about the ‘restrictions’ of the pioneers.

The pioneers themselves have an interesting ability to rely on this ability to learn the wishes of many believers.

This ability is called ‘thinking light’.

The pioneers are always emitting a special kind of light. This light will “infiltrate” into the biological thinking system.

This has an effect on a variety of creatures in cell biology and the Nether Empire.

There is no change in the surface of the creature that is infiltrated into thinking, but whenever it sees something related to the pioneer, its ... thinking will be transmitted to the pioneer.

That is to say, in this creature, there are statues about the pioneers, photos, or something that looks like a pioneer. Of course, this also includes the pioneer itself, and its thinking will be connected to the pioneers.

This must be effective in the white channel and in the Imperial Territory near the channel.

All in all, the pioneers know when the creature sees the pioneers and pioneers and comes up with some ideas.

The pioneers themselves have no way to turn off this 'thinking light' so they have to learn about the creature's ideas and implement them for them.

At the same time, the light of thinking will also be transmitted.

That is to say, not every creature has ever seen a pioneer and a pioneer. As long as a creature is sincere or has since believed in the pioneers, their nerve structure will also emit a faint light, which will illuminate the surrounding creatures. Body and let them get infected.

Over time, the pioneers will be able to learn the ‘desire’ of the entire empire.

Of course, it now knows Lin’s strong desire for this small unit, and it has to fulfill Lin’s wishes.

Through the previous information on the pioneers, Lin knew how to completely control the pioneers through strong ideas, so that it had to answer all of Lin's questions.

There is no way for ordinary creatures, because usually they are even more intense in their minds, and there are many other kinds of ideas in their brains.

Like where the itch wants to catch, feel a little hungry, feel a little thirsty, even if these ideas are small pioneers can achieve these ideas instead of achieving that big, or to achieve most of the small, small part of the big of.

They often do this...

But Lin's arms can do it... completely focused on an idea, without any distractions mixed in it.

Lin asked before, not because it is completely because Lin’s own thinking system is still somewhat...distracting, but now it is different.

This will lead to it... there is no way to avoid big wishes by the idea of ​​realizing a small wish.

So, under Lynn's inquiry, it told Lin...what is their 'restriction'.

This is indeed a powerful... existence given to them.

But this is actually not a limitation, nor can it be a curse, but what they are fighting for... they want it.

Of course, they don't like to help other creatures themselves, but to complete these help, they will get some very powerful ... ability.

It can also be said to be a 'trial'.

In fact, they do not know what it is to give this powerful temptation.

But they know that this is the rule that this white channel has had for a long time.

Who can complete the trial, who can control... the entire white channel.

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