4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2556: End of help

Help, always helping them.

If everything is smooth and smooth, then the pioneer has successfully merged with the entire white channel, becoming the **** of control channels.

But everything is going well...

This is too difficult, almost impossible.

Countless encounters, countless incidents, and so many circumstances have forced the pioneers to forcefully ignore the restrictions to do something.

This makes their synchronization progress always continually between rising and falling.

After a long time, the pioneers even had a little thought of giving up, because they learned a lot of new abilities and gained more knowledge in the process.

They occasionally think... This is enough, you don't have to complete the entire synchronization.

However, the pioneers found that they could not turn back... they could not leave the white channel and could not interrupt the entire task.

Because once they wanted to 'rest', they blocked the passage in some way... making it impossible for other creatures to enter.

But the pioneers found that if they did not help the creatures for a long time, their consciousness would slowly disappear...

That is to say, each member of the population will lose consciousness little by little and become a state that can be said to be ‘walking dead’.

At the same time, they can't leave the channel too far, or they will enter a similar state.

The pioneers realized that this might be because they had been in the channel for too long... although the synchronization was not completed, they were already fused with the channel in a sense and could not leave the white channel.

This is also linked to the thinking system of the pioneer itself.

Pioneer thinking system... Lynn feels very interesting, because although they have personality, they can't think independently.

The kind of 'thinking light' that they exude is not only affecting the average creature, but also affecting the pioneer itself.

Each of the pioneers continually radiates the light of thought at the beginning of their birth, and the light they emit affects the likes and creatures around them, forming a 'thinking area'.

In this area of ​​thinking, the pioneers can think, otherwise they can't think.

At the same time, the pioneer can't leave the thinking area, and there must be creatures infected by the light of thought around it. If it is oneself, it can't think.

Carefully speaking, a ten-meter-sized pioneer is surrounded by ten Ershi people, and it can form a thinking area with a maximum diameter of ten kilometers with the position of the group of people.

Pioneers can only think in scope, and its way of thinking and character will depend on the personality of the surrounding creatures.

That is to say, the words of Ershimin are all around, and the pioneering way of thinking and character will become like the people of Ershi.

This is very interesting because it feels like they are using the thinking system of other creatures.

But even if there are no other species around, the pioneers can create the thinking area through the same kind, as long as there are at least two pioneers in the range, they can keep thinking, but there is only one pioneer and there is nothing around them. ...the light-infected creatures, then they will enter the 'instinct' state.

This state can also be described as walking dead.

In this state they can't think, but they still maintain some basic abilities, such as avoiding danger and searching for the ‘instinct’ of food.

If you encounter any creature that can be infected by the light of thought, then they will end this state and become thinking.

Pioneers actually rarely enter this state because it is almost impossible for the pioneer to act alone.

And the light of thought can also be transmitted through different creatures, which can make their thinking area continue to expand.

However, the pioneers generally do not rely on other creatures. They mainly rely on the same kind to maintain their thinking.

Especially after trying to communicate with the white channel, the pioneer's thinking area is much larger than the original, and even reaches the entire channel and some places outside the channel.

Even with only a few pioneers, they can create tens of millions of kilometers of thinking, which was previously impossible.

But the pioneers also discovered that their area of ​​thought has been bound by the channel.

As long as they don't continue to help the creatures, their ... thinking areas will be 'weakened'.

To be precise, if they don't help the creature for too long, there will be some pioneers who can't enter the state of thinking in the channel, and the number will continue to increase. In the end, all the pioneers will not be able to think.

And leaving the channel too far will enter this state.

The pioneers tried many methods and there was no way to change them. It can be said that they were completely trapped by this channel.

However, the pioneers also felt that this was a good thing, because it also seemed to represent that they were more and more assimilated with the channel.

All in all, they have no way to stop this process, or they will continue to do it, or they will become in a state of inability to think.

Therefore, the pioneers had to help the creature so continuously, and canceled the idea of ​​giving up.

Of course, they have been studying this channel... but their progress has been very small.

They have been looking forward to finding ways to violate the rules, but they have not succeeded.

However, the actions of the pioneers... can still be considered smooth, they have not encountered anything too special, and they are still steadily growing the process of synchronization.

But the overall speed is still very slow, they have helped a lot of creatures... After they have dealt with these creatures, they have encountered a civilization that is very suitable for help.

That is... the void empire.

At this time, the pioneers already had the means to detect the ‘help value’ of a civilization. They found that the help value of the Nether Empire was unprecedentedly large.

Perhaps it is because this civilization has gathered quite a lot of species, and the territory is also very big.

So they decided to make good use of the Nether Empire.

The pioneer... helped the empire for a long time.

The empire barely gave them any trouble, except for the investigation team.

After a long period of help, the pioneer decided to use the last method to consume the remaining value of the empire.

That is to completely destroy them, this is a one-time help to the majority of the empire, can almost consume all ... help value.

But before that, they had to drive out the empire, which is to prevent their remaining creatures from remaining in the passage.

As long as this time, the pioneer can enter the 'dormant period'.

That is, there is no longer any need to help any creatures, they can slowly complete the process of assimilation channels during sleep.

This is the last stage, and when they are done, they can completely control the channel.

If ... Phoenix and Lin did not come in, it is true.

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