4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2575: The whirlwind of the early Yuan Dynasty

"Full control... if you can do this..."

When did this detection whirlwind become one of the channel controllers?

Lin feels more likely to be in the fusion of the channel brain and the channel.

They occasionally discovered the detection of cyclones, but why use the detection cyclone to manage the channels together...

This is very strange.

Lynn carefully investigated the whirlwind, and Lynn found it to be roughly the same as the current whirlwind creature...just a little different.

That is it... can enter the state of 'gravity'.

In general, cyclone-like organisms converge into the original core with no condensation. Then the vortex is formed by the weak cohesion that spreads around the core. If the gravity generated by its core disappears, the entire eddy will collapse. .

But Lynn discovered that this detection of the whirlwind can make the gravitation generated by itself disappear and continue to exist in another form.

In this form, Lin can be called 'the beginning of the elementary cohesion'.

In fact, this state... makes them more like dream creatures. In short, it is a kind of floating 'energy' state. Under this circumstance, there will be no cohesiveness. Of course, there will be no material accumulation as its body... ...but it can still keep its consciousness and live.

In addition to this detection of whirlwind, there is also the state of stellar phoenix.

The first star phoenix consciousness is in the star, it can't produce cohesion in the star, but it still lives.

This is because there is no cohesion with a kind of state that is now called 'the beginning of the Yuan', which may also converge and form a creature.

It is still not clear what this state is, so it is called the initial state.

As for ordinary cyclone creatures and phoenixes, they can't lose their cohesiveness. If they don't have cohesiveness, it is equal to death.

Special detection of whirlwinds and stellar phoenixes, they can always live in a state of no condensation.

This feeling is like the bones and flesh of cell biology disappear, leaving only the electrical signals generated by brain cells to maintain the sense of consciousness.

Relative to the stellar phoenix, the detection of cyclone can change between the beginning of the element and the state of cohesion, and Lin also found it... does not need the core.

This makes this cyclone very convenient.

After all, after entering the state of cohesion at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there should be very little damage to it. Perhaps it is always through this state to collect information everywhere.

Although this whirlwind has wonderful ability, it is not 'free'. It is just like the other two devices, and will only work hard for the model sand.

And even after becoming the controller here.

The sand ball that also acts as a controller seems to have some rights to communicate with the whirlwind, and in the process of their communication... can learn some recent things.

For example, the whirlwind has been sending information to manufacturing devices, allowing them to constantly create new models.

However, this information does not come from the channel, but all... from the void in the outside of the channel.

There is a way to detect the whirlwind, and it has always sent information about the outside material here.

However, this information... is rarely sent, and there is much less information sent to the manufacturing device than the sand ball.

Almost a thousand times of information is sent by the sand ball, and a whirlwind is sent to send a message.

Because the sand ball did not pay attention to what kind of model the manufacturing device made after the tunnel collapsed, they also did not know that the manufacturing device actually had contact with the cyclone.

What is special here is that... detecting the whirlwind is not just to send the outside information, but also to pass the information inside.

In the process of communication, the sand ball can be found that it is always sending some information outside.

This information is mainly information about the model grit here, which is constantly transmitting this information outside the channel...

The reason why it did so is still unknown... but the interest in sandball is not great.

The sand ball is currently trying to control the channel completely.

However, in its inquiry, the detection of the whirlwind has always been to report to the sand ball, and will not answer whether it can control the channel.

In this case, Lin felt that there should be some way to force the detection of the whirlwind from this position.

Lin feels that there are ways to do it, and that is... attack it directly.

Of course, you can't attack in the usual way, but Lynn feels that some special... energy can be used as a weapon.

For example, Phoenix.

As long as a group of phoenixes is used as a bomb, it should be possible, even if it becomes a 'primary aggregation' state, it will also be affected by this attack.

Or... with dream energy, there are some other ways Lin can feel it can hurt it.

But not to kill it, but to drive it out of this channel.

In this way, the sand ball can completely control this.

But the defensive ball said that it does not want to use this ... violent approach to solve.

It believes that there should be a 'reasonable' way to inherit full control, rather than forcibly driving it away, or it may cause some... bad effects.

This effect includes situations where its control is completely gone.

It is indeed a bit of a possibility. In fact, whether it is detecting a whirlwind or a sand ball, their control rights are a system designed by the channel brain.

If you attack them directly, it may cause the ‘system’ to be harmed and the control will disappear completely.

That being the case, then take some other methods.

Looking at Mead's void, it seems that there is no plan to attack. Lin wants to see it... It is the place where the signal is sent to the whirlwind.

Detecting the whirlwind is actually not as small as it appears on the surface, according to some of Lyn's detection... it has a large 'volume'.

Its volume can be said to extend from the model sand sea to the outer channel, and extends out of a certain entrance and exit of the channel and into the outer sky.

The overall shape is like a very long creature. It doesn't matter how big it is.

Of course, its body is mainly composed of 'aggregation at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty'. As long as there is such a position where the element is initially condensed, it means its body.

Lin now has some methods to detect the initial condensation of the element, to investigate the direction in which the body extends, and to investigate the situation of the void outside.

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