4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2577: The third world?

‘ booming’

Countless barrage is flying towards Lin's pompoms. .

This attack was encountered when the pompoms approached the 10,000th 10,000th mile.

These barrage are objects that look like small missiles. They fly thousands of times from the surface of the 'third world' and come to this side.

Lin's pompoms flew in the direction of the surface while avoiding them. Soon... the scenery in front of the pompons became clear.

Lin’s close position is the center of the third world.

When flying near the surface, Lin can see that there is a rocky wasteland on the ground.

There are square, rocky bricks of varying sizes that fill the entire surface and look like relics of certain species.

The attacking of the Nylon ball is made of large stone bricks of more than 30 meters. They have a hollow at the top and there is a flying society in it.

However, when Lin was close to the surface for one kilometer, the stone brick towers stopped shooting and closed the top hole.

The pompons also slowly landed on the surface, and then the pompoms erected a lot of fluff on the body... Under the slamming sound, the fluffs flew out and blasted in the air to make a large number of miniatures. The arms drifted around.

Lin began to investigate the place quickly, and Lin first examined the surrounding stone-like missile towers.

They don't seem to be biologically controlled, they are a purely automated system that launches attacks very quickly as soon as they detect the proximity of the void.

Lin believes that the creatures that make these missile towers are hidden underground, so a large number of microbes are drilled into the ground to investigate the situation.

Lynn feels that this place is not really the 'third world', because its volume... There are many aspects that are different from what Linde had learned before. It may be due to some reasons.

Lin's arms soon found a huge underground tunnel under the bricks on the surface, where a small number of creatures were found to be active.

These are cell-like microorganisms... they adapt to this place without air, and they are also attached to the ... model.

Lin noticed that this place is the same as the model sand sea. There are a lot of gravel in the tunnels on the surface or underground.

They are all model sands.

However, it is obviously not as much as the sand sea, and the model gravel here is scattered sparsely on the ground.

Some model sands have a large number of ... microorganisms in their gaps and small holes because of their complex shapes or porous structures.

Obviously the missile tower was not made by these microorganisms, so continue to check the situation here.

Lin has discovered traces of many large creatures, along which some micro-arms are planted deeper into the ground.

Here, Lynn did see a bigger goal.

This thing is also square, its length and width are about three meters, and it looks like a stone brick.

However, there are eleven limbs around the body, and these limbs grow irregularly around them.

It is using these limbs to slowly crawl...

This thing is actually a collection device of one of the three devices.

Lin has not seen the collection devices directly, but they have learned about them from the sand ball.

The detection device has not changed, and the manufacturing device has become a bus-like creature. The device for collecting materials has been changing, but it has not changed much.

According to the sand ball, they have almost always used a limb structure like this to collect materials. Although some time has been collected in other ways, it has been changed back.

Moreover, it is said that the collecting device is the only one of the three devices that exhibits 'diversity'.

That is how different each collection device is, but it is said that they should all be active in the channel.

Why is this in this position... Soon Lin should be able to let the micro-arms to detect it.

It seems... very old, not to say that its life is old, but the model.

The collection devices in the channel have very powerful systems, such as the ability of 'space invisibility', and some systems that open space channels.

And this is just a simple...mechanical.

It does not have any space-related capabilities, and the body is mainly powered by some simple fuel.

Its core is similar to Ershimin's ... computer, which has a program that allows it to collect things and send them somewhere.

Because Lin saw the moment of its appearance, he told the location and shape of the sand ball, and the sand ball said that this is a collection device.

Otherwise, it doesn't feel like it's a collection device but a machine made by local residents here.

Speaking of it, there should be other local residents here...

'boom! ’

Suddenly, an explosion caused the collection device to fly out. The explosion broke several of its legs while causing it to hit the wall heavily.

At the same time, Lynn also saw a group of creatures appearing in a tunnel next to it.

This group of creatures is more than one meter tall and is also a stone-shaped creature.

But they don't have limbs. Instead, they have a pair of bat-like wings, but they don't fan, but they use some method to jet at the tip of the wing to fly quickly.

So... Lynn decided to call them ‘flying bricks’.

These flying bricks quickly flew to the side of the bombed collection device and landed on the ground.

Lin found that the wings that did not flap when they were flying would move. They crawled on the ground with their wings and gathered around the device.


"Successful, once again destroyed one...this is fine if it is the last one."

"There is no last one, we have never found the last one."

"But we must also work hard to find the last one and destroy it!"

After a short period of time, Lin understood the thoughts in the flying bricks.

They are... actually a kind of cell creature that wraps the structure of the body in a brick-like shell and lives here... hard life.

It can also be said that they are experiencing a situation like the end of the world.

They have been working hard to fight the makers of the last days.

The maker of the last day, of course, is this collection device.

In fact, it's not just about it... there are other devices in this place, like manufacturing devices.

It seems that these devices have not been unexpected for a long time... Some have come outside.

These devices are continually destroying everything in this world, so these creatures have to work hard against it.

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