
Although there is no vision, Lin can feel the ‘pain’ from many stone ships.

that is because……

They are being hit, crushed, or smashed, and Lin can feel that many meteorites are being attacked to varying degrees.

Of course, Lynn’s roll is also included, and there are a lot of large ones on the surface of the tumbling... It feels like a creature is moving.

They are scattered throughout the surface of the tumbling and are constantly digging everywhere.

This feeling of total imperceptibility lasted for ten seconds, and then... Lin could once again 'see' the surrounding environment.

This is not the darkness of the surrounding area, but Lin used the coagulation sensor.

Most of the branches here have no coagulation perception, but there are still some warships, including this tumbling, which has this function. It takes some time to open them.

Lin can find that a large area has become completely dark, if you look farther away... this place is like a sphere.

Black sphere.

The diameter of the sphere is about 100,000 kilometers, although it is not very large, but it has been able to wrap a lot of Lin's meteorites and the tumbling, as well as those dead warships.

This dark environment is not a solidified environment, and actually the things inside are not solidified.

However, the perception of normal voids is limited here. It is difficult to perceive a distance of more than one meter. It is necessary to use the cohesive ability to detect surrounding things.

This is a very interesting state, and Lin wants to make a similar look after studying it.

Of course, it is not just blackened here. There are also many creatures here. Most of them are like fish. They are almost the same size as Linde's meteorites. They are all about tens of meters.

These creatures are all solidified creatures and are very aggressive...aggressive.

As soon as they are close to the meteorites, they will immediately break the meteorites in various ways. Some use bites like real fish, while others use missile-like missiles, some will hit, etc. Not special, but the power can easily destroy these stones.

Lin's tumbling man is also covered with similar creatures on the surface.

They are like a very strong attack on the rock, constantly crawling around the surface, seemingly want to break the tumbling.

In fact, they do have this ability.

This group of solidified creatures, Lin also knows about them...because they are recorded in the database of the death battleship.

They can be said to be a group of creatures that can be called 'normal smashers'.

This group of creatures is extremely... abhorrent to everything in the normal void.

If they see that anything that is normally empty is usually something stone, they will attack immediately and break it up, so that it can't be broken.

It is said that this group of creatures has dismantled many things from the normal void, and the big ones like a tumbling person will be dismantled by these creatures.

But these creatures are not many in number, in fact they are so repelling normal nulls but not welcome.

Because in the clotting of the void, more creatures using normal void matter...so they easily collide with creatures that like normal matter.

But now there are so many here, that means... where the captains found a large group of such creatures, and all of them were thrown here when they were dark.

And these death warships themselves... have disappeared.

But Lynn knows where they have gone.

Before Lin had destroyed a ship, she did some research on it.

Although there are not many studies, Lin can generally know that this group of death warships is different from the previous ones.

They are about the size of the body, but the internal functions are much richer.

For example, their black ray is divided into a variety of functions, specifically cracking the solidified material, cracking the normal material, allowing a large amount of solidified material to proliferate, and so on, as it is now to make a large dark area.

At the same time, they also have strong protection and a variety of functions, which are much stronger than those used by Lin.

So they look hard to kill, at least there is no way to use these meteorite simple weapons.

As far as attack power is concerned, there is no way for them to completely solve the huge number of meteorites.

Even if they were stronger than before, they could not escape completely. These dead warships went to another place in the dark environment and a large number of solidified creatures to hide and leave these creatures.

In fact, these creatures were not brought from the condensed void, but were originally carried by these warships.

Although the number of these creatures looks a lot, this group of warships is also installed.

The main thing now is... where the warships have fled.

Turning on the solidification gap is similar to transferring. You must first determine the target to move.

That is to say, the death warship needs to perceive the solidification void, in order to open the solidification gap to escape, and Lin only needs to interfere with the perception of this layer and they can't return to the solidification void.

But they can go to another place.

That is... the channel.

They can't perceive the solidified void, but they can perceive the entrance and exit of the nearby passages. The passages and entrances of the passages are not disturbed, so that is the only place where they can escape.

So now, Lin can see these warships appear in the ... channel.

This is actually Lin is deliberately letting them... can escape here.

In this way, we can see if the channel brain will use any method to correspond to them. Lin has always wanted to see the adjustment and control of the channel brain to the channel environment, so that we can know the ability of the channel brain... how strong it is.

In the face of a large number of invading death warships, the channel brain responded as Lin thought.

Although it is preparing to escape, it is not fully prepared.

Therefore, it is still necessary to counter the targets of these invasions... The dead warships appearing in the passage are surrounded by a large amount of ... material at this moment.

These substances are some floating debris. Before the channel brain tried to transport a lot of materials including debris to the model sand sea, but in fact there are still many impurities floating in the channel.

The amount of these impurities is too much, and the channel brain just chooses a small part to get in.

And now it has chosen a part... to attack the dead warships.

At present, Lin has not found any effect on these debris, they are only surrounded by more and more death warships.

Most of the impurities were originally smaller than the cells, but under a large concentration, they have formed a ... large ball that wraps the entire battleship.

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