4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2607: The origin of the flower?

"You... want to find the legendary world?"

"The world that you call the 'third world'?"

"You have to know that there has never been a third world."

"You can find... there are only countless imitations... they are all imitations!"

This is a legend long and long ago.

A legend about a creature that wanders in the void.

The body shape of this creature is like a flower, they have always lived in... a void tunnel.

They move in a void tunnel in a way similar to plankton, the days of drifting and collecting food.

They have never had anything special to do, and they don't want to do anything special.

But they are so special, that is, this flower-like creature is said to have a huge ecology.

But they are not huge in themselves.

This kind of flower-shaped creature, its diameter is only a few tens of meters, because the lifestyle is very leisurely, so these creatures are usually not noticed by other creatures.

But in the long-lasting creatures, some creatures have noticed them and started...observing them.

The most special place of ‘flower creatures’ is the ecology of them.

The bodies of tens of meters in size have an extremely complex environment in their bodies. There are more than tens of thousands of creatures on each of their 'petals', and these creatures are home to smaller creatures.

They form a very complex ecological relationship with each other, and the biological ecology of each petal is 'independent', and these creatures rarely intersect with another petal.

Mainly because the spacing of each petal of the petal creature is actually their ... eating organ.

This feeder function produces a strong 'energy' that makes it difficult for species between each petal to access another species.

And why they have such a complex ecological form is a mystery, which may be accidentally generated.

However, this is very special, although there are always many living creatures in the various drifting-based lifestyles, but none of them are more than flowers.

It may be that only a huge bus such as a stellar bus will have so many living things on the surface.

For a long time, only the flower creatures themselves knew that they had this ecology, and they didn't care.

Until some time.

Occasionally, there is a creature that notices the condition of the flower. It may have captured a flower initially, and soon it is attracted by the complex ecology of the flower skin.

"This is a miracle. Is this a miracle created by countless accidents?"

It is said that this is the idea of ​​that kind of creature at the time.

Then, it began to study the flower creatures, and the goal of its research was to find the source of the complex ecology of the flowers.

By observing the usual lifestyle of flowers, where they go, and so on, this creature draws a conclusion.

That is ‘impossible’.

Although the flowers are drifting creatures, they are essentially active within a certain range.

No matter how it is calculated, it is impossible for the flower itself to produce this complex ecology ‘naturally. There must be other factors.

So it went deeper into the details of the flowers.

This includes the various structures in the body of the flower, as well as the details of each species in it.

Then it came to a conclusion.

That is, the flower is a kind of ‘atrophic person’, that is, the flower used to be a very huge creature.

They have experienced something that has caused them to shrink to the size of today, and when they were huge, they lived a lot of creatures, and these creatures also experienced some reason to shrink with them to the present.

Although I don't know how it came to this conclusion, the creature believes that his conclusion is definitely correct.

So it came up with the idea that it would restore the flowers to their original form.

Then... it began to torture the flowers for a long time.

This creature is very simple to do, it is trying to make the flowers bigger in various ways.

For example, adding a layer of shells to them, or stuffing a lot of fillers into them, etc. These methods have almost no effect.

Why is it possible to make such a detailed study, but only use it... the naive method is not known.

Later, this creature left because of something else, and there is no way to continue studying the flowers.

But they have left something that can replace it to continue to study flowers, that is... a monster called ‘explosive’.

The name ‘Burst’ is called because its main function is to eat flowers.

From the moment it appeared, it kept chasing every flower it encountered, then eating it, and ... breaking it down in the body.

This is also the last thought before the creature left.

It may think that if you can't increase the size of the flower in a simple way, then all of them will be crushed and concentrated, and this will become bigger and bigger.

As long as you eat all the flowers, the ‘explosive’ will become quite huge, which is to restore the past shape of the flowers.

In the face of the continual killing of flowers, the flowers were initially unable to resist.

‘Burst’ itself is shaped like a shark, hundreds of meters in length, it can move at high speed in a virtual tunnel environment and has the ability to quickly discover flowers.

It is itself a creature that has been designed to grow indefinitely by engulfing flowers.

This also makes the creatures that make the blaster look even more wonderful... can it make such a thing to start using... the naive way?

All in all, the attacking flower of ‘Burning’ can’t stop it.

The flowers themselves are not aggressive, although they are intelligent enough to know how to escape, but they still don't make sense.

But ‘explosive’ did not finish its creature that devours all the flowers.

This is mainly because of the end of some species in the complex ecology of flowers...

What do you want to start with... a naive way?

All in all, the attacking flower of ‘Burning’ can’t stop it.

The flowers themselves are not aggressive, although they are intelligent enough to know how to escape, but they still don't make sense.

But ‘explosive’ did not finish its creature that devours all the flowers.

This is mainly because of the end of some species in the complex ecology of flowers...

What do you want to start with... a naive way?

All in all, the attacking flower of ‘Burning’ can’t stop it.

The flowers themselves are not aggressive, although they have enough intelligence and know how to escape, but it still makes no sense.

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