4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2613: Multiple transformations

The next story... Lin is almost clear.

The meat creatures encountered here, their true identity is... a flower creature.

After it first contacted the Nether Empire, it seemed to get along well.

Mainly the void empire

After the flowers and the Nether Empire came into contact, they got along...not bad.

The Nether Empire does not know the true face of flowers, they just regard it as a powerful division of labor.

This is mainly based on the analysis of the original mining aircraft and its engagement.

In fact, the imperialist warships came here to conduct 'broadcast exchanges' to test what kind of creatures the flowers themselves are. If they don't respond... the empire will regard it as the goal of not being able to communicate and only fight.

However, it responded, so the empire regarded it as a partner to cooperate with... and launched a long-term trade relationship.

At first the flower was not very clear about the empire...what is it, but in the process of slowly communicating, it began to understand the general situation of this emptiness empire.

It has a strong interest in the Nether Empire, so it uses the minerals of the Territory and the Nether Empire to trade something that is of great interest to it.

Like a variety of aircraft is also one of its interesting things.

During this period, the flowers themselves are slowly 'evolving'.

It has been trying to change the large amount of body meat it controls. What is happening is not very clear. In short, it is the form that Lin now sees. They can quickly swallow the surrounding material.

As for the nerve structure of the flower itself, it is located in the center of the territory in a huge state of meat.

After getting along with the empire for a long time, it closed its territory and reduced the direct connection with the empire...

Because it finds itself more and more aware of the empire, and it finds itself increasingly ambiguous to the empire.

It thinks it is possible to conquer this huge empire.

This may be because the empire was mainly composed of a large number of individual creatures. It believes that these individual creatures have been constantly intriguing... The whole empire seems to be huge, but in fact it is easy to use some methods to make it split and collapse.

Flowers think they have the possibility of victory.

And it has always had a desire to revitalize its own population.

And controlling the empire has the potential to let it fulfill this desire.

Although I don't know how it really wants to finish... In short, the flowers quickly try to start acting against the empire.

Its communication with the empire became less and less in the later period. In addition to making the empire feel more and more mysterious, it also made it impossible for the empire to find its plan to deal with the empire.

Of course all this has failed,

A group of stable insects did not know where to come out, attacked the brain of all the meat, and was the nerve structure of the original flower.

This is a potential threat to the empire... it was solved.

But what Linda knew before was a little different.

That is, the stable insects did not completely destroy the brain, and they left some structure of the brain.

Then the stable insects use these brain residual structures and some other materials to mix together, make... or can be said to restore its 'original face'.

This is the flower-shaped creature that Lynn is now catching. It is a kind of creature that is made up of some nerves left by the brain and a mixture of other materials.

I don't know why the stable insects are doing this, and may be planning to use it to do something special.

Although it looks exactly the same as the original flower creature, there are many different aspects of its abilities.

Like it has more about space, it can directly affect the space around.

Just like now it stopped the progress of the model sand sea.

And it has a lot of other abilities, and Lin is still testing.

This flower creature... Jean Lin feels very interesting because it has undergone a lot of changes... it was originally modified by the manufacturing device, and then it was broken up by the empire to form a new state of life, and now it is re-established by the stable insects. Transformation.

But it has not changed, it may be its thinking.

The microbes that were originally used for temporary command in the flower brain were transformed by the manufacturing device, and they regarded themselves as...the flowers themselves.

After a long period of time, these microbes have completely integrated with the brain of the flower.

They can be said to be...long together.

At the earliest, these microbes thought they were the flowers themselves... but they lived around the flower nerves as independent creatures.

Later, this group of microorganisms dissolved themselves by some means.

They have some autocolytic ability... they just think that they can move around, not that the nerve structure grows together very strange.

So they lie on the nerve structure themselves and dissolve themselves.

The nutrients left by autolysis are absorbed by the floral nerve structure, after which they are truly integrated.

In short, the flower's mindset has been the same as the thinking model of these microbes.

Even after the transformation.

After the stable insect transformed it into this appearance, its thinking has not changed, so it has always hated the stable insects that modified it.

At the same time, it can no longer control the surrounding meat, but its thinking and memory are preserved, so Lynn can know the various things that happened in the past through its memory... know the history of flower creatures.

After a detailed understanding, Lin believes that the large flower worlds that Lynn saw... that is what Lynn always thinks is... the 'third world' is actually made by manufacturing equipment.

They may have created two, or more, of this flower world.

The one was thrown into the Phoenix star, and Lin thought that it was the third-class deity's possibility to make the device, not the deity, just a copy.

The various news about the third world that Lynn learned from before may have happened to these imitations.

In this case, what is the synchronous operation of the three worlds?

Is it that the flower world created by the manufacturing device and the pompon and the ancestral land have synchronized?

But this is not quite right.

Because the time of the imitation of the flower world is not so long.

The time to synchronize is earlier... before the void tunnel crashes.

Is it that the flower world created by the manufacturing device and the pompon and the ancestral land have synchronized?

But this is not quite right.

Because the time of the imitation of the flower world is not so long.

The time to synchronize is earlier... before the void tunnel crashes.

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