4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2618: Continuous synthesis

"What happened to you! You are dead? You have not moved? Can you do anything?"

When the flower sends out a lot of doubts... it doesn't get an uncorrupted response.

But another creature responded to it.

But Lynn is not sure if this is a response to it, or just just found out that there are prey here.

'boom! ! ! ’

The golden lake blasted open.

A huge creature rushed out of the water, and it opened a huge mouth and directly bite into the flowers in the air.

The creature looks like a shark, but it's just like it. It has no eyes or flaws, no fins.

But with a mouth full of sharp sawtooth, the mouth can be up to 100 meters in diameter.

Can completely swallow the flowers.

The flower was indeed swallowed by it. The flower that was still in the air seemed to be unresponsive and was bitten by the creature... it swallowed it in the mouth without any chewing. in.

This is a bang.

It’s exactly the same as the smashing style that Lin had learned from the flowers before, but this one is relatively small.

To be precise, it is the original body shape of the blast, which can be swallowed up by the constant swallowing. The previous one has grown to a very large extent because it has eaten countless creatures.

And this one is nothing that has ever been eaten, the initial state of the smallest.

Although it is said to be the smallest, it seems that there is no difficulty in eating a flower. After eating the flowers, it has not stopped moving forward.

It continued to move forward until the entire body rushed out of the lake, and the golden liquid material of the lake was thus sprinkled on the surrounding surface.

This place is gravitational, probably 50% of the pompoms, but it seems to be similar to no gravitation.

It writhed a body that was about three hundred meters long and flew in the air.

Lin didn't do anything, because Lin knew the flowers...not dead, and Lin put some arms on the flowers.

These units were originally used to communicate with flowers, but now they can also know that flowers are entering a stomach-like cystic organ.

The flowers are constantly struggling inside.

This flower has been transformed many times, it is not the kind of creature that has no resistance.

‘咕’ suddenly, Lin found that the blast stopped in the air and continually twisted the body.

It looked...very painful, and the twisting struggle lasted for more than ten seconds, and suddenly its belly exploded a big crack.

The flowers climbed out of the gap... and floated into the air.

The explosion of the abdomen burst and fell from the sky, and fell heavily on the ground. Although it was still struggling, it seemed that there was no way to do anything.

It seems that this small explosion has no way to threaten the flowers.

"I feel it now."

The flowers floated from the air and floated to the side of the pompoms.

"When I was inside, I came into contact with this and felt it."

Lin found that a petal of the flower was rolled up. It floated to the side of the pompom and released the petal, which dropped a small ball.

this is……

Lynn tested it with a pompon...

So, this may be exploding...the nervous system.

The flower is in a saclike organ that resembles the stomach.

The flowers are constantly struggling inside.

This flower has been transformed many times, it is not the kind of creature that has no resistance.

‘咕’ suddenly, Lin found that the blast stopped in the air and continually twisted the body.

It looked...very painful, and the twisting struggle lasted for more than ten seconds, and suddenly its belly exploded a big crack.

The flowers climbed out of the gap... and floated into the air.

The explosion of the abdomen burst and fell from the sky, and fell heavily on the ground. Although it was still struggling, it seemed that there was no way to do anything.

It seems that this small explosion has no way to threaten the flowers.

"I feel it now."

The flowers floated from the air and floated to the side of the pompoms.

"When I was inside, I came into contact with this and felt it."

Lin found that a petal of the flower was rolled up. It floated to the side of the pompom and released the petal, which dropped a small ball.

this is……

Lynn tested it with a pompon...

So, this may be exploding...the nervous system. The flower is in a saclike organ that resembles the stomach.

The flowers are constantly struggling inside.

This flower has been transformed many times, it is not the kind of creature that has no resistance.

‘咕’ suddenly, Lin found that the blast stopped in the air and continually twisted the body.

It looked...very painful, and the twisting struggle lasted for more than ten seconds, and suddenly its belly exploded a big crack.

The flowers climbed out of the gap... and floated into the air.

The explosion of the abdomen burst and fell from the sky, and fell heavily on the ground. Although it was still struggling, it seemed that there was no way to do anything.

It seems that this small explosion has no way to threaten the flowers.

"I feel it now."

The flowers floated from the air and floated to the side of the pompoms.

"When I was inside, I came into contact with this and felt it."

Lin found that a petal of the flower was rolled up. It floated to the side of the pompom and released the petal, which dropped a small ball.

this is……

Lynn tested it with a pompon...

So, this may be exploding...the nervous system. The flower is in a saclike organ that resembles the stomach.

The flowers are constantly struggling inside.

This flower has been transformed many times, it is not the kind of creature that has no resistance.

‘咕’ suddenly, Lin found that the blast stopped in the air and continually twisted the body.

It looked...very painful, and the twisting struggle lasted for more than ten seconds, and suddenly its belly exploded a big crack.

The flowers climbed out of the gap... and floated into the air.

The explosion of the abdomen burst and fell from the sky, and fell heavily on the ground. Although it was still struggling, it seemed that there was no way to do anything.

It seems that this small explosion has no way to threaten the flowers.

"I feel it now."

The flowers floated from the air and floated to the side of the pompoms.

"When I was inside, I came into contact with this and felt it....

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