4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2631: Show many times

Model Shahai is one of the miracles buried by miracle creatures... What is its ending?

The miracles buried by all miracle creatures generally have three processes. .

The initial phase, the growth phase, and the completion phase.

The model sand sea seems to be in the growth phase because it keeps recording all the things that enter the channel.

As for the completion of the stage, the sand ball is not known, in fact, it does not know that there is still a completion stage.

Because it seems that the model sand sea is endless, it will continue to collect.

If you want to say it, it may be completely completed if you fill the entire sand.

But... the mud gives a different answer.

At present, all the mud that Lin has encountered...including the initial small mud and various large muds that appear later, all come here to investigate the model sand sea.

Generally speaking... the ancient mud will only let one or two split muds to investigate the miracle location, in order to quickly solve all the miracles.

After all, its splitting speed is limited, so it rarely concentrates a large amount of mud in one place to deal with... a single miracle, which is very wasteful.

But the model sand sea is so special, so it will dispatch so many troops to deal with it.

Because these muds are fully investigated to see how the miracle process in a place and the miracle are completed, it is possible to let the miracle advance in advance... on itself.

As long as a miracle has appeared on a mud, it will never appear on any mud anymore.

So the muds responsible for the investigation helped the ancient mud to withstand many miracles, but the miracle of this model sand sea has a bit of strangeness.

They learned about the general situation of the model sand sea through investigation...

This is quite interesting... because Lynn now knows that the mud has been studying sand seas for a long time, not just after the eclipse.

Through continuous research, they know the general process of the miracle of the sand sea.

Each miracle has a different process, some like the model sand sea, miracle creatures placed some devices that can continue to 'evolve', slowly creating a miracle.

There are other miracles. Some miracle creatures have begun to cause some very weak effects, and these effects will gradually enlarge.

Like a miracle that lets the tumbling person collide, the miracle creature will slightly change the trajectory of the tumbling person.

This small change will cause the tumper to collide with another target after a long time, thus achieving a miracle.

What the mud wants to understand is the operation of these miracles. What kind of miracle is the miracle creature buried?

This is not difficult because of the records of the ancient mud itself about various miracles, plus their local investigations to understand the specific process.

After understanding the process of a specific miracle, it is only the last step.

That is the name of the miracle.

For every miracle of miracle, miracle creatures have a name in their language. This is the name of miracle.

In fact, every mud that comes out of the investigation does not know what the real names of these miracles are.

When the ancient mud let these muds come out to investigate, it will only tell them the name of this miracle in the language of non-miracle creatures.

After waiting for their investigation, the ancient mud will take the final step, which is to tell them the name of the real miracle in the language of miracle creatures.

The miracle immediately appeared on the mud after learning the name plus everything that was known before the investigation.

This is also the case with Lin.

It’s just that the mud that is responsible for investigating the sand sea is not the name of the miracle from the ancient mud.

It is from the sand ball.

This mud has already investigated the matter of the sand sea and learned about the construction process of the sand sea. It is only one step away.

That is to know the name of the miracle of Shahai, so that the scene of the completion of the sand sea miracle will appear on it first.

It learned the name, then it... it exploded.

But... why is it blown up?

After the completion of the miracle of Shahai, according to the general situation, it should be that the entire sand sea is full of model sand.

Or it is to record all the things in the void as a model... although this is almost impossible.

But in short, after the completion of the miracle of Shahai, it should not be explosive.

But when the mud is blown up, it means that this is the effect of the miracle on it, which means that the final result of Shahai is... blown up.

And it doesn't seem to be that simple.

According to the previous situation, as long as a mud shows a miracle on the body, it means the end.

Even if the miracle is completed in the future, it will no longer appear on any mud.

But the sand is different.

Later, Lin tried to tell the name of the miracle of Shahai to a mud lord.

This should have been ineffective, but the mud lord... has blown up.

A miracle appeared on two muds in advance, which is unprecedented.

The ancient mud also knew about this incident, so it immediately dispatched a large number of troops to come here.

It is very concerned about the situation in the sand sea...why the sand sea

According to the previous situation, as long as a mud shows a miracle on the body, it means the end.

Even if the miracle is completed in the future, it will no longer appear on any mud.

But the sand is different

Later, Lin tried to tell the name of the miracle of Shahai to a mud lord.

This should have been ineffective, but the mud lord... has blown up.

A miracle appeared on two muds in advance, which is unprecedented.

The ancient mud also knew about this incident, so it immediately dispatched a large number of troops to come here.

It is very concerned about the situation in the sand sea...why the sand sea

The mud lord...sold it. The mud lord...sold it.

A miracle appeared on two muds in advance, which is unprecedented.

The ancient mud also knew about this incident, so it immediately dispatched a large number of troops to come here. situation.

The ancient mud also knew about this incident, so it immediately dispatched a large number of troops to come here.

It is very concerned about the situation in the sand sea...why the sand sea

It is very concerned about the situation in the sand sea... Why the mud lord of the sand sea... blown up.

A miracle appeared on two muds in advance, which is unprecedented.

The ancient mud also knew about this incident, so it immediately dispatched a large number of troops to come here.

It is very concerned about the situation in the sand sea...why the sand sea

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