"Fast, you must find it within the stipulated time! Find the artifact!"

Here is... model sand sea. .

There are many... cylindrical objects that can be seen here.

These cylinders are more than ten meters high, and hundreds of them are inserted in the sand.

And among these cylinders, there are a lot of red pulp crawling up and down.

In fact... these cylinders are the 'detection tools' they have built.

Not long ago, a large amount of red pulp came to the sand sea... and also brought the same detection tools as these pillars.

They indicate that they are going to use this to search for the whereabouts of the artifact.

These detection tools, of course, are also those of the tool red paste that quickly "see" all the grit in a large area.

However, the red paste does not confirm whether it can find the target.

In short, they will be detected here first, if they can't find it, they will change to a place... until the search for a complete piece of sand.

Other creatures here are like sand **** or channel brains, and they don’t have any opinions on them. And because the sand ball is already the end point, but the sand sea does not explode and relax a lot, it also has the leisure to pay attention to these red Slurry activity.

Lin is of course also watching the red pulp.

However, the main concern of Lin is... the body of the ancient mud at the end of the red pulp.

In the underground environment of ancient mud, Lin has been investigating with miniature arms.

There is a very complicated tunnel environment, and Lin found a lot of abandoned tunnels... there is nothing in these places.

Red pulp is now mainly living in the virtual air on the surface and outside. As for the underground of ancient mud, part of it is used as a factory for producing red pulp.

But there are still some areas... that seem to be completely empty and belong to areas that are completely unused.

Or they have used it, but it was abandoned for unknown reasons.

These places are very suitable for some creatures... For example, invisible hiding here, Lin saw two in an abandoned tunnel.

Here is a tunnel with a diameter of more than ten meters. The surrounding walls are very similar to the rock walls, but they are colored.

Lin's miniature arms floated in the tunnel, standing two invisibles not far from the front of the mini-arms.

One of them is a white mud state, and the other is a white one...

Both of these invisibles are only one meter in size, and they stand together and seem to be communicating.

So Lynn let the mini-arms slowly approach them... they didn't send any signals, but both sides continued to shake their bodies.

Like the shape of the Ershi people, they are constantly dancing, and the muddy shape is shaking like a jelly.

This means that they are using... body language?

Lin actually doesn't know much about this creature... there are very few opportunities to contact them.

Although I have seen some in the underground environment, they will leave each time before Lin contacts them.

Because they... can feel the miniature arms of Lin.

When Lin’s eye-shaped micro-arms approached these two invisible ten meters, they stopped moving instantly.

Although they don't have any organs on the surface, Lin feels that they have looked over here.

‘Hey! ’

Suddenly, the mud-like shape quickly merged into the ground and disappeared.

The invisible that Lin had seen before was moved in this way, and Lynn was very curious about how they got together.

And the invisible shape of the Ershi people... rushed toward Lin’s miniature arms.

It's quite fast, at least faster than the mini-arms.

It quickly plunged into the position of the mini-arms, and stretched out... the hand held the mini-arms.

Linden felt this miniature unit... killed by it.

It was pinched to death.

Generally, large organisms cannot pinch microbes mainly because they have a lot of cracks on their skin, and microorganisms can easily hide inside to prevent being squeezed.

This invisible is different.

Although there are many gaps in the surface of the skin, when Lin's miniature arms hide into these gaps, it will level the gap.

It allows the skin to 'seamlessly' and reliably pinch the mini-arms.

Obviously it knows the location of this mini-arm.

If a creature can perceive most of the micro-arms that Lin has created, then it must camouflage their perception systems.

At the moment, Lynn still doesn't understand the invisible, so there is no way to do anything about it.

This invisible continues to move quickly because there are Lin's miniature arms throughout the tunnel, and it moves quickly through the tunnel.

Find any micro-arms and grab it to death.

Even if the forests hide in the tiny arms in the cracks around the rock wall, it can soften a part of the body and extend into the gap to pinch.

In its fast action, Lynn has hundreds of mini-arms killed by it.

It also came to the tunnel... entrance.

Outside the entrance and exit is a large and empty area, which is somewhat like a... square.

Because both the ground and the walls are


Obviously it knows the location of this mini-arm.

If a creature can perceive most of the micro-arms that Lin has created, then it must camouflage their perception systems.

At the moment, Lynn still doesn't understand the invisible, so there is no way to do anything about it.

This invisible continues to move quickly because there are Lin's miniature arms throughout the tunnel, and it moves quickly through the tunnel.

Find any micro-arms and grab it to death.

Even if the forests hide in the tiny arms in the cracks around the rock wall, it can soften a part of the body and extend into the gap to pinch.

In its fast action, Lynn has hundreds of mini-arms killed by it.

It also came to the tunnel... entrance.

Outside the entrance and exit is a large and empty area, which is somewhat like a... square.

Because both the ground and the walls are

The arms were pinched to death.

It also came to the tunnel... entrance.

Outside the entrance and exit is a large and empty area, which is somewhat like a... square.

Because both the ground and the walls are

The arms were pinched to death.

The arms were pinched to death.

It also came to the tunnel... entrance.

Outside the entrance and exit is a large and empty area, which is somewhat like a... square.

Because both the ground and the walls are

It also came to the tunnel... entrance.

Outside the entrance and exit is a large and empty area, which is somewhat like a... square.

Because both the ground and the walls are

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