4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2643: Artifact?

"These...What are these explosives!"

The originally calm world once again set off a wave of horror, and the explosives falling from the cracks in the sky made Ershi people panic.

These objects...

Most are some coagulated substances.

The crack is a solidification space, and the space inside is now rapidly condensing into some explosives.

These explosives are very stable in the solidified void, but they will explode soon after coming outside.

Lynn is still investigating the causes of these explosives.

Of course, Ershi people are also trying to investigate, but there is no way to investigate the results.

At the same time, Lin is also paying attention to the other side...


"This... this is the artifact! Our artifact! The legendary artifact!"

In the country of red pulp, something happened... quite big.

Because in the body of the ancient mud, all the invisibles exploded in the near future, and their explosion caused no small interference to the props and red pulp production lines in the ancient mud.

But the red pulp outside is not very excited to see this thing.

Especially in the model sand sea of ​​this group of red pulp, because they were not long ago ... they found their goal.

Originally, the search would last for a long time, and because there were a lot of things happening here, maybe the model sand was destroyed...

But I did not expect them to find this model sand called artifacts so early.

They are mainly found with cylindrical detectors that are not completely alive, but they have many 'nerve interfaces' inside.

Moreover, they are hollow inside, and the red pulp can be drilled into the interior of the detection tool and connected to the nerve interface inside... with its own nervous system.

Then take the red pulp inside and pass the neural interface and it can “see” all the objects detected by the detection tool.

Each probe can search for an area within a hundred meters of the surrounding area. If there are many probes together, this range will increase... Lin doesn't know why, but they can detect almost everything in the range by detecting shape.

Because the model sands just stopped near their country, they brought in a large number of detection tools to search around, and now they have found their goals.

As I said before, as long as they "look", they can immediately understand that this is an artifact.

So after discovery, the red pulp immediately transferred a large one... the excavator dug it out.

Now in the sand sea, Lynn can see a large group of red pulps excitedly surrounded by each other... and the center around them has a red pulp with model sand.

The red pulp puts the artifact model sand on the body, while constantly conveying the joy of the surrounding red pulp.

This artifact... looks like an irregular stone from the outside, and is the same size as other model sands. There is nothing special about it. What function does it have?

"It can save our population! It can change everything completely!"

In the center of the group, the red pulp holding the artifact is now excited about the surrounding red pulp in the language of miraculous creatures.

There seems to be a lot of red pulp that I don't know what it is, so they are very serious about 'listening'.

The red pulp in the middle said that there are many details about the artifact.

This artifact has such a name.

It is called 'the ancient mud.'

It is actually the name that this group of red pulp has just started.

It is actually not a tool prop, but the body of the legendary ancient mud...

This legendary ancient mud, its reputation is circulating in all ancient mud.

Of course, this group of red pulp that won the ancient mud is also known.

‘Eternal mud is a kind of mud that is much older than the common ancient mud, and its history may be directly traced back to the era of miracle creatures.

And 'The Everlasting Mud' has many powerful abilities.

But how strong they are, they don't know much.

But at least know that the ancient mud can be 'upgraded' into 'the ancient mud'.

As long as you get some data about the mud of Henggu... it is possible to change its body to the ancient mud.

"It can save our population! It can change everything completely!"

In the center of the group, the red pulp holding the artifact is now excited about the surrounding red pulp in the language of miraculous creatures.

There seems to be a lot of red pulp that I don't know what it is, so they are very serious about 'listening'.

The red pulp in the middle said that there are many details about the artifact.

This artifact has such a name.

It is called 'the ancient mud.'

It is actually the name that this group of red pulp has just started.

It is actually not a tool prop, but the body of the legendary ancient mud...

This legendary ancient mud, its reputation is circulating in all ancient mud.

Of course, this group of red pulp that won the ancient mud is also known.

‘Eternal mud is a kind of mud that is much older than the common ancient mud, and its history may be directly traced back to the era of miracle creatures.

And 'The Everlasting Mud' has many powerful abilities.

But how strong they are, they don't know much.

But at least know that the ancient mud can be 'upgraded' into 'the ancient mud'.

As long as you get some data about the mud of Henggu... it is possible to change its body to the ancient mud.

"It can save our population! It can change everything completely!"

In the center of the group, the red pulp holding the artifact is now excited about the surrounding red pulp in the language of miraculous creatures.

There seems to be a lot of red pulp that I don't know what it is, so they are very serious about 'listening'.

The red pulp in the middle said that there are many details about the artifact.

This artifact has such a name.

It is called 'the ancient mud.'

It is actually the name that this group of red pulp has just started.

It is actually not a tool prop, but the body of the legendary ancient mud...

This legendary ancient mud, its reputation is circulating in all ancient mud.

Of course, this group of red pulp that won the ancient mud is also known.

‘Eternal mud is a kind of mud that is much older than the common ancient mud, and its history may be directly traced back to the era of miracle creatures.

And 'The Everlasting Mud' has many powerful abilities.

But how strong they are, they don't know much.

But at least know that the ancient mud can be 'upgraded' into 'the ancient mud'.

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