4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 107: Lost voice

‘Hey! 'And it was a burst of sound. The tortoises on the back of the tortoise, which were nearly two meters long, slammed into Leviathan. Leviathan used the emergency jet to instantly escape the attack. The crystal cone in the middle is inserted directly into the center of a tree behind Leviathan.

The tree was almost pierced, but nothing happened. Could it be that the branches would scream?

When Lin thinks, the crystal cone tortoise is also moving at this time. It is slowly turning the body, because only two crystal cones on the carapace can be launched forward, and it is necessary to shoot other crystal cones. Turn around.

But when it turned, the huge body touched the tree that had been bitten. The thick trunk was pressed against the tortoise under the enormous force of the tortoise, and its roots were broken one by one. Then, the whole tree crashed down on the ground, and the crystal bark of the whole body was smashed together with the branches.


At this point, a whistling sound instantly rang through the entire crystal woodland! This kind of sound is extremely sharp, and it can cause great stimulation to Leviathan's auditory tentacles. The tortoise does not seem to be able to withstand this kind of sound. It stops turning its body and makes a roar to the fallen tree.

The screaming tree and the tortoise are like confrontation. The tortoise tries to press the tree with its own voice, but the screams are getting bigger and bigger. It seems that the tortoise is ultimately defeated because it can’t stand the stimulation of the eardrum. After a while, it fled its head quickly and quickly.

Leviathan shot a small sticky bullet on the tortoise and flew to the fallen tree.

This voice is really quite a 'thorn', it has caused a lot of damage to Leviathan's auditory tentacles. After a few hundred seconds, it finally stopped. This sound does not seem to come out from the tree. of. But... underground.

At the break of the tree, Lynn found some silk threads that were connected to the trunk and then extended to the branches...

Lin feels that the branches are some kind of trigger structure, and they will scream as long as they are touched.

Leviathan extended his tentacles. Excavating on the roots of the trees, Lin found that the roots of the trees were not completely covered by crystallization, and it seemed to be very long, but the structure was relatively fragile, so the tortoise could easily break the tree.

After digging for a while, Lin dug up a strange thing... All the wires are connected to this thing. It is like a shell of ammonite. The outer layer is covered with crystals. Leviathan explores the tentacles into the shell, and Lin sees some fluid flowing inside the shell. Then some micro-arms were injected inside.

After a study. Lynn found... this thing is an organ.

Its main function is... to make a sound. The scream is just like it. It has a structure like a sound sac that can vibrate continuously to make a sound. It seems that the feeling of being 'cold' has nothing to do with it. Look like that.

Why does this tree have this structure? Used to defend? It doesn't seem like it. When it was bitten by a tortoise, it sounded very small. It only makes a big sound when it is pushed down. This is useless. This thing is at the root below the trunk, so Lin did not find this strange structure before...

Regardless of its usefulness, the main thing is that Lin also found that the biggest feature of this thing is that it can 'record' the sound. After receiving a sound, it will be re-released exactly the same, and it may remain for a long time. Multiple sounds...

Before those silks were indeed receptors, the silk was stimulated. It will be delivered to this organ immediately, and it will release these sounds, because the receptor is only at the end of the thread, so only the branches will be injured to make a sound. This reaction mechanism is somewhat like a kind of 'mimosa'. plant. In this case, maybe...

Leviathan uses the discharge of the tentacles to mimic the signal of the wire and gently electric shocks the organ.

The screams before "ah-!!!" suddenly rang, and Lin didn't know what the creature called, but it should be able to be replaced by another voice.

Lin re-powered a few times, and sure enough, the tree made another voice...

"Hey!" "Wow!" "Hey!" "Hey!" A variety of voices came out of this organ, which even included the screams of the former cone tortoise, and some others. The sound of the creatures that Lynn has heard, but most don't know. This organ has the ability to distinguish sounds. It only records the sound of creatures, and does not record footsteps or winds.

Among the sounds of these creatures, Lynn heard one: "Help...".

This is the vocabulary of the brain worm. Lin once taught Susumi. Susanmi came here, and it was still asking for help.

Unfortunately, I don't know how long ago this was. Leviathan re-powered it a few times and found that there were about a dozen sounds, only one of which was Susumie's voice.

Maybe other trees also recorded this sound? Thinking, Leviathan put down the organ and flew to other trees nearby. Listening to their sounds did not need to push them down. Just put the tentacle into the mud, drill into the roots, and find the organ to shock it.

This tree also found Susumi’s voice, as it was before, “helping.”

Then Lin continued to try a lot of trees. When I was far away, Lynn heard different Susumi’s voices, like: “Hungry, food”, “cold...” “Lin...” “Lost...” "Water..." and so on.

The farther the distance is, the more weak Susumi’s voice appears, but it seems that it has not suffered any attack. The sounds recorded in the deep trees are less and less, and only Susumi’s voice is left. .

Leviathan traced a distance of one kilometer in the crystallized woodland. He felt that Susumi’s action was very slow. Lin speculated that it was almost in a place where night and night were turned around. Lin had taught it. In this case, It should stop waiting for the rescue. It does not seem to be done, but runs everywhere, but it does not go back to the jungle, but goes deeper and deeper.

Susumi became weaker and weaker at the end. He could feel the death from the recorded sound is approaching it. There is no water or food here. How long does the jade dragon live?

Leviathan has gone for almost two kilometers, and the sound heard from the tree has almost disappeared. Maybe it will eventually...


Suddenly, Lynn heard a subtle voice.

This sound is not from the tree, but from the neighborhood! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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