4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2647: invisible

Invisible belongs to a kind of... space creature.

To be precise, it is a creature that can only stay in a particular space.

In the past, when the Void Tunnel was still in place, it was invisible to swim in the vast environment of the entire tunnel.

When the Void Tunnel died, invisible creatures were trapped in small spaces that broke apart.

Some of these spaces have further collapsed into more subtle shards.

But there are some that have been preserved, just like the passage... and recently this invisible is living in a small space.

It happened by chance... an ancient mud.

This ancient mud originally wanted to use this small space for long-distance movement. To be precise, the small mud that split it out was sent to the distant void.

Invisible has no special opinions on this, but it is very interested in ancient mud and small mud, so they have long-term observation.

It noticed that all the small mud itself believed that the creatures could be promoted slowly, and finally they could grow into an ancient mud.

But their final fate was actually swallowed up by ancient mud.

So, once invisible, I tried to tell these little muds their final fate.

This group of small muds felt extreme... shocked, mainly by telling them invisibly by sending out some signals to their minds, allowing them to 'see' their thoughts in their own lives and finally the fate that was swallowed up by ancient mud.

This extremely real feeling made the little mud believe in it all the time, so they stopped to do the task of ancient mud, and planned... against the ancient mud.

The initial resistance plan quickly failed because ancient muds knew where each little mud was and could see what they were doing.

Noting the ancient mud they were rebelling, they immediately issued a mandatory order for them to commit suicide.

Invisible and therefore understand... Although the thinking of the small mud itself is individual, their physical aspect is... completely controlled by ancient mud.

Ancient mud can emit a force signal that controls almost the entire body except the small mud nerve structure.

So it can freely call small mud to do anything, of course, ancient mud is usually made by themselves.

This is that it is possible that ancient mud cannot control too much small mud at the same time, so it is necessary to let these small muds have their own thinking and complete the task by themselves.

Or the ancient mud is simply too lazy.

In fact, the life of ancient mud has always been spent in 'enjoyment', that is, to browse a lot of memories in their own body, and arbitrarily modify them to make a new plot.

The ancient mud itself does not like to do this kind of work even if it can directly control all the small mud to do various tasks.

It will only do this when necessary.

And now... it is necessary.

Because the original small mud tried to rebel and made the ancient mud puzzled, it used to use small mud... and never made a mistake.

Why do you suddenly have a group that wants to rebel?

So the ancient mud quickly suspected the invisible body.

Because the rebellious little mud went to the invisible space, the ancient mud noticed the invisible inside.

It is somewhat cognitive to invisible, so it is considered invisible to be a small mud that may affect it.

Thus, the ancient mud gathered a group of ... the army.

This time it forcedly controlled a large group of mud as an invisible space for the army to attack, and hoped to completely eliminate the invisible.

The result is that the army entered an invisible space and fought fiercely with the invisible.

But... no results.

The ancient mud noticed that the army entering the space slowly lost control and lost its signal.

It didn't know that the army was dead, what was going on in the end... And when the ancient mud was in doubt, the invisible was... slowly transforming its army.

The army of ancient mud lost contact, which of course was invisible... Invisibly by isolating the signals of ancient mud, so that these troops would not be controlled by it.

At the same time, it also told the military about the truth about ancient mud, which made them rise up against the emotions.

Then the army became like this... the invisible army.

Invisible to use them to attack ancient mud.

However, this is not because the ancient mud has been invisible, so it is invisible to retaliate against this kind of emotion. The invisible is simply to see the fact that these muds successfully defeated the ancient mud.

However, invisible isolation can only play a role in space. After leaving the space, this group of mud army will be fully controlled by ancient mud.

In this way, intangibles come up with a way to get them out of control and out of control.

It injects some special substances into the mud.

This makes the mud all red... This is also the origin of the 'red pulp'.

The ancient mud noticed that the army entering the space slowly lost control and lost its signal.

It didn't know that the army was dead, what was going on in the end... And when the ancient mud was in doubt, the invisible was... slowly transforming its army.

The army of ancient mud lost contact, which of course was invisible... Invisibly by isolating the signals of ancient mud, so that these troops would not be controlled by it.

At the same time, it also told the military about the truth about ancient mud, which made them rise up against the emotions.

Then the army became like this... the invisible army.

Invisible to use them to attack ancient mud.

However, this is not because the ancient mud has been invisible, so it is invisible to retaliate against this kind of emotion. The invisible is simply to see the fact that these muds successfully defeated the ancient mud.

However, invisible isolation can only play a role in space. After leaving the space, this group of mud army will be fully controlled by ancient mud.

In this way, intangibles come up with a way to get them out of control and out of control.

It injects some special substances into the mud.

This makes the mud all red... This is also the origin of the 'red pulp'.

To retaliate against this kind of emotion, the invisible is simply to see the story that these muds successfully defeated the ancient mud.

However, invisible isolation can only play a role in space. After leaving the space, this group of mud army will be fully controlled by ancient mud.

In this way, intangibles come up with a way to get them out of control and out of control.

It injects some special substances into the mud.

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