4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2655: increase

Mud... more and more.

In the country of red pulp... the ancient mud that was invisibly controlled is currently inactive.

This gave a lot of red pulp... escape time.

Of course, they are not just escaping, but they are escaping and preparing to use whatever weapons to destroy the ancient mud.

However, it is still relatively calm.

However, there is no such calmness in Ershi's side. In the sky above some cities, many muds can be seen falling from the cracks.

They will start to deform after a few seconds after they land on the ground, and Lin found that they have quite a variety of deformations.

Some of them turn into red pulp, and some become Ershi people without five senses, while others become roots and odd things crawling around the streets.

They don't have any offensiveness, except those who turn into red pulp seem to want to attack the people of Ershimin and Ershi, while other forms only crawl.

However, because of the increase in their number, Ershimin felt quite ... fear, so the people of Ershi sent the pursuit troops to capture these mud creatures.

Ershimin’s pursuit force is actually a group of remote control machines that quickly shuttle through the city and capture any mud that is encountered.

This group of captured mud was sent to a ... hemispherical stadium.

Because Ershi people have nothing to place them, so they temporarily choose this position and throw them all in.

Lynn thinks what they might do if they do this.

Because these massive muds that are stacked in the stadium are slowly gathering, they seem to be integrating into bigger things.

However, Lin is mainly concerned with the cracks in the sky. Under the continuous observation of Lin's mini-arms, it can be found that some wonderful things have appeared.

The first is the splitting organs that produce the source of the falling mud.

The shape of this split organ is somewhat like... pineapple, which has a size of more than three hundred meters, suddenly appears in the solidified space of the gap.

After the emergence of this split organ began to split a large number of mud creatures.

Because there is nothing here that can be used as a nutrient supplement, the more the organ divides, the more the mud creature itself becomes... the smaller it becomes.

At the same time, Lin found that the organ has some special places, that is, it has been anti-coagulated.

The organ is mixed with a lot of anti-coagulant substances, allowing it to move here.

But the organ itself is not the point.

The point is that Lin wants to find out exactly where it is connected to this solidified gap.

Because whether it is an organ or something strange before, they should all be transferred from somewhere to this gap, and then fall to Ershi.

This place is not able to feel the gravity of Ershi, but every object that comes here will always float everywhere.

As long as it floats and touches the gap exit, it will be pulled out by Ershi's gravity and then fall to Ershi's surface.

Except for this split organ, this organ has been in a position all the time.

This makes it possible to stay here steadily, and this solidified environment can resist the invasion of Ershimin.

Obviously what ‘power’ is affecting or adjusting it all.

'boom! ! ! ’

When Lin thought about it, suddenly there was a violent explosion...

It was passed from the stadium where Ershi people piled up mud.

I saw that the original gymnasium had been turned into a piece of debris, and the thick smoke was slowly rising in the wreckage.

This is actually... a very normal phenomenon.

As long as the data can be changed into various things at any time, of course, it also includes powerful explosives.

This explosion caused the entire city of Ershi people to panic, and almost all the people of Ershi began to stay away from the explosion.

The meaning of this explosion seems to be... passing a signal.

It was like the invisible signal that caused all of its monitoring mud explosions in the ancient mud body to be transmitted. The explosion here is also.

Although Lynn still doesn't know why it must use an explosion to transmit signals.

But Lin can almost completely confirm that everything here is invisible.

When the people of Ershi were paying attention to the location of the explosion... the sky of the city changed again.

More cracks appeared above, and at the same time the cracks opened, a large amount of mud continued to fall.

"All citizens! Urgent notice! Emergency evacuation is now taking place! Please arrive at the nearest airport for evacuation!"

At this time, the city ushered in an emergency notice, and all the people of Ershi suddenly rushed to the nearest airport under the notice.

There are many airports in the city of Ershimin, and most of them are small automatic aircraft.

It didn't take long before we could see a large number of aircraft carrying the Ershi people taking off in succession, which was in stark contrast to the continuous falling of mud in the sky.

Every mud that falls on the ground will not cause direct harm except for the people who are in the hands of the people of Ershi. However, every Ershi people are... to avoid them with all their strength, for fear that they will also cause an explosion.

This group of muds has not exploded yet and is somewhat different from the previous ones.

They ignore the group of people who are fleeing around, but start to dig in the place quickly...

They turned a part of the body into a tool for excavation, and dug out a hole in the road of Ershimin.

Although there was no harm, it blocked the traffic of Ershi people to a large extent, but no one was close to the mud because of the fear of the explosion.

But the remote control machines that capture the mud are still moving, and they are still capturing the mud in the original way.

But... obviously the place to be sent after the capture was not in the gym. Lin found that the remote control machine that caught the mud was flying to the sea.

And this group of remote control is not only controlled by Ershimin, Lin also made some identical remote control machines mixed in.

They are flying fast... catching the mud.

Each remote control is shaped like a small helicopter, and they can be stretched out from both sides to capture the target.

Lin’s robotic arm is a special one. It can detect the body of the mud while holding the mud.

Lynn is curious about what they want to do... Lin currently has some ways to detect mud memory.

Lin found that all the muds were... in a wonderful state.

They believe that they can get something when they dig deeper, and they can get a huge boost as long as they are acquired.

This kind of improvement is not clear what it is, it may be strong, and the mud itself does not know.

However, they think that they can only do this, so they continually dig.

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