4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2661: Miracle steps

"As long as this consciousness is dead... the body will recover."

Ersh said that... although it still has some part of the consciousness, but as long as the consciousness in this carrier dies, then its body...

That is, the Ershi world itself should wake up.

Because other parts of consciousness are currently too far away or too...not connected to the body.

Only this method can stop this crisis from the massive mud that is constantly flowing into the world.

If you don't do anything, the miracle may actually appear there.

That being the case... then kill it.

Although the pompoms and Ershi's carriers are currently unmovable, the micro-arms within the carrier are mobile.

It is very simple to kill the carrier. Just let the micro-arms attack everywhere and destroy the structure inside the carrier.

When Lin launched this idea, the attacks of the mini-arms began.

Lin let this group of arms grow a variety of weapons like drills or circular saws... Attacking inside the carrier, because the number of this group is very large, this effect is very good.

Soon the interior of the carrier was smashed by the tiny arms of Lin, and the various structural structures became smaller pieces under the saw.

During the attack, Lynn can also find the Ershi consciousness in the carrier...that is, those subtle spaces are rapidly dissipating.

They are really 'dead', or they don't know where to go anywhere else.

When most of the internal structure was destroyed, Ershi’s consciousness completely dissipated... without a trace, at least not detected.

For the death of the carrier, there is no special reaction in the invisible distance. I don't know if it is or not.

At the same time, Lin also turned her attention to the world of Ershi.

The world of Ershi can see a spectacular scene. A large amount of mud falls from the sky like a raindrop and continually falls to a city in Ershi.

The residents of the city have almost evacuated at full speed... And the military bases in the surrounding cities of Ershi have targeted various weapons such as missiles to the city that was submerged by mud.

The military commander of Ershimin did not hesitate much. He believed that when the city was not saved, it issued an order to fire.

After a few moments, countless barrages rose from the bases of various places and flew toward the city of mud.

‘ booming’

Even in the void, you can see the entire city turned into a sea of ​​fire, weapons such as various missiles instantly devour the city and most of the mud on it.

In the case of the firepower of Ershimin, it is very easy to evaporate a city. The violent fire seems to have wiped out everything... but...

This is actually one of the miracles.

Before Lin killed the consciousness in the carrier, Ersh had all the information he knew to Lin.

Including miracles that are invisible to transfer to Ershi.

Although it was said that Ershi had interfered before, these miracles were able to be re-sequenced.

The first one is... ‘violent glory’.

‘The strong glory destroyed the former residence of the aborigines... because of the fear of the invaders. ’

This miracle is generally just a bit of content.

However, after Ershi’s judgment, this should refer to the first attack by the Ershi people on the invaders.

Then there is the second miracle...

‘The deaths in the ruins climbed again, calling for the name of the horrible thing. ’

This statement is translated by Ershi.

Lin also saw a similar phenomenon... After the bombing, the city of mud has become a ruin.

In the debris pile that was originally a building, you can see some soft things crawling.

These are muds... They are obviously not all killed, although they are much smaller than before, and in general each one is only one-tenth the size of the original.

However, the ‘sound’ they emit is still very large.

After each group of mud crawled for a while, they turned themselves into a shape like a pot and sent a lot of signals to the surroundings.

This kind of signal is the language signal of the miracle creature. Lin found that it can spread quite broadly, and can even be 'listen' in the channel space.

Next is the third miracle.

‘The monsters in the earth are responding at the same time’.

This miracle refers to the role of mud excavation before, and many of the muds that had been excavated underground have been deformed into strange shapes in the ground.

The amount of mud that was previously excavated into the ground was not enough. However, when the Ershi carrier and the pompoms were confined, a large amount of mud came to the Ershi world. They drilled down the caves of the original mud and mixed them with them. The amount is sufficient.

Now they are deformed underground into some irregular shapes, and there is no way to compare them to anything.

The main function of these things is... can send another signal.

This signal is not the language of miraculous creatures. It seems to be the language of some kind of solidified organism. Lin found some coagulation organs... can receive this information.

Because there are also some units made of solidified material in Ershi.

But Lin doesn't know the content of this kind of information. If she wants to translate it, she can only translate it into the voice of ‘嗡嗡’.

When the ground and the underground simultaneously signal, it is the appearance of the fourth miracle.

The fourth miracle is... 'the coincident void'.


At this moment, Lin saw that the sky had changed.

A huge shadow appears in the sky, and this shadow looks a lot like a sphere about the size of Ershi.

It's just completely black.

Of course, it is not the kind of black ball solidified creature that I have seen before, but one... Lin feels that it should be a solid void.

When the shadow appeared, it was the fifth miracle.

To be precise, these are not real miracles, but a miracle.

That is to say, in order to complete these steps, the real miracle will be transferred to the world of Ershi.

As long as the steps are completed, Ershi will act as the 'steady body' of the ancient mud.

All the miracles that ancient muds have suffered will be revealed in the world of Ershi.

But I don't know why it is invisible to do this through these steps...

"The fifth... is the last one."

The Ershi carrier told Lin about the information of these miraculous steps, and it also said so.

"If the last one is successful, my body is still not awake... then take it out with it."

Who is that?

Lin found that the last sentence of Ershi refers to all the species on Ershi.

But instead of taking all the species directly, they take away some of their information.

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