4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 109: Entrance

This is the depths of the jungle, and the surrounding vision is still obscured by the crystal trees, where Leviathan is looking for their nests.

These creatures fled quite quickly and spread out, but in this jungle, Lin thought they had only one place to live in - underground.

The bottom is indeed a good place. Whether you want to hide or want to get water in the dry land, the creatures will choose to be underground. Of course, it is not easy to dig up the soil and rocks, so the creatures usually choose to cooperate.

Lin has some doubts about these creatures. Their behavior is similar to that of divisional species. Although the two different organisms are still very common, it is common for the arthropod divisions. It is a division of species.

If this is the case, then it is certain to see what kind of biological population these are. Jade Dragon has no record of them. It should be less dangerous.

The fires of the previous ribs did not look like hunting. Instead, they wanted to scare Leviathan. After all, it was so slow that even Mao Yu could escape.

However, the ribs are indeed a strange species. They do not have a long crystal structure. Although they are smaller than the scorpions, they can also be considered large-sized limbs.

Lin can now produce a similar flame. Lin found that it can produce some low-burning liquids. They burn under normal temperature, but they only dissipate in a flash. The ribs probably have some kind of Let the fire continue to burn for a while, although the time is not very long...

Leviathan put Susumi on his back and it has now been restored. The little creature slowly opened his eyes. I saw Leviathan in front of me...

"Hey!" Susumi screamed. Struggling to get up and trying to escape, but it was tied by Leviathan.

Speaking of it, it hasn't seen Leviathan yet. It only has a pompom that is 'good', and other creatures are quite dangerous.

"Hey! Help!" Susumi struggled desperately, and it recovered from its state.

Lin made a simple introduction directly. Leviathan extended a thick tentacle and showed some patterns on the skin of the tentacle. The top shows that the pompons grow up and finally form the shape of Leviathan.

“Hey?” Susumi quickly calmed down after seeing the pattern, because the pompon often showed the pattern like this, which is quite familiar to him, and it also understands what these patterns mean.

Lin once told Susumi that as long as there are creatures making similar images, that creature can represent ‘琳’.

After Susumi looked at it for a while, its emotions became extremely excited. It slammed into Leviathan and shouted: "Lin...found. Found..."

These creatures are very interesting, and they are usually very excited when they see you after a long time. Tucker is also like this. At this time, Leviathan did nothing. Waiting for Susumi to be excited. After quieting, Leviathan began to make the same sound as the pompom and asked Susumu how it was lost here. What happened in the day and night.

"Oh..." Susumi squinted and seemed to be trying very hard to think back to what happened. After thinking for a while, it sent out the first word: "Scream."

"Scream...I, go..." Susumi is not very good at describing, but Lin can basically understand what it is expressing. Susumi often hears screams during the period when the crystal forest is lost. It should be hurt to be called, then should it be barking?

Then Susumi seems to have been turning around in the jungle, trying to find a pompon or a way out, but it just turned deeper and deeper, during which it saw some flames beating in the air.

It must have something to do with 蜈蚣, but they did not attack Susumumi's appearance. After that, Susumi had been lost in the jungle until there was no physical strength. Finally, it dug a small pit on the ground and curled it inside.

Susumumi’s memory and recognizing ability are very strong, but in this environment, it seems that the sensory organs become less sensitive, but Susumui does not feel cold, but feels another feeling, Susu Mi doesn't know what words to use to describe these feelings...

There was nothing special about Susumi getting lost until it lost consciousness, but it still remembers the only thing. It has seen a cave on the ground, and now it can recall the location of the cave.

Obviously there should be the entrance to the nest of these creatures.

Susumi and Leviathan moved quickly in the jungle. Soon, Lin saw a shiny thing on the ground. This seems to be crystallized.

"Here, here, Lynn." Susumi pointed to the ground. This is a crystal that is round and trapped in the mud. It can be seen as a dark passage through a crystal with a high transparency.

Leviathan stretched out his tentacles and dug the crystal out of the mud. The hole in the hole below was just enough for the scorpion to get in, but Leviathan was difficult to enter, but this is not a big problem, Leviathan Jean Sumi let go, then slowly flew into the sky, and then rushed down to rush!

'boom! ’

Leviathan's collision instantly hit the hole bigger, and Leviathan also entered the cave at the same time.

The cave was spacious enough to accommodate Leviathan, and Susumi also ran in and followed Leviathan to the depths of the ground.

Lynn originally wanted a unit to leave with Susumi, but it didn't matter if he explored it with it, so that it could see more interesting things. Of course, it was nothing interesting on the ground, but the underground was different. .

Only a small section of the cave is vertically downwards. After that, it becomes a slope. On the top of the cave, the roots of many crystal trees can be seen. On the ground of the cave, there are quite a few... bones. .

There are many skeletons of creatures, and most of them are ribs, all of which are different creatures, both large and small. In order to prevent any creatures from hiding inside, Leviathan put Susumi on his back. Lin carefully observed the skeletons and saw if there were any flaws hidden inside.

……found it!

Lin saw a skeleton in a pile of ribs moving, and Leviathan immediately flew in that direction. This 'skeleton' seemed to realize that Lin found it. It suddenly jumped up to the cave. Run deep in the depths.

But it didn't run a few steps and was glued to the ground with a sticky bullet, and it couldn't move any more.

So let's take a look at the secrets of this creature... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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