4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2669: Invisible


"All life was born at that time."

"They spread toward the depths of the void as they collapsed and shattered."

"But at the end... they will all return."

Here is a...similar to the environment in the water.

The translucent liquid liquid is filled with the vision of this pompom of Lin... In addition to the pompons, there are many things that can be seen in this water.

Like a floating fire-like glowing object, a creature like a shellfish that swims around.

There is... a lot of information.

This place is ‘invisible space’.

It is the place where invisible life has always existed... Not long ago, Lynn detected the location of this space... and sent a pompom to it.

Lin feels that this should be invisible and open to its space. After all, it has not been detected before, but it was detected a while ago... But Lin did not care about the invisible. It has a special purpose, so I came directly here. .

This place may have a diameter of more than 100,000 kilometers, which is the size of Ershi's speculation.

In simple terms, it is almost as big as a gas giant. Lin doesn't know how big it is, so he wanders around...

In the wandering moment, in addition to observing the surrounding creatures, Lin can continue to receive a large number of signals.

These signals are sent in a variety of biological languages. Lynn discovers a variety of normal void creatures, including cell biology, and solidified organisms understand this signal.

The content of the signal is mainly... a history, or a history that is invisible.

Invisiblely believes that... all life in the void is born from the void tunnel.

This is different from Lin’s understanding of the sand ball. What Linde knew before was that the Void Tunnel was a large number of creatures slowly and slowly piled up.

The signal in the invisible space also means that the void tunnel is piled up, but it is not made up of foreign creatures.

The information indicates that the tunnel was originally a small space, from which the earliest species were born.

As a result, these species slowly expanded their tunnels as they evolved, and produced more species of organisms, resulting in huge void tunnels.

Some of the creatures in the tunnel also began to leave the tunnel to explore.

The intangible information is so illustrated...

And the main purpose of this information... seems to be to let the creatures entering and space have an adoring mood for it.

In the message, it was said that the original construction of the void tunnel was a special group of creatures.

The invisible itself belongs to the immediate descendants of the group's earliest tunnel creators... Invisible to think that it is the oldest, that group of creatures.

After learning the news, most creatures will invisibly indulge.

This is true of at least the creatures in this space.

Many of the creatures that Lin has seen so far in the space, they all worship invisible.

Because Lynn speaks with the language of miraculous creatures, they will respond.

But ask them carefully why they want to worship invisible... they can't seem to say it.

Lynn asked some creatures, saying that they had accidentally entered this small space a long time ago.

At that time, they came in like Lin, and when they learned the invisible history, they suddenly began to worship invisible.

But think about it... they don't seem to have any special reason.

Even if the invisible is really a direct descendant, there seems to be no need for worship, but they have a feeling of worship.

In this way, they lived here and have always worshipped the invisible as a god.

It seems that this information has any special effects. After that, it can directly make the biological worship invisible...

But it is not the same for all creatures.

For example, it is useless to Lin.

But for mud-like creatures... it seems useless.

This is what Lin and the local creatures continued to communicate with each other... They said that many creatures came here in addition to them. Although they almost received information, not every one would worship invisible.

However, some creatures have not received information, and invisible does not regard each creature as a target.

After talking to them, Lin asked them about the invisible position.

Because... Lin wants to see if... can communicate with the invisible.

And these creatures also easily told Lin's invisible position.

When Lin thought about it, Lin had already... saw it.

The invisible look and no change at all, or a shape like a thundercloud.

When Lin's pompoms wandered, she suddenly found that it appeared not far ahead, so Lin sent a signal to the invisible.

The general meaning of this signal is to say hello to it.

"You did come here."

Invisible also responded to Lin: "Do you think it is a pity? Those... there is no way to be realized."

"What is the realization?" Lin asked: "Is it a miracle?"

"It's all..." Invisible: "You don't want to witness their occurrence?"

When Lin thought about it, Lin had already... saw it.

The invisible look and no change at all, or a shape like a thundercloud.

When Lin's pompoms wandered, she suddenly found that it appeared not far ahead, so Lin sent a signal to the invisible.

The general meaning of this signal is to say hello to it.

"You did come here."

Invisible also responded to Lin: "Do you think it is a pity? Those... there is no way to be realized."

"What is the realization?" Lin asked: "Is it a miracle?"

"It's all..." Invisible: "You don't want to witness their occurrence?"

When Lin thought about it, Lin had already... saw it.

The invisible look and no change at all, or a shape like a thundercloud.

When Lin's pompoms wandered, she suddenly found that it appeared not far ahead, so Lin sent a signal to the invisible.

The general meaning of this signal is to say hello to it.

"You did come here."

Invisible also responded to Lin: "Do you think it is a pity? Those... there is no way to be realized."

"What is the realization?" Lin asked: "Is it a miracle?"

"It's all..." Invisible: "You don't want to witness their occurrence?"

When Lin thought about it, Lin had already... saw it.

The invisible look and no change at all, or a shape like a thundercloud.

When Lin's pompoms wandered, she suddenly found that it appeared not far ahead, so Lin sent a signal to the invisible.

The general meaning of this signal is to say hello to it.

"You did come here."

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