4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2675: Pollution removal

"This place... has been polluted."

Invisible is so telling Lin.

It was very surprised when it was dragged into the void for the first time.

Although the invisible itself does not know Midgarth, it does not know exactly where this void is.

But when it touched this void, it felt the feeling it used to be.

That is... the feeling of a virtual tunnel.

A void tunnel is not just a simple 'region' for invisible.

For the invisible... the tunnel is the 'empty space' that belongs to it.

When the tunnel collapses, it is invisible to remember the tunnel once, and this sentiment is passed on to future generations.

Invisible has always been looking forward to the tunnel will return, in fact, they have also made some efforts, such as, as in the past, to expand the space to create a virtual tunnel.

However, because of various obstacles, they have no way to do it.

Until... now.

After invisible encounter with Mead, it considers this place to be the most likely and closest to the void tunnel. It is very likely to become a new void tunnel.

However, it is polluted here... Invisible can feel some mysterious things in the Mead emptiness that interfere with the whole place.

If this pollution is not eliminated, it will not be a virtual tunnel in the past, and it may become something weird.

This weird thing... refers to a special phenomenon of spatial anomalies.

It is said that a similar phenomenon occurred a long time ago, that is, an area in the void tunnel is abnormalized, and the entire area of ​​that area has become a distorted... a weird scene that is difficult to describe.

It will also kill all creatures that come into contact with it, but what is the case, the invisible representation cannot be described.

Even scenes that cannot be described by direct transmission of neural signals... Lin also wants to take a look.

Lynn thinks... It says that 'pollution' is Midgarth, who is in the state of an eternal observer, and maybe there is something possible.

Because Lynn found that the invisible itself has a very powerful perception, although this perception can only be effective in the void tunnel class space.

But as long as it is in these spaces, it can perceive so many things, such as Lin found that it can detect Lin's consciousness.

So it can immediately recognize that Lin's arms are not ordinary creatures.

Invisible means that it wants to destroy this pollution, so that Mead Void has the possibility of growing into a void tunnel.

But it is invisible to be invisible. I need Lin to help.

At the same time, it also uses the miracle star here.

Although you don't know what the death warship brought in the miracle star, these miracle stars are very useful.

Because invisible means that it escapes, there is no way to hurt the 'pollution' here.

Because the pollution is too strong, but it knows that there are things that are almost identical and powerful... can destroy this pollution in one fell swoop.

That is a miracle creature... a miracle that has been created in the past.

Accurately speaking, it is a miracle weapon.

It can be called a 'miracle sanction', just like its name, it is used to ... sanction miracles.

The reason why miracle creatures make such weapons is mainly because... miracles have endless possibilities.

This also includes the possibility of 'out of control'.

All miracles have a very long development stage, and to the final stage of completion, after the completion of the stage, it is generally over.

After the end, all miracle performers in the area where the miracle is located will stop working.

For example, those manufacturing devices like the model sand sea, after the miracle of the sand sea, sand sea may continue to exist.

But things like these manufacturing devices that help miracles run will stop running and will not move.

However, there are occasional unexpected situations.

The device that makes the miracle may not stop, but will continue to run, even becoming a ... civilizational species.

These are all possible because the devices themselves have many possibilities.

It doesn't matter if only a small number of devices are still active, but when these miracle devices continue to be active if they have a large number of them, and continue to make various non-manufacturing miracles, even develop into a species... Then these conditions will be judged as 'out of control'.

As long as you lose control, the ‘miracle sanctions’ will start.

It is said that this weapon is in a certain position in the void, and it can destroy the miracle device that is out of control in any place.

The ‘miracle sanction’ itself is not a weapon that miracle creatures set at the outset.

Like all other miracles, they start with small, simple machines and the like, but after a long period of time, they slowly 'evolve' into weapons that can fight the wonders of the void.

Of course, these weapons are also out of control, but it is said that most of them are perfectly finished.

Invisible once learned about the location of some 'miracle sanctions'.

It thinks it can start them... and let them fight this void, clearing the pollution in the void.

These weapons are not just weapons that produce violent explosions. They also have a lot of special functions. They are invisible to think that they can eliminate space pollution.

Lin feels that this possibility is relatively low, because it is unclear what the invisible Mead is.

Invisible is simply to think that this is a big place, and is living in a strange creature that tries to expand the space...that is, those battleships.

In short, the intangible decision to do so.

The first step now is... let Lin let it out.

Therefore, it can give Lin what Lin wants... The main reason for this is because it does not know what Lin wants.

It said that it was a very simple matter for Lin to release it, although the prison ball itself could not go out.

But from the surface it is very easy to destroy it.

After Lin thought for a while, Lin found out... Actually, Lin did not need to help.

Because Lynn noticed the group before... the creature like a pin flew over.

"We really should do that great thing. Yes, just follow it!"

Lin found that these pins flew to the outer skin of the prison ball while chatting, and then put their needle-like body into it.

Lynn noticed... they are sending signals inside.

The pin itself can send some commands to the jail cell through its own neural signals, which were previously detected as invisible.

The instructions they are sending now are to order the prison ball itself to disintegrate... so that the invisible inside is released.

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