4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2683: The challenge of living

"This is actually their own plan."

"They want to gather a bunch of creatures to explore that place and see which ones can survive."

"To do this, they have gathered so many kinds of Nether creatures."

It seems that there is such a creature who knows the detailed information.

Lynn arrived at this wonderful space on the golden stone.

After coming in, Lynn detected a lot of creatures and found that they almost came here in confusion. Most of them still don't know what is going on.

But there are also some creatures... but it seems to know a lot of details.

For example, Lin is now encountering this creature, Lin is accidentally detecting it, and it has detected Lin in some ways... not in the confused state.

So Lin and it started to communicate.

It said that the whole plan here...all are the tests that the thin lines are used to test what creatures can survive.

It is also a 'survival challenge'.

And the location of this survival challenge is the new space.

The general situation is almost the same as Lin knows... that golden stone sends a signal to the void... and all miraculous sanctions are attacked.

However, those miraculous sanctions did not actually lead to any path to the fine-line world.

The passages leading to the thin-line world in the void are actually made by the thin lines themselves. Their purpose is to bring together all kinds of creatures in the virtual air, so they make these passages temporarily.

The creatures gathered will be gathered into a space.

This space is a place that appears after the golden stones send a signal to all miraculous sanctions.

The thin lines found this space at the time, and then they examined the space and came to a conclusion.

That is, this space is connected to a very remote place, which is not a known virtual environment.

It is not a normal void and a solid void, but a new place.

Generally speaking, there are various small and small spaces in the normal void and solidified void. Although their environments are different, in general, the gap with the void is not very large.

And the space that appears in this golden stone is a brand new place... a new environment.

This new environment... I don't know if it is unpredictable. At least the creature that communicates with Lin is unclear.

However, it believes that the space opened by the golden stone should be the place where the miracle creatures are located.

It believes that miracle creatures are not really extinct, but go far away to wander.

They will come back when the miracle is revealed.

Therefore, the synthetic recovery of miracle creatures is actually equivalent to the ‘recalling ceremony’ of miracle creatures.

In short, the thin line decided to throw a bunch of different kinds of creatures into the test to see if they can live there.

Of course, the gatherings are not all different kinds of creatures. Lin found that many kinds of creatures are the same...

For example, there are many cell creatures here, but the equipment on them is different.

As for this creature that communicates with Lin...

It is a kind of creature that is familiar to Lin.

It is also a ... red paste.

It claims to be the king of red pulp, and its shape is like a red mud block with a diameter of more than ten meters.

At the same time it also claims to be an intangible continuation of consciousness.

Before it was invisible, it was blown up together when the meteor star of Mead was gathering.

But like an invisible creature... it won't be completely dead.

Or what it will always leave before it dies, and what is invisible is its ... thoughts.

Before it was blown up, it sent its thinking memory to a red pulp in some way.

This red pulp is one of the rulers of the contemporary red pulp civilization.

There are many red pulps that are considered to be 'king'. They are mainly used as commanders to command different red pulp territories.

And after the king of the red pulp learned the invisible memory, it began...there was an adoration of invisibility.

And decided to live according to the invisible memory.

It is to do all kinds of things that you want to do invisiblely.

Initially, after getting the information, it wanted various methods to enter the small space where it was invisible.

Although the invisible is no longer in that space, there are some left...

It is also a ... red paste.

It claims to be the king of red pulp, and its shape is like a red mud block with a diameter of more than ten meters.

At the same time it also claims to be an intangible continuation of consciousness.

Before it was invisible, it was blown up together when the meteor star of Mead was gathering.

But like an invisible creature... it won't be completely dead.

Or what it will always leave before it dies, and what is invisible is its ... thoughts.

Before it was blown up, it sent its thinking memory to a red pulp in some way.

This red pulp is one of the rulers of the contemporary red pulp civilization.

There are many red pulps that are considered to be 'king'. They are mainly used as commanders to command different red pulp territories.

And after the king of the red pulp learned the invisible memory, it began...there was an adoration of invisibility.

And decided to live according to the invisible memory.

It is to do all kinds of things that you want to do invisiblely.

Initially, after getting the information, it wanted various methods to enter the small space where it was invisible.

Although the invisible is no longer in that space, there are some left...

It is also a ... red paste.

It claims to be the king of red pulp, and its shape is like a red mud block with a diameter of more than ten meters.

At the same time it also claims to be an intangible continuation of consciousness.

Before it was invisible, it was blown up together when the meteor star of Mead was gathering.

But like an invisible creature... it won't be completely dead.

Or what it will always leave before it dies, and what is invisible is its ... thoughts.

Before it was blown up, it sent its thinking memory to a red pulp in some way.

This red pulp is one of the rulers of the contemporary red pulp civilization.

There are many red pulps that are considered to be 'king'. They are mainly used as commanders to command different red pulp territories.

And after the king of the red pulp learned the invisible memory, it began...there was an adoration of invisibility.

And decided to live according to the invisible memory.

It is to do all kinds of things that you want to do invisiblely.

Initially, after getting the information, it wanted various methods to enter the small space where it was invisible.

Although the invisible is no longer in that space, there are some left...

Initially, after getting the information, it wanted various methods to enter the small space where it was invisible.

Although the invisible is no longer in that space, there are some left...

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