4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2685: go ahead


"The creatures have almost all set off."

"There are many things that can't be set off."

"Then remove those who can't leave."


They... all seem to have been killed.

Lin’s pompoms had detected such a situation before, and all the creatures that did not emit light groups were killed.

Their bodies, like one by one, are crushed and made into powder.

Those who had lighted up, including Lin's pompoms and red pulp, did not suffer any harm.

It seems that those thin lines really think so.

The purpose of their aggregating creatures... is to select creatures that can emit light clusters that will make this space a translucent body for them.

As for those who don't, there is no need to clean up.

Lin is more concerned about why this space is why some creatures are chosen to make bodies for them. What is the selection criterion?

Lin felt that maybe the thin lines were originally tried by themselves, and the space did not help them make the body, so they gathered so many creatures.

Maybe continue to move on to find out why.

But Lynn is also going to look at... the world of thin lines and see if they are related to the creator.

It's harder to study them in the usual way, so Lynn decided to get some...something bigger to study them.

For example, use a new bus unit.

At the same time, Lin also continued to use the pompom-controlled translucent body to travel in space.

At present... Nothing interesting is found here. The translucent body of the pompom is slowly floating... and there are all kinds of stones everywhere.

Red pulp has been separated from Lin not long ago, and it said that the information obtained will be more.

So now Lin is swaying around.

It's like an ordinary rock tumbling surface, because I haven't found anything interesting yet, so Lynn has been trying to speed up the move.

But this transparent body seems to be the fastest at a speed of one second and eleven meters, and can only fly at a height of ten meters.

Therefore, there is no way to conduct wide-area exploration.

Fortunately, after Lin flew for a while, I still saw interesting things.

Lin noticed that on the stone 100 meters away from the front, there was a thing... it seemed to be a statue, its color and stone were exactly the same.

And its shape is like... a creature called ‘sea angel’.

It is about one meter high and the whole is completely fixed on the stone.

And Lin drifted over and poked it with a semi-transparent fluff of pompoms...it didn't react at all.

This is indeed a statue, but the current state of the pompom has no way to detect its details.

After watching it for a while, Lin continued to drift forward... At the same time, Lin found more of this statue in the way forward.


So now Lin is swaying around.

It's like an ordinary rock tumbling surface, because I haven't found anything interesting yet, so Lynn has been trying to speed up the move.

But this transparent body seems to be the fastest at a speed of one second and eleven meters, and can only fly at a height of ten meters.

Therefore, there is no way to conduct wide-area exploration.

Fortunately, after Lin flew for a while, I still saw interesting things.

Lin noticed that on the stone 100 meters away from the front, there was a thing... it seemed to be a statue, its color and stone were exactly the same.

And its shape is like... a creature called ‘sea angel’.

It is about one meter high and the whole is completely fixed on the stone.

And Lin drifted over and poked it with a semi-transparent fluff of pompoms...it didn't react at all.

This is indeed a statue, but the current state of the pompom has no way to detect its details.

After watching it for a while, Lin continued to drift forward... At the same time, Lin found more of this statue in the way forward.


So now Lin is swaying around.

It's like an ordinary rock tumbling surface, because I haven't found anything interesting yet, so Lynn has been trying to speed up the move.

But this transparent body seems to be the fastest at a speed of one second and eleven meters, and can only fly at a height of ten meters.

Therefore, there is no way to conduct wide-area exploration.

Fortunately, after Lin flew for a while, I still saw interesting things.

Lin noticed that on the stone 100 meters away from the front, there was a thing... it seemed to be a statue, its color and stone were exactly the same.

And its shape is like... a creature called ‘sea angel’.

It is about one meter high and the whole is completely fixed on the stone.

And Lin drifted over and poked it with a semi-transparent fluff of pompoms...it didn't react at all.

This is indeed a statue, but the current state of the pompom has no way to detect its details.

After watching it for a while, Lin continued to drift forward... At the same time, Lin found more of this statue in the way forward.


So now Lin is swaying around.

It's like an ordinary rock tumbling surface, because I haven't found anything interesting yet, so Lynn has been trying to speed up the move.

But this transparent body seems to be the fastest at a speed of one second and eleven meters, and can only fly at a height of ten meters.

Therefore, there is no way to conduct wide-area exploration.

Fortunately, after Lin flew for a while, I still saw interesting things.

Lin noticed that on the stone 100 meters away from the front, there was a thing... it seemed to be a statue, its color and stone were exactly the same.

And its shape is like... a creature called ‘sea angel’.

It is about one meter high and the whole is completely fixed on the stone.

And Lin drifted over and poked it with a semi-transparent fluff of pompoms...it didn't react at all.

This is indeed a statue, but the current state of the pompom has no way to detect its details.

After watching it for a while, Lin continued to drift forward... At the same time, Lin found more of this statue in the way forward.


So now Lin is swaying around.

It's like an ordinary rock tumbling surface, because I haven't found anything interesting yet, so Lynn has been trying to speed up the move.

But this transparent body seems to be the fastest at a speed of one second and eleven meters, and can only fly at a height of ten meters.

Therefore, there is no way to conduct wide-area exploration.

Fortunately, after Lin flew for a while, I still saw interesting things.

Lin noticed that on the stone 100 meters away from the front, there was a thing... it seemed to be a statue, its color and stone were exactly the same.

And its shape is like... a creature called ‘sea angel’.

It is about one meter high and the whole is completely fixed on the stone.

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