It seems to be the place where the white star calls it... the edge.

However, Bai Xing, who has always said that he wants to come here, does not know where it is.

Maybe it also fell into the fog, or... has arrived here.

In short, Lin will first explore here.

The environment here is still very interesting.

Before Lin's pompoms ‘boarding’ Thundercloud came here. After arriving at this position... Big Thundercloud slowly pulled the little Thundercloud it pulled into the body.

Therefore, Lin let the pompoms loose the small thundercloud, and then the pompoms fell on the ground.

At this time, the big thundercloud has already flown away, and Lin is paying attention to the surrounding environment. This place is quite like the cemetery of Ershimin.

There are many semi-circular slabs resembling tombstones everywhere. These slabs are one to six meters high and they are scattered throughout the surface.

And between these 'tombstones', there are many extinguishing phoenixes.

The phoenixes here seem to be more tragic than those encountered under the fog...there are no condensed cohesiveness in their bodies that can't crawl.

These phoenixes all stay where they are, occasionally struggling and swinging their wings.

When they stay here, it seems that the body will become weaker and weaker, and finally completely lose the cohesiveness and become a common dust.

The phoenix became weak here, and Lin didn't know why... but there are still some creatures that don't weaken in this place. Between the tombstones, in addition to extinguishing the phoenix, you can see another creature.

This kind of creature can be called 'iron clad' because they look like iron **** with a diameter of about half a meter.

These creatures can move out of the body's 'iron wire' and move on the ground. There are many such creatures walking around.

They occasionally step on the phoenix and let the phoenix emit dust that represents screams.

But they don't take the initiative to hurt the phoenix, it seems that this group of creatures are wandering around doing nothing.

Lin's pompoms are now similar.

Lynn wants to know... where is the 'connection point' of this space, but there seems to be only an endless ‘tombstone’ and these strange creatures.

The sky is filled with mist, and occasionally you can see some huge creatures... for example, thunderclouds fly over it.

They never looked like the following things... So Lynn didn't care much about them.

The pompon floated slowly over the tombstone group. As Lin progressed, Lin found that the fog was also thickened.

At the same time, there are some familiar creatures.

That is... whirlwind creatures.

These whirlwinds are very small, and Lynn saw some small vortex groups with a few centimeters in size drifting between the tombstones.

They are undoubtedly Cyclone creatures. It seems that there are many similar creatures here, so that's it...

"you are here!"

Suddenly, Lynn received a... ‘sound’.

This is not a white star, but a red pulp.

Before Lin and it represented the screaming dust.

But they don't take the initiative to hurt the phoenix, it seems that this group of creatures are wandering around doing nothing.

Lin's pompoms are now similar.

Lynn wants to know... where is the 'connection point' of this space, but there seems to be only an endless ‘tombstone’ and these strange creatures.

The sky is filled with mist, and occasionally you can see some huge creatures... for example, thunderclouds fly over it.

They never looked like the following things... So Lynn didn't care much about them.

The pompon floated slowly over the tombstone group. As Lin progressed, Lin found that the fog was also thickened.

At the same time, there are some familiar creatures.

That is... whirlwind creatures.

These whirlwinds are very small, and Lynn saw some small vortex groups with a few centimeters in size drifting between the tombstones.

They are undoubtedly Cyclone creatures. It seems that there are many similar creatures here, so that's it...

"you are here!"

Suddenly, Lynn received a... ‘sound’.

This is not a white star, but a red pulp.

Before Lin and it represented the screaming dust.

But they don't take the initiative to hurt the phoenix, it seems that this group of creatures are wandering around doing nothing.

Lin's pompoms are now similar.

Lynn wants to know... where is the 'connection point' of this space, but there seems to be only an endless ‘tombstone’ and these strange creatures.

The sky is filled with mist, and occasionally you can see some huge creatures... for example, thunderclouds fly over it.

They never looked like the following things... So Lynn didn't care much about them.

The pompon floated slowly over the tombstone group. As Lin progressed, Lin found that the fog was also thickened.

At the same time, there are some familiar creatures.

That is... whirlwind creatures.

These whirlwinds are very small, and Lynn saw some small vortex groups with a few centimeters in size drifting between the tombstones.

They are undoubtedly Cyclone creatures. It seems that there are many similar creatures here, so that's it...

"you are here!"

Suddenly, Lynn received a... ‘sound’.

This is not a white star, but a red pulp.

Before Lin and it represented the screaming dust.

But they don't take the initiative to hurt the phoenix, it seems that this group of creatures are wandering around doing nothing.

Lin's pompoms are now similar.

Lynn wants to know... where is the 'connection point' of this space, but there seems to be only an endless ‘tombstone’ and these strange creatures.

The sky is filled with mist, and occasionally you can see some huge creatures... for example, thunderclouds fly over it.

They never looked like the following things... So Lynn didn't care much about them.

The pompon floated slowly over the tombstone group. As Lin progressed, Lin found that the fog was also thickened.

At the same time, there are some familiar creatures.

That is... whirlwind creatures.

These whirlwinds are very small, and Lynn saw some small vortex groups with a few centimeters in size drifting between the tombstones.

They are undoubtedly Cyclone creatures. It seems that there are many similar creatures here, so that's it...

"you are here!"

Suddenly, Lynn received a... ‘sound’.

This is not a white star, but a red pulp.

Before Lin and it represented the screaming dust.

But they don't take the initiative to hurt the phoenix, it seems that this group of creatures are wandering around doing nothing.

Lin's pompoms are now similar.

Lynn wants to know... where is the 'connection point' of this space, but there seems to be only an endless ‘tombstone’ and these strange creatures.

The sky is filled with mist, and occasionally you can see some huge creatures... for example, thunderclouds fly over it.

They never looked like the following things... So Lynn didn't care much about them.

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