4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2699: New body

"Here is... our..."

"This is the entrance to a distant place... Also... that place... kill you... kill you!"

These creatures...

They are constantly committing suicide.

It was a dark space, and Lin recently bombed the creature called the vine reef into the ground.

This creature is not dead. To be precise, most of it is still alive.

The essence of ‘Barnacle Reef’ is like an ‘Apartment’, and the dense barnacle-like creatures attached to it are the inhabitants.

These things like barnacles are actually creatures like thin lines.

They are essentially a hard outer shell with a fleshy structure as the main body, much like a barnacle.

At the very center of their bodies, a large amount of cellular bionuclear information is stored, which is similar to thin lines.

These nuclear information is not used by themselves, but rather they are used to start something else, such as the stone that they attach to, like a reef.

This ‘reef’ is essentially a...with a precise structure, it can be said to be an aircraft.

There are tiny pipes at the bottom of each barnacle attachment location through which barnacles can give nuclear information to the reef.

The reef has a subtle detection structure that, when it receives the nuclear information from the barnacle, will begin to act.

Different nuclear information is equal to giving different instructions to the reef... including what the flight moves to attack, and Lynn thinks this is interesting.

So after being blown up by Lin, they immediately directed the reef to attack the troops around Lin.

But the reef's attack power is very weak, and only some lysate is used as a means of attack, so it is quickly surrounded and uniformed by Lynn with the temporary arms caused by the bodies.

These barnacles can also communicate, so Lynn tries to communicate with them... about them.

But they are not willing to tell Lin anything.

They just mean that this space belongs to them, and then they start committing suicide one by one.

They completely dissolved themselves with a special solution, and Lin found that there was such a solution in each barnacle.

This liquid is used to kill the pom-poms before, but it is also suitable for suicide.

It seems that they are not... creatures that can communicate easily. After this group of creatures committed suicide, Lin also found this inside the reef.

The structure inside the reef is not a fleshy structure, but it is also equipped with a special substance that completely dissolves the interior.

These things seem to be very disliked... Lin studied them, like the previous ban on Lin's research, and soon found that the mirror of the bus and the attack showed that their anti-reconnaissance ability is still quite strong.

Although I don't know why I don't attack the mirror of the bus.

All in all, it seems that the journey should continue.

This dark space is currently completely closed, and even the golden stone in the thin ocean can't open the entrance.

This will last for about a time when the pompons stay up all night, so during this period, Lin plans to find some way... to enter the living area completely.

That is, you don't need a body to control in the dark space to move inside, or directly send the arms into it.

For now, Lin is back to the 'original point'.

Because of the previous attack on the barnacle reef, Lin’s pompom body was almost dead.

It is said that almost all of the cells in the body are lost, so the pompom body can no longer direct the ... poetry manufacturing body in the space.

So what Linde is going to do now is to use the surrounding corpses to assemble some arms. In this case, the manufacturing tower will create a manufacturing body for Lin’s new arms, and then Lin will continue to be active inside.

All in all, it seems that the journey should continue.

This dark space is currently completely closed, and even the golden stone in the thin ocean can't open the entrance.

This will last for about a time when the pompons stay up all night, so during this period, Lin plans to find some way... to enter the living area completely.

That is, you don't need a body to control in the dark space to move inside, or directly send the arms into it.

For now, Lin is back to the 'original point'.

Because of the previous attack on the barnacle reef, Lin’s pompom body was almost dead.

It is said that almost all of the cells in the body are lost, so the pompom body can no longer direct the ... poetry manufacturing body in the space.

So what Linde is going to do now is to use the surrounding corpses to assemble some arms. In this case, the manufacturing tower will create a manufacturing body for Lin’s new arms, and then Lin will continue to be active inside.

All in all, it seems that the journey should continue.

This dark space is currently completely closed, and even the golden stone in the thin ocean can't open the entrance.

This will last for about a time when the pompons stay up all night, so during this period, Lin plans to find some way... to enter the living area completely.

That is, you don't need a body to control in the dark space to move inside, or directly send the arms into it.

For now, Lin is back to the 'original point'.

Because of the previous attack on the barnacle reef, Lin’s pompom body was almost dead.

It is said that almost all of the cells in the body are lost, so the pompom body can no longer direct the ... poetry manufacturing body in the space.

So what Linde is going to do now is to use the surrounding corpses to assemble some arms. In this case, the manufacturing tower will create a manufacturing body for Lin’s new arms, and then Lin will continue to be active inside.

The pompom body has almost died.

It is said that almost all of the cells in the body are lost, so the pompom body can no longer direct the ... poetry manufacturing body in the space.

So what Linde is going to do now is to use the surrounding corpses to assemble some arms. In this case, the manufacturing tower will create a manufacturing body for Lin’s new arms, and then Lin will continue to be active inside.

The pompom body has almost died. The pompom body has almost died. The pompom body has almost died.

It is said that almost because most of the cells in the body are lost, the pompon body has almost died.

It is said that almost all of the cells in the body are lost, so the pompom body can no longer direct the ... poetry manufacturing body in the space.

So what Linde is going to do now is to use the surrounding corpses to assemble some arms. In this case, the manufacturing tower will create a manufacturing body for Lin’s new arms, and then Lin will continue to be active inside.

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