4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2703: Controlled aggregation

‘Hey! ’

In a dark cave, a fierce battle is going on.

One side is two pompons, and one side is a creature similar to a crab.

However, the current combat status is more biased towards the pompon.

This huge crab creature has a lot of scars all over the body, and several limbs have been broken.

Although the pompoms are smaller, they are much stronger, because Lin and Zero are even separate consciousness... but they can still be perfectly matched, and Lin also finds that the pompom is much stronger than it.

At least it is easy to break its limbs and smash its outer shell.

Of course, this creature is not so fragile, it is so fragile... mainly because miracle sanctions have hit this place.

A powerful shock almost killed it.

Originally this crab creature was a much larger individual and occupied this underground cave for a long time.

What it has always done is to constantly mix other creatures into a part of its body and grow bigger and bigger.

However, the miraculous attack almost completely destroyed its original body...

The one that is now fighting Lin and Zero is a small part of it that has been separated from the original body.

And because it was just formed, it is very fragile, and it urgently needs to capture more creatures to supplement itself.

All this is... the white star that became the tentacle form said.

Lin found that it has now slowly changed from the tentacle form to the original Ershimin.

White Star also mentioned that this creature can ‘twist’ into other creatures, for example, turning it into a tentacle shape.

After a complete change, the changed creature will be part of it, and the white star is still not completely changed, so there is a possibility of recovery.

All in all... solve it first.

At the moment Lin made this idea, the pompon rushed out and followed it after the sight.

The other party seems to have...not wanting to fight. It found that when Lin and Zero rushed to it, it immediately flew deep into the cave.

Its speed is still quite fast, but because of the serious injury, the flying is not fast.

Two pompons flew over its back carapace and quickly poked on its outer shell with a large amount of fluff.

After a while, its carapace has been riddled with holes, and there are many blood-like liquids pouring out.

This creature seems to be no longer working... It slowly stops moving and floats in midair.

At the same time, Lynn began to detect it quickly.

It turned out to be...

In the process of detection, Lin found that it is indeed composed of many biosynthesis.

Lin can find many creatures of different sizes from its body, which together support the movement of the entire body.

In simple terms, it is similar to a division of labor.

But these creatures are themselves independent creatures, and when they are captured, they are all 'twisted' into... this form of similarly-formed species, and then they work together to form this fusion crab shape. Creature.

Although they vary greatly, Lin can still detect that some species have been encountered outside.

What Lin wants most is that... there is a special organ in the center of this fusion.

When Lin comes into contact with it, she can feel some special information.

"This is the one."

At the moment Lin made this idea, the pompon rushed out and followed it after the sight.

The other party seems to have...not wanting to fight. It found that when Lin and Zero rushed to it, it immediately flew deep into the cave.

Its speed is still quite fast, but because of the serious injury, the flying is not fast.

Two pompons flew over its back carapace and quickly poked on its outer shell with a large amount of fluff.

After a while, its carapace has been riddled with holes, and there are many blood-like liquids pouring out.

This creature seems to be no longer working... It slowly stops moving and floats in midair.

At the same time, Lynn began to detect it quickly.

It turned out to be...

In the process of detection, Lin found that it is indeed composed of many biosynthesis.

Lin can find many creatures of different sizes from its body, which together support the movement of the entire body.

In simple terms, it is similar to a division of labor.

But these creatures are themselves independent creatures, and when they are captured, they are all 'twisted' into... this form of similarly-formed species, and then they work together to form this fusion crab shape. Creature.

Although they vary greatly, Lin can still detect that some species have been encountered outside.

What Lin wants most is that... there is a special organ in the center of this fusion.

When Lin comes into contact with it, she can feel some special information.

At the moment Lin made this idea, the pompon rushed out and followed it after the sight.

The other party seems to have...not wanting to fight. It found that when Lin and Zero rushed to it, it immediately flew deep into the cave.

Its speed is still quite fast, but because of the serious injury, the flying is not fast.

Two pompons flew over its back carapace and quickly poked on its outer shell with a large amount of fluff.

After a while, its carapace has been riddled with holes, and there are many blood-like liquids pouring out.

This creature seems to be no longer working... It slowly stops moving and floats in midair.

At the same time, Lynn began to detect it quickly.

It turned out to be...

In the process of detection, Lin found that it is indeed composed of many biosynthesis.

Lin can find many creatures of different sizes from its body, which together support the movement of the entire body.

In simple terms, it is similar to a division of labor.

But these creatures are themselves independent creatures, and when they are captured, they are all 'twisted' into... this form of similarly-formed species, and then they work together to form this fusion crab shape. Creature.

Although they vary greatly, Lin can still detect that some species have been encountered outside.

What Lin wants most is that... there is a special organ in the center of this fusion.

When Lin comes into contact with it, she can feel some special information.

"This is the one."

To feel some special information.

"This is the one."

"This is the one."

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