4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2709: Slowly away

This void...

It should be an unforeseen place. .

It is happening the opposite of solidifying the void.

The solidified void is getting closer and closer to the normal void during this period of time, and the two voids almost overlap.

In fact, there is no overlap, only a small part of the area is in contact, but this phenomenon may be more serious in the future.

Unpredictable, it is getting farther and farther from the normal void.

Although it is far away, it is now further... pulling a long distance.

Therefore, there are a few places in the normal void that are still connected to unforeseen places, but these places are also disconnected one after another.

If all are disconnected, there may be no way to go to the unforeseen place... This creature says so.

This is the creature like ‘sand 鲼’.

In the recent exchanges with him, Lin learned a lot.

Their mission can also be said to be 'work', which is specifically for carrying creatures...accurately, it is the production of living creatures.

The creatures of this type of sand shovel are all dedicated to this kind of work, including those that Lin had seen before returning home.

However, according to the sand cricket, all of those there have been 'wildified', that is, they have forgotten the tasks of being carried out like wild animals, and only live their lives in the space.

But there are still some sand shovel to remember their mission, most of them are in this place.

In fact, this is the last one, at least it means that it has not seen any other kind... because they have all left.

It is also about to leave, because it feels that there will be no more organisms to transport.

The sand rafts are high, and the whole...the plan of the manufacturing body.

However, it does not know who set this plan, who decides, Lin feels that it may be a miracle creature.

As Lin knows, there is a manufacturing tower for returning home... It is responsible for making organisms for the creatures entering the dark area.

But it's not like what Lynn thought before, after making it, it doesn't matter, let them kill each other there.

In fact, the original purpose of manufacturing the tower was to create a 'new void creature'.

It is a new species that is based on normal void creatures and then assembled with substances in another void tunnel... These species are even ‘new emptiness creatures’.

This void tunnel material itself should come from unforeseen places, but the sand shovel is not too sure.

It is said that the beginning is only the trial stage, and only a few sculptures that are completely unmovable are created.

But the manufacturing tower is constantly upgrading. It has the function of continuous 'evolution'. It constantly adjusts its creations... Let them start activities slowly. Of course, the initial activities are just like simple machines. Make some simple actions.

And then it becomes more and more complicated, and finally... as it is now, it can completely use this material to imitate a normal void creature.

This is very interesting because the material itself is completely different, but it can make an almost identical manufacturing body.

Sand shovel also occurs almost as the manufacturing technology of the manufacturing tower reaches this 'perfect' level.

The sand shovel was made by the manufacturing tower ‘the air’.

Other manufacturers have normal Nether creatures as blueprints, while sand blasts do not.

But what you have to say is not to say no.

The sand scorpion is a species created by the tower that combines the characteristics and body structure of some emptiness.

Their role is to transport the living organisms to the depths of the connecting pathways and finally to another void.

The connected path, that is, the dark place where Lin is now...

This path is not always open, but occasionally

It should come from unforeseen places, but the sand shovel is not too sure.

It is said that the beginning is only the trial stage, and only a few sculptures that are completely unmovable are created.

But the manufacturing tower is constantly upgrading. It has the function of continuous 'evolution'. It constantly adjusts its creations... Let them start activities slowly. Of course, the initial activities are just like simple machines. Make some simple actions.

And then it becomes more and more complicated, and finally... as it is now, it can completely use this material to imitate a normal void creature.

This is very interesting because the material itself is completely different, but it can make an almost identical manufacturing body.

Sand shovel also occurs almost as the manufacturing technology of the manufacturing tower reaches this 'perfect' level.

The sand shovel was made by the manufacturing tower ‘the air’.

Other manufacturers have normal Nether creatures as blueprints, while sand blasts do not.

But what you have to say is not to say no.

The sand scorpion is a species created by the tower that combines the characteristics and body structure of some emptiness.

Their role is to transport the living organisms to the depths of the connecting pathways and finally to another void.

The connected path, that is, the dark place where Lin is now...

This path is not always open, but occasionally

It should come from unforeseen places, but the sand shovel is not too sure.

It is said that the beginning is only the trial stage, and only a few sculptures that are completely unmovable are created.

But the manufacturing tower is constantly upgrading. It has the function of continuous 'evolution'. It constantly adjusts its creations... Let them start activities slowly. Of course, the initial activities are just like simple machines. Make some simple actions.

And then it becomes more and more complicated, and finally... as it is now, it can completely use this material to imitate a normal void creature.

This is very interesting because the material itself is completely different, but it can make an almost identical manufacturing body.

Sand shovel also occurs almost as the manufacturing technology of the manufacturing tower reaches this 'perfect' level.

The sand shovel was made by the manufacturing tower ‘the air’.

Other manufacturers have normal Nether creatures as blueprints, while sand blasts do not.

But what you have to say is not to say no.

The sand scorpion is a species created by the tower that combines the characteristics and body structure of some emptiness.

Their role is to transport the living organisms to the depths of the connecting pathways and finally to another void.

The connected path, that is, the dark place where Lin is now...

This path is not always open, but occasionally

Species made by body structure.

Their role is to transport the living organisms to the depths of the connecting pathways and finally to another void.

The connected path, that is, the dark place where Lin is now...

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