4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2725: penetrate

"Do you want to do this? Do you have to do that?"

"Yes, if you help us, you can return to your hometown and you will not be hurt, and your companions can return safely."

"Is it……"

The Thin Line World has once again sent a unit that looks like the vine reef.

They flew to the space entrance and exit where the phoenix was located, and the phoenix was just ready to let a force out.

In the face of a large number of phoenixes, the thin barnacle reef forces made such a decision.

Communicate with them first to see if you can avoid fighting.

However, Phoenix finally made such a decision: "In this case, we have to kill all of you... one is not left."

‘Hey! ’

At the moment when the phoenix finished saying this, all the barnacle reefs decided to move first.

They directly accelerated into the phoenix group in front, and every barnacle reef crashed into the moment of flying in... violent brilliance.

Soon, hundreds of barnacle reefs were sent out into the phoenix group, and their brilliance shattered tens of thousands of phoenixes.

But the Phoenix army did not stop.

The smoke from the explosion was quickly blown away by the phoenix behind it. More phoenixes emerged from the space entrance and exit like a bee colony and went towards the world of thin lines.

Regardless of the large number of phoenixes that appear, they once again form a huge world of drill bits that spin to the thin line.

The number of phoenixes that have gathered drill bits has reached tens of millions.

In fact, it is only a small part of the huge number of phoenixes, but the scale of their composition is still terrible.

At least from the thin-line world, it seems that there is no good way to face a huge number of phoenix drill bits.

So this giant diamond, like a burning one, quickly approached the world of thin lines and touched the surface of this ocean world.

At the moment when the tip of the drill bit touches the sea surface, the sea water instantly forms a huge vortex, and this water flow begins on the seabed.

You will suffer any harm and your companions can return safely. ”

"Is it……"

The Thin Line World has once again sent a unit that looks like the vine reef.

They flew to the space entrance and exit where the phoenix was located, and the phoenix was just ready to let a force out.

In the face of a large number of phoenixes, the thin barnacle reef forces made such a decision.

Communicate with them first to see if you can avoid fighting.

However, Phoenix finally made such a decision: "In this case, we have to kill all of you... one is not left."

‘Hey! ’

At the moment when the phoenix finished saying this, all the barnacle reefs decided to move first.

They directly accelerated into the phoenix group in front, and every barnacle reef crashed into the moment of flying in... violent brilliance.

Soon, hundreds of barnacle reefs were sent out into the phoenix group, and their brilliance shattered tens of thousands of phoenixes.

But the Phoenix army did not stop.

The smoke from the explosion was quickly blown away by the phoenix behind it. More phoenixes emerged from the space entrance and exit like a bee colony and went towards the world of thin lines.

Regardless of the large number of phoenixes that appear, they once again form a huge world of drill bits that spin to the thin line.

The number of phoenixes that have gathered drill bits has reached tens of millions.

In fact, it is only a small part of the huge number of phoenixes, but the scale of their composition is still terrible.

At least from the thin-line world, it seems that there is no good way to face a huge number of phoenix drill bits.

So this giant diamond, like a burning one, quickly approached the world of thin lines and touched the surface of this ocean world.

At the moment when the tip of the drill bit touches the sea surface, the sea water instantly forms a huge vortex, and this water flow will begin to suffer any damage on the sea floor, and your companions can return safely. ”

"Is it……"

The Thin Line World has once again sent a unit that looks like the vine reef.

They flew to the space entrance and exit where the phoenix was located, and the phoenix was just ready to let a force out.

In the face of a large number of phoenixes, the thin barnacle reef forces made such a decision.

Communicate with them first to see if you can avoid fighting.

However, Phoenix finally made such a decision: "In this case, we have to kill all of you... one is not left."

‘Hey! ’

At the moment when the phoenix finished saying this, all the barnacle reefs decided to move first.

They directly accelerated into the phoenix group in front, and every barnacle reef crashed into the moment of flying in... violent brilliance.

Soon, hundreds of barnacle reefs were sent out into the phoenix group, and their brilliance shattered tens of thousands of phoenixes.

But the Phoenix army did not stop.

The smoke from the explosion was quickly blown away by the phoenix behind it. More phoenixes emerged from the space entrance and exit like a bee colony and went towards the world of thin lines.

Regardless of the large number of phoenixes that appear, they once again form a huge world of drill bits that spin to the thin line.

The number of phoenixes that have gathered drill bits has reached tens of millions.

In fact, it is only a small part of the huge number of phoenixes, but the scale of their composition is still terrible.

At least from the thin-line world, it seems that there is no good way to face a huge number of phoenix drill bits.

So this giant diamond, like a burning one, quickly approached the world of thin lines and touched the surface of this ocean world.

At the moment when the tip of the drill bit touches the sea surface, the sea water instantly forms a huge vortex, and this water flow begins to work on the sea floor.

So this giant diamond, like a burning one, quickly approached the world of thin lines and touched the surface of this ocean world.

At the moment when the tip of the drill bit touches the sea surface, the sea water instantly forms a huge vortex, and this water flow begins to work on the sea floor.

So this giant diamond, like a burning one, quickly approached the world of thin lines and touched the surface of this ocean world.

At the moment when the tip of the drill bit touches the sea surface, the sea water instantly forms a huge vortex, and this water flow begins on the seabed.

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